[Checkins] SVN: z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/ Cut out everything but the widget stuff.

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Fri Oct 17 11:58:35 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 92315:
  Cut out everything but the widget stuff.

  U   z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/README.txt
  U   z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/__init__.py
  U   z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/configure.zcml
  D   z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/event.py
  U   z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/ftesting.zcml
  D   z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/index.py
  U   z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/interfaces.py
  D   z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/relation.py
  D   z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/schema.py
  U   z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/testing.py

Modified: z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/README.txt
--- z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/README.txt	2008-10-17 15:43:42 UTC (rev 92314)
+++ z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/README.txt	2008-10-17 15:58:34 UTC (rev 92315)
@@ -1,153 +1,42 @@
-This package implements a new schema field Relation, a widget for
-relations, and the Relation objects that store actual relations. In
-addition it can index these relations using the ``zc.relation``
-infractructure, and therefore efficiently answer questions about the
+This package implements a widget for relations as defined by
-The Relation field
+.. `_z3c.relationfield`: http://pypy.python.org/pypi/z3c.relationfield
-First, some bookkeeping that can go away as soon as we release a fixed
-Grok. We first need to grok ftests to make sure we have the right
-utilities registered::
-  >>> import grok
-  >>> grok.testing.grok('z3c.relationfield.ftests')
+In order to demonstrate our widget, we need to set up a relation field.
-We previously defined an interface ``IItem`` with a relation field in
-it. We also defined a class ``Item`` that implements both ``IItem``
-and the special ``z3c.relationfield.interfaces.IHasRelations``
-interface. The ``IHasRelation`` marker interface is needed to let the
-relations be cataloged. Unfortunately we cannot define ``Item`` and
-``IItem`` in the doctest here, as these objects need to be stored in
-the ZODB cleanly and therefore need to be in a module.  Let's set up a
-test application in a container::
+We first need to grok ftests to make sure we have the right utilities
-  >>> root = getRootFolder()['root'] = TestApp()
+  >>> import grok
+  >>> grok.testing.grok('z3c.relationfieldui.ftests')
-We make sure that this is the current site, so we can look up local
-utilities in it and so on::
+Let's set up a test application with content in it, including a relation
+from ``b`` to ``a``::
+  >>> root = getRootFolder()['root'] = TestApp()
   >>> from zope.app.component.hooks import setSite
   >>> setSite(root)
-We'll add an item ``a`` to it::
   >>> root['a'] = Item()
-All items, including the one we just created, should have unique int
-ids as this is required to link to them::
+  >>> from z3c.relationfield import RelationValue
+  >>> b = Item()
   >>> from zope import component
   >>> from zope.app.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
   >>> intids = component.getUtility(IIntIds)
   >>> a_id = intids.getId(root['a'])
-  >>> a_id >= 0
-  True
-The relation is currently ``None``::
-  >>> root['a'].rel is None
-  True
-Now we can create an item ``b`` that links to item ``a``::
-  >>> from z3c.relationfield import RelationValue
-  >>> b = Item()
   >>> b.rel = RelationValue(a_id)
-We now store the ``b`` object, which will also set up its relation::
   >>> root['b'] = b
-Let's examine the relation. First we'll check which attribute of the
-pointing object ('b') this relation is pointing from::
+We also need to set up a utility that knows how to generate an object
+path for a given object, and back::
-  >>> root['b'].rel.from_attribute
-  'rel'
-We can ask for the object it is pointing at::
-  >>> to_object = root['b'].rel.to_object
-  >>> to_object.__name__
-  u'a'
-We can also get the object that is doing the pointing; since we
-supplied the ``IHasRelations`` interface, the event system took care
-of setting this::
-  >>> from_object = root['b'].rel.from_object
-  >>> from_object.__name__
-  u'b'
-This object is also known as the ``__parent__``; again the event
-sytem took care of setting this::
-  >>> parent_object = root['b'].rel.__parent__
-  >>> parent_object is from_object
-  True
-The relation also knows about the interfaces of both the pointing object
-and the object that is being pointed at::
-  >>> sorted(root['b'].rel.from_interfaces)
-  [<InterfaceClass zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable>, 
-   <InterfaceClass zope.app.container.interfaces.IContained>,
