[BlueBream] [Zope-dev] disabling zope.schema constraint check in edit form

Leonardo Rochael Almeida leorochael at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 13:10:21 EDT 2011

Hi Joshua,

On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 09:59, Joshua Immanuel <josh at hipro.co.in> wrote:
> [...] Worse case scenario is where I have a cancel
> action button which just redirects to another page, that too screams for
> the NameAlreadyExists error.

For the 'cancel button' case, you need to have a form action with a
validator that always validates, no matter what. You can find an
example of one such null_validator here:


To use it, you do something like

class MyForm(...):

  @form.action(..., validator=null_validator):
  def handle_cancel(self, ...)
    [... do the redirect ...]



> [...]

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