[BlueBream] newbie looking for the manager interface and apicdoc

Justin Ryan justin.ryan at reliefgarden.org
Thu Jun 3 14:27:39 EDT 2010

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Tamer Higazi <th982a at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi people!
> I am reading the developers guide for zope3. Now, the question:
Try the documentation from http://bluebream.zope.org/, a documentation
revamp is a significant part of the BlueBream goals.

> Where is the Zope Manager Interface (ZMI) which I could access throgh
> the url: http://localhost:8080/manage
This is not quite the same.  There is more than one management skin
available, check out ice.control:


> as well the api: http://localhost:8080/++apidoc++
I forget exactly where this comes from, there are also a couple of addons
which can provide this func.  In early Z3 carrying into BlueBream, as well
as many sister projects, I've seen multiple apidoc projects.

> doesn't it exist anymore or will I have to active these 2 things
> somewhere?!
> and the last question:
> What are the differences between bluebream and the last release of zope3
> (which was running on python 2.4) ?
IIRC, there's a buildbot running for bluebream and python 2.4.  I believe
BlueBream should work with Python 2.4-2.6, but take that with a grain of
salt.  BlueBream contains many of the same components as the last zope3
release, roughly in step with the ZTK, or Zope Toolkit, 1.0 release.

Some of it is newer. :)

> Tamer

Cheers, Tamer!

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