-   <InterfaceClass grokcore.component.interfaces.IContext>,
-   <InterfaceClass z3c.relationfield.interfaces.IHasRelations>, 
-   <InterfaceClass z3c.relationfield.ftests.IItem>, 
-   <InterfaceClass persistent.interfaces.IPersistent>]
-  >>> sorted(root['b'].rel.to_interfaces)
-  [<InterfaceClass zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable>, 
-   <InterfaceClass zope.app.container.interfaces.IContained>, 
-   <InterfaceClass grokcore.component.interfaces.IContext>,
-   <InterfaceClass z3c.relationfield.interfaces.IHasRelations>,
-   <InterfaceClass z3c.relationfield.ftests.IItem>, 
-   <InterfaceClass persistent.interfaces.IPersistent>]
-We can also get the interfaces in flattened form::
-  >>> sorted(root['b'].rel.from_interfaces_flattened)
-  [<InterfaceClass zope.annotation.interfaces.IAnnotatable>, 
-   <InterfaceClass zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable>, 
-   <InterfaceClass zope.app.container.interfaces.IContained>,
-   <InterfaceClass grokcore.component.interfaces.IContext>, 
-   <InterfaceClass z3c.relationfield.interfaces.IHasRelations>,   
-   <InterfaceClass z3c.relationfield.ftests.IItem>, 
-   <InterfaceClass zope.location.interfaces.ILocation>, 
-   <InterfaceClass persistent.interfaces.IPersistent>, 
-   <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface>]
-  >>> sorted(root['b'].rel.to_interfaces_flattened)
-  [<InterfaceClass zope.annotation.interfaces.IAnnotatable>, 
-   <InterfaceClass zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable>, 
-   <InterfaceClass zope.app.container.interfaces.IContained>,
-   <InterfaceClass grokcore.component.interfaces.IContext>,
-   <InterfaceClass z3c.relationfield.interfaces.IHasRelations>,
-   <InterfaceClass z3c.relationfield.ftests.IItem>, 
-   <InterfaceClass zope.location.interfaces.ILocation>, 
-   <InterfaceClass persistent.interfaces.IPersistent>, 
-   <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface>]
-We can also obtain the path of the relation (both from where it is
-pointing as well as to where it is pointing). The path should be a
-human-readable reference to the object we are pointing at, suitable
-for serialization. In order to work with paths, we first need to set
-up an ``IObjectPath`` utility.
-Since in this example we only place objects into a single flat root
-container, the paths in this demonstration can be extremely simple:
-just the name of the object we point to. In more sophisticated
-applications a path would typically be a slash separated path, like
   >>> from z3c.objpath.interfaces import IObjectPath
   >>> class ObjectPath(grok.GlobalUtility):
   ...   grok.provides(IObjectPath)
@@ -159,224 +48,6 @@
   >>> grok.testing.grok_component('ObjectPath', ObjectPath)
-After this, we can get the path of the object the relation points to::
-  >>> root['b'].rel.to_path
-  u'a'
-We can also get the path of the object that is doing the pointing::
-  >>> root['b'].rel.from_path
-  u'b'
-Relation queries
-Now that we have set up and indexed a relationship between ``a`` and
-``b``, we can issue queries using the relation catalog. Let's first
-get the catalog::
-  >>> from zc.relation.interfaces import ICatalog
-  >>> catalog = component.getUtility(ICatalog)
-Let's ask the catalog about the relation from ``b`` to ``a``::
-  >>> l = sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': intids.getId(root['a'])}))
-  >>> l
-  [<z3c.relationfield.relation.RelationValue object at ...>]
-We look at this relation object again. We indeed go the right one::
-  >>> rel = l[0]
-  >>> rel.from_object.__name__
-  u'b'
-  >>> rel.to_object.__name__
-  u'a'
-  >>> rel.from_path
-  u'b'
-  >>> rel.to_path
-  u'a'
-Asking for relations to ``b`` will result in an empty list, as no such
-relations have been set up::
-  >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': intids.getId(root['b'])}))
-  []
-We can also issue more specific queries, restricting it on the
-attribute used for the relation field and the interfaces provided by
-the related objects. Here we look for all relations between ``b`` and
-``a`` that are stored in object attribute ``rel`` and are pointing
-from an object with interface ``IItem`` to another object with the
-interface ``IItem``::
-  >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({
-  ...   'to_id': intids.getId(root['a']),
-  ...   'from_attribute': 'rel',
-  ...   'from_interfaces_flattened': IItem,
-  ...   'to_interfaces_flattened': IItem}))
-  [<z3c.relationfield.relation.RelationValue object at ...>]
-There are no relations stored for another attribute::
-  >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({
-  ...   'to_id': intids.getId(root['a']),
-  ...   'from_attribute': 'foo'}))
-  []
-There are also no relations stored for a new interface we'll introduce
-  >>> class IFoo(IItem):
-  ...   pass
-  >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({
-  ...   'to_id': intids.getId(root['a']),
-  ...   'from_interfaces_flattened': IItem,
-  ...   'to_interfaces_flattened': IFoo}))
-  []
-Changing the relation
