[Ape] ape 1.0 and plone batch inserts...

Harald Ragger harald.ragger at icomedias.com
Sun Aug 29 04:44:55 EDT 2004


tried APE 1.0 just for fun: it's great to have plone instantiated via APE/PostgreSQL:-)

Software used:
Zope2.7.2, Plone2.0.4, Postgres 7.4.3

i tried to batch-insert many text-files as plone documents into a large plone folder.
* plone without APE: no problem it inserts my 30.000 docs
* plone with APE: its stops inserting after about 300 inserts:

RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded


Time  	2004/08/27 23:17:56.046 GMT+2
User Name (User Id) 	hra (hra)
Request URL 	http://...........
Exception Type 	RuntimeError
Exception Value 	maximum recursion depth exceeded

Traceback (innermost last):

    * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 101, in publish
    * Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
    * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 39, in call_object
    * Module Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod, line 225, in __call__
      __traceback_info__: ((<Application instance at 2a455cb0>,), {}, None)
    * Module /opt/zi/zi1/Extensions/importFiles.py, line 165, in insertFiles
    * Module ZODB.Transaction, line 236, in commit
    * Module ZODB.Transaction, line 351, in _commit_objects
    * Module apelib.zodb3.connection, line 263, in commit
    * Module apelib.core.io, line 152, in serialize
    * Module apelib.core.serializers, line 108, in serialize
    * Module apelib.zodb3.serializers, line 232, in serialize

RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded


what i am doing:

* i have bunch of xml files on the filesystem (app. 30.000 files)
* i'm parsing the files and putting the relevant content into plone as documents into various folders via an external method (commiting every 100 docs).
* configuration: just as described in ape docs; using postgres storage
* instantiated plone in sql/plone


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