
Zope users list

This list is for users of Zope, a free, open source web application platform used for building high-performance, dynamic web sites. The list is for questions and discussions about Zope's operation, features, resources, and so forth.

Note that this list accepts postings only from subscriber addresses (or at least, postings attributed to subscriber addresses - eg, in the "Reply-to" header). This is necessary to stem redistribution of spam and virus spew that otherwise inundates us.

For announcements about important Zope events, see Zope-Announce - you probably want to subscribe to that, as well.

For discussion about nitty-gritty Zope development, see the companion list, Zope-Dev.

To contact the list owners, use the following email address:



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To subscribe or unsubscribe from this list, please log in first. If you have not previously logged in, you may need to set up an account with the appropriate email address.

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