-Let's create a new object ``c``::
-  >>> root['c'] = Item()
-  >>> c_id = intids.getId(root['c'])
-Nothing points to ``c`` yet::
-  >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': c_id})) 
-  []
-We currently have a relation from ``b`` to ``a``::
-  >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': intids.getId(root['a'])})) 
-  [<z3c.relationfield.relation.RelationValue object at ...>]
-We can change the relation to point at a new object ``c``::
-  >>> root['b'].rel = RelationValue(c_id)
-We need to send an ``IObjectModifiedEvent`` to let the catalog know we
-have changed the relations::
-  >>> from zope.event import notify
-  >>> notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(root['b']))
-We should find now a single relation from ``b`` to ``c``::
-  >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': c_id})) 
-  [<z3c.relationfield.relation.RelationValue object at ...>]
-The relation to ``a`` should now be gone::
-  >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': intids.getId(root['a'])})) 
-  []
-Removing the relation
-We have a relation from ``b`` to ``c`` right now::
-  >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': c_id})) 
-  [<z3c.relationfield.relation.RelationValue object at ...>]
-We can clean up an existing relation from ``b`` to ``c`` by setting it
-to ``None``::
-  >>> root['b'].rel = None
-We need to send an ``IObjectModifiedEvent`` to let the catalog know we
-have changed the relations::
-  >>> notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(root['b']))
-Setting the relation on ``b`` to ``None`` should remove that relation
-from the relation catalog, so we shouldn't be able to find it anymore::
-  >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': intids.getId(root['c'])})) 
-  []
-Let's reestablish the removed relation::
-  >>> root['b'].rel = RelationValue(c_id)
-  >>> notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(root['b']))
-  >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': c_id})) 
-  [<z3c.relationfield.relation.RelationValue object at ...>]
-Copying an object with relations
-Let's copy an object with relations::
-  >>> from zope.copypastemove.interfaces import IObjectCopier
-  >>> IObjectCopier(root['b']).copyTo(root)
-  u'b-2'
-  >>> u'b-2' in root
-  True
-Two relations to ``c`` can now be found, one from the original, and
-the other from the copy::
-  >>> l = sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': c_id})) 
-  >>> len(l)
-  2
-  >>> l[0].from_path
-  u'b'
-  >>> l[1].from_path
-  u'b-2'
-Removing an object with relations
-We will remove ``b-2`` again. Its relation should automatically be removed
-from the catalog::
-  >>> del root['b-2']
-  >>> l = sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': c_id}))
-  >>> len(l)
-  1
-  >>> l[0].from_path
-  u'b'
-Temporary relations
-If we have an import procedure where we import relations from some
-external source such as an XML file, it may be that we read a relation
-that points to an object that does not yet exist as it is yet to be
-imported. We provide a special ``TemporaryRelationValue`` for this
-case.  A ``TemporaryRelationValue`` just contains the path of what it
-is pointing to, but does not resolve it yet. Let's use
-``TemporaryRelationValue`` in a new object, creating a relation to
-  >>> from z3c.relationfield import TemporaryRelationValue
-  >>> root['d'] = Item()
-  >>> root['d'].rel = TemporaryRelationValue('a')
-A modification event does not actually get this relation cataloged::
-  >>> before = sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': a_id}))
-  >>> notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(root['d']))
-  >>> after = sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': a_id}))
-  >>> len(before) == len(after)
-  True
-We will now convert all temporary relations on ``d`` to real ones::
-  >>> from z3c.relationfield import realize_relations
-  >>> realize_relations(root['d'])
-  >>> notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(root['d']))
-The relation will now show up in the catalog::
-  >>> after2 = sorted(catalog.findRelations({'to_id': a_id}))
-  >>> len(after2) > len(before)
-  True
 The relation widget
@@ -408,7 +79,7 @@
 Let's take a look at the relation widget now::
   >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
-  >>> from z3c.relationfield import RelationWidget
+  >>> from z3c.relationfieldui import RelationWidget
   >>> request = TestRequest()
   >>> widget = RelationWidget(IItem['rel'], request)
   >>> print widget()
@@ -422,12 +93,12 @@
 on the object called "relationurl". Without such a view, the display
 widget will link directly to the object::
-  >>> from z3c.relationfield import RelationDisplayWidget
+  >>> from z3c.relationfieldui import RelationDisplayWidget
   >>> widget = RelationDisplayWidget(IItem['rel'], request)
 We have to set the widget up with some data::
-  >>> widget._data = rel 
+  >>> widget._data = b.rel 
 The widget will point to the plain URL of ``rel``'s ``to_object``::

