[BlueBream] BlueBream TTW

Miguel Beltran R. yourpadre at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 20:26:45 UTC 2012

2012/2/3 Christopher Lozinski <lozinski at freerecruiting.com>

> Why am I writing this?  Mostly to connect with other people who see
> things the same way.  Partially because it helps me clear up my
> thinking.   Partially because it generates useful information from the
> readers.   At the very least, I will breathe some life into the
> BlueBream mailing list.

And compliments and thanks to all the people who wrote Zope 2,
> BlueBream,  the BlueBream website, documentation and the excellent page
> on defense of Pyramid Architecture.  Lots of great engineering has been
> done here.  Now we just need to simplify it for newbies.
I agree too. I have a small site wrote in Zope2 that maybe could be easier
to maintain if I change it to new paradig like BlueBream (ZTK) or maybe not.

The truth is BlueBream scare me because I used to use ZMI (dtml-method,
small python scripts, page template).

I wish to see an example of how translate semi-real application from Zope2
to BlueBream.

Lo bueno de vivir un dia mas
es saber que nos queda un dia menos de vida
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