[Checkins] SVN: grokcore.view/trunk/README.txt Docs.

Philipp von Weitershausen philikon at philikon.de
Sun Aug 3 17:49:14 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 89319:

  U   grokcore.view/trunk/README.txt

Modified: grokcore.view/trunk/README.txt
--- grokcore.view/trunk/README.txt	2008-08-03 21:48:51 UTC (rev 89318)
+++ grokcore.view/trunk/README.txt	2008-08-03 21:49:13 UTC (rev 89319)
@@ -1 +1,181 @@
+THis package provides support for writing browser pages for Zope
+and registering them directly in Python (without ZCML).
+.. contents::
+Setting up ``grokcore.view``
+This package is essentially set up like the `grokcore.component`_
+package, please refer to its documentation for details.  The
+additional ZCML line you will need is::
+  <include package="grokcore.view" file="meta.zcml" />
+  <include package="grokcore.view" />
+Put the first line somewhere near the top of your root ZCML file (but
+below the line where you include ``grokcore.component``'s
+configuration) and the second line somewhere next to your other
+dependency includes.
+Browser page
+A browser page is implemented by subclassing the
+``grokcore.view.View`` baseclass.  At a minimum, a browser page must
+1. either an associated template or a ``render()`` method
+2. a context that it's registered for as a view
+3. a name (which is, if not specified explicitly, the class's name in
+   lower case characters).
+For example, the following class defines a view that's registered for
+all objects and simply prints "Hello World!"::
+  import grokcore.view
+  import zope.interface
+  class Hello(grokcore.view.View):
+      grokcore.view.context(zope.interface.Interface)
+      def render(self):
+          self.response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
+          return "Hello World!"
+Here we've made use of the implicit name feature.  This class will be
+available as the ``hello`` view for all objects.  So for instance,
+you'll be able to invoke it with URLs like::
+  http://localhost/some/obj/hello
+We could also have spelled this out explicitly::
+  class Hello(grokcore.view.View):
+      grokcore.view.context(zope.interface.Interface)
+      grokcore.view.name('hello')
+      ...
+Of course, more than often a view should render HTML which you would
+construct using some sort of templating engine.  ``grokcore.view``
+comes with built-in support for Zope's PageTemplate engine.  By
+convention, PageTemplate templates end with the ``.pt`` extension.
+So let our ``Hello`` view render HTML instead of plain text, we remove
+the ``render()`` method from the class and instead we create a
+template, e.g. like so::
+  <html>
+  <body>
+    <p>Hello <span tal:replace="request/principal/title" />!</p>
+  </body>
+  </html>
+This will greet a logged in user with his or her actual name.
+To associate the template with the view, we have to put it in a
+certain place.  Let's say the ``Hello`` view class from above was in
+an ``app.py`` module.  Then we create an ``app_templates`` directory
+next to it and place the template file in there (the name of this
+directory can be customized with the ``templatedir`` directive, see
+below).  The file name can be anything as long as the extension is
+``.pt``.  However, we can again make use of a convention here.  If we
+name the template like the class (except in lower case characters),
+then the template and the class are associated automatically.  If not,
+we would have to use the ``template`` directive on the view class to
+spell out the name of the template file explicitly.
+To cut a long story short, if we named it ``app_templates/hello.pt``,
+it would be found automatically.
+Layers and skins
+To define a browser layer, simply extend the ``IBrowserRequest``
+  class IGreenLayer(grokcore.view.IBrowserRequest):
+      pass
+If you then wanted to define a skin, simply inherit from all the layer
+interfaces that should be in the skin and use the ``skin()`` directive
+to give the layer a name::
+  class IGreenSkin(IGreenLayer, grokcore.view.IDefaultBrowserLayer):
+      grokcore.view.skin('Green')
+API overview
+Base classes
+    Base class for browser pages.  Use the ``context`` directive to
+    specify the view's context.  Use the ``name`` directive to set the
+    view's name; if not used, the view's name will be the class's name
+    in lower case characters.  You may also use the ``template``
+    directive to specify the name of the template file that should be
+    associated with the view as well as the ``layer`` directive to
+    specify which layer it should be on if not the default layer.
+     Module-level directive that tells the template machinery which
+     directory to look in for templates that should associated with
+     views in a particular module.  If not used, it defaults to
+     ``<module_name>_templates``.
+    Class-level directive that specifies the name a template file
+    that's associated with a view class, *without* the file extension.
+    If not used, it defaults to the class's name in lower case
+    characters.
+    Class-level directive that defines which layer the view is
+    registered on.  If not used, it defaults to the
+    ``IDefaultBrowserLayer``.
+    Directive used on a layer interface to register it as skin using a
+    human-readable name (``skin_name``).
+``url(request, obj, name=None, data=None)``
+    Generate the URL to an object, with an optional view name
+    attached.  The ``data`` argument can be a dictionary whose
+    contents is converted into the a query string that's appended to
+    the URL.
+    Create an inline PageTemplate object.
+    Create a PageTemplate object from a file.
+    Browser request interface from ``zope.publisher``.
+    Default layer for browser components from ``zope.publisher``.
+In addition, the ``grokcore.security`` package exposes the
+`grokcore.component`_ and `grokcore.security`_ APIs.
+.. _grokcore.component: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/grokcore.component
+.. _grokcore.security: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/grokcore.security
+.. _grokcore.view: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/grokcore.view

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