Modified: z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/__init__.py
--- z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/__init__.py	2008-10-17 15:43:42 UTC (rev 92314)
+++ z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/__init__.py	2008-10-17 15:58:34 UTC (rev 92315)
@@ -1,5 +1 @@
-from z3c.relationfield.relation import RelationValue, TemporaryRelationValue
-from z3c.relationfield.index import RelationCatalog
-from z3c.relationfield.schema import Relation
-from z3c.relationfield.event import realize_relations
-from z3c.relationfield.widget import RelationWidget, RelationDisplayWidget
+from z3c.relationfieldui.widget import RelationWidget, RelationDisplayWidget

Modified: z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/configure.zcml
--- z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/configure.zcml	2008-10-17 15:43:42 UTC (rev 92314)
+++ z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/configure.zcml	2008-10-17 15:58:34 UTC (rev 92315)
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
   <include package="grok" file="meta.zcml" />
   <include package="grok" />
+  <include package="z3c.relationfield" />
   <grok:grok package="."/>

Deleted: z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/event.py
--- z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/event.py	2008-10-17 15:43:42 UTC (rev 92314)
+++ z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/event.py	2008-10-17 15:58:34 UTC (rev 92315)
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-import grokcore.component as grok
-from zope.interface import providedBy
-from zope.schema import getFields
-from zope import component
-from zope.app.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
-from zope.app.container.interfaces import (IObjectAddedEvent,
-                                           IObjectRemovedEvent)
-from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectModifiedEvent
-from zc.relation.interfaces import ICatalog
-from z3c.relationfield.interfaces import (IHasRelations,
-                                          IRelation,
-                                          IRelationValue,
-                                          ITemporaryRelationValue)
- at grok.subscribe(IHasRelations, IObjectAddedEvent)
-def addRelations(obj, event):
-    """Register relations.
-    Any relation object on the object will be added.
-    """
-    for name, relation in _relations(obj):
-         _setRelation(obj, name, relation)
- at grok.subscribe(IHasRelations, IObjectRemovedEvent)
-def removeRelations(obj, event):
-    """Remove relations.
-    Any relation object on the object will be removed from the catalog.
-    """
-    catalog = component.getUtility(ICatalog)
-    for name, relation in _relations(obj):
-        if relation is not None:
-            catalog.unindex(relation)
- at grok.subscribe(IHasRelations, IObjectModifiedEvent)
-def updateRelations(obj, event):
-    """Re-register relations, after they have been changed.
-    """
-    catalog = component.getUtility(ICatalog)
-    intids = component.getUtility(IIntIds)
-    # remove previous relations coming from id (now have been overwritten)
-    for relation in catalog.findRelations({'from_id': intids.getId(obj)}):
-        catalog.unindex(relation)    
-    # add new relations
-    addRelations(obj, event)
-def realize_relations(obj):
-    """Given an object, convert any temporary relatiosn on it to real ones.
-    """
-    for name, relation in _potential_relations(obj):
-        if ITemporaryRelationValue.providedBy(relation):
-            setattr(obj, name, relation.convert())
-def _setRelation(obj, name, value):
-    """Set a relation on an object.
-    Sets up various essential attributes on the relation.
-    """
-    # if the Relation is None, we're done
-    if value is None:
-        return
-    # make sure relation has a __parent__ so we can make an intid for it
-    value.__parent__ = obj
-    # also set from_object to parent object
-    value.from_object = obj
-    # and the attribute to the attribute name
-    value.from_attribute = name
-    # now we can create an intid for the relation
-    intids = component.getUtility(IIntIds)
-    id = intids.register(value)
-    # and index the relation with the catalog
-    catalog = component.getUtility(ICatalog)
-    catalog.index_doc(id, value)
-def _relations(obj):
-    """Given an object, return tuples of name, relation value.
-    Only real relations are returned, not temporary relations.
-    """
-    for name, relation in _potential_relations(obj):
-        if IRelationValue.providedBy(relation):
-            yield name, relation
-def _potential_relations(obj):
-    """Given an object return tuples of name, relation value.
-    Returns both IRelationValue attributes as well as ITemporaryRelationValue
-    attributes.
-    """
-    for iface in providedBy(obj).flattened():
-        for name, field in getFields(iface).items():
-            if IRelation.providedBy(field):
-                relation = getattr(obj, name)
-                yield name, relation

