[BlueBream] missing packages in bluebream

Joshua Immanuel josh at hipro.co.in
Fri Jul 8 05:16:26 EDT 2011

Hello all,

While working on my bluebream instance I found that certain packages
were missing even though they were listed on ztk-versions.cfg and
zopeapp-versions.cfg, used in blubream-1.0.cfg. 

This is an inconclusive list of packages that were listed in
ztk-versions.cfg but not available under 'eggs' directory
     1. zope.catalog
     2. zope.deferredimport
     3. zope.index
     4. zope.mimetype
     5. zope.ramcache
     6. zope.sendmail
     7. zope.sequencesort
     8. zope.server
     9. zope.viewlet
    10. zope.documenttemplate
    11. zc.resourcelibrary

Moreover zope.catalog package was not included as package in
bluebream.zcml which was resulted in catalog indexes not being updated
(which I mentioned in another mail).

And for the zopeapp-versions.cfg, here is the inconclusive list
     1. zope.app.locking
     2. zc.sourcefactory

(I didn't check for the ones listed under 'Deprecating')

Can someone fix this?

Joshua Immanuel
HiPro IT Solutions Private Limited
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