[BlueBream] BlueBream TTW
Thierry Florac
thierry.florac at onf.fr
Thu Feb 16 09:18:35 UTC 2012
Le Thu, 16 Feb 2012 07:22:46 +0100,
Andre Schubert <andre at km3.de> a écrit:
> Hi,
> TF> I'm one of those guys who worked (and is still working) on Zope2
> TF> with a few TTW developments. But I faced too much difficulties on
> TF> several sides (source code version management, deployment on
> TF> production sites...) and didn't want to keep this way of working
> TF> for my new applications built on top of ZTK and ZopeApp (not
> TF> really BlueBream anymore because AFAIK this one didn't follow new
> TF> releases of ZTK and ZopeApp packages).
> Could you share some informations on how to setup/configure recent
> ZTK and ZopeApp?
I've build a package (available on pypi), called ztfy.webapp, which is
based at 99,9% on Bluebream code but which is based on release 1.1.3 of
ZTK and ZopeApp packages ; it's last Buildout configuration file is
Actually, it also includes my own packages (ztfy.*) to help me build
a new site with my own tools in just a few minutes as well as several
compatible third-party packages (zc.*, z3c.*, hurry.*, lovely.*...),
but can probably be a good starting point.
At least I just hope it can help...
I can also send you any complement if needed.
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