Modified: z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/ftesting.zcml
--- z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/ftesting.zcml	2008-10-17 15:43:42 UTC (rev 92314)
+++ z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/ftesting.zcml	2008-10-17 15:58:34 UTC (rev 92315)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   <include package="grok" />
-  <include package="z3c.relationfield" />
+  <include package="z3c.relationfieldui" />
   <!-- Typical functional testing security setup -->

Deleted: z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/index.py
--- z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/index.py	2008-10-17 15:43:42 UTC (rev 92314)
+++ z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/index.py	2008-10-17 15:58:34 UTC (rev 92315)
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-import BTrees
-from zope import component
-from zope.app.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
-from zc.relation.catalog import Catalog
-from zc.relation.interfaces import ICatalog
-from z3c.relationfield.interfaces import IRelationValue
-def dump(obj, catalog, cache):
-    intids = cache.get('intids')
-    if intids is None:
-        intids = cache['intids'] = component.getUtility(IIntIds)
-    return intids.getId(obj)
-def load(token, catalog, cache):
-    intids = cache.get('intids')
-    if intids is None:
-        intids = cache['intids'] = component.getUtility(IIntIds)
-    return intids.getObject(token)
-class RelationCatalog(Catalog):
-    def __init__(self):
-        Catalog.__init__(self, dump, load)
-        self.addValueIndex(IRelationValue['from_id'])
-        self.addValueIndex(IRelationValue['to_id'])
-        self.addValueIndex(IRelationValue['from_attribute'],
-                           btree=BTrees.family32.OI)
-        self.addValueIndex(IRelationValue['from_interfaces_flattened'],
-                           multiple=True,
-                           btree=BTrees.family32.OI)
-        self.addValueIndex(IRelationValue['to_interfaces_flattened'],
-                           multiple=True,
-                           btree=BTrees.family32.OI)

Modified: z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/interfaces.py
--- z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/interfaces.py	2008-10-17 15:43:42 UTC (rev 92314)
+++ z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/interfaces.py	2008-10-17 15:58:34 UTC (rev 92315)
@@ -1,70 +1,2 @@
-from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
-from zope.schema.interfaces import IField
-class IHasRelations(Interface):
-    """Marker interface indicating that the object has relations.
-    Use this interface to make sure that the relations get added and
-    removed from the catalog when appropriate.
-    """
-class IRelation(IField):
-    pass
-class IRelationValue(Interface):
-    """A relation between the parent object and another one.
-    This should be stored as the value in the object when the schema uses the
-    Relation field.
-    """
-    from_object = Attribute("The object this relation is pointing from.")
-    from_id = Attribute("Id of the object this relation is pointing from.")
-    from_path = Attribute("The path of the from object.")
-    from_interfaces = Attribute("The interfaces of the from object.")
-    from_interfaces_flattened = Attribute(
-        "Interfaces of the from object, flattened. "
-        "This includes all base interfaces.")
-    from_attribute = Attribute("The name of the attribute of the from object.")
-    to_object = Attribute("The object this relation is pointing to.")
-    to_id = Attribute("Id of the object this relation is pointing to.")
-    to_path = Attribute("The path of the object this relation is pointing to.")
-    to_interfaces = Attribute("The interfaces of the to-object.")
-    to_interfaces_flattened = Attribute(
-        "The interfaces of the to object, flattened. "
-        "This includes all base interfaces.")
-class ITemporaryRelationValue(Interface):
-    """A temporary relation.
-    When importing relations from XML, we cannot resolve them into
-    true RelationValue objects yet, as it may be that the object that is
-    being related to has not yet been loaded. Instead we create
-    a TemporaryRelationValue object that can be converted into a real one
-    after the import has been concluded.
-    """
-    def convert():
-        """Convert temporary relation into a real one.
-        Returns real relation object
-        """
-class IRelationInfo(Interface):
-    """Relationship information for an object.
-    """
-    def createRelation():
-        """Create a relation object pointing to this object.
-        Returns an object that provides IRelation.
-        """

Deleted: z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/relation.py
--- z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/relation.py	2008-10-17 15:43:42 UTC (rev 92314)
+++ z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/relation.py	2008-10-17 15:58:34 UTC (rev 92315)
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-import grokcore.component as grok
-from persistent import Persistent
-from zope.interface import implements, providedBy, Declaration
-from zope import component
-from zope.app.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
-from z3c.objpath.interfaces import IObjectPath
-from z3c.relationfield.interfaces import (IRelationValue,
-                                          ITemporaryRelationValue,
-                                          IRelationInfo)
-class RelationValue(Persistent):
-    implements(IRelationValue)
-    def __init__(self, to_id):
-        self.to_id = to_id
-        # these will be set automatically by RelationProperty
-        self.from_object = None
-        self.__parent__ = None
-        self.from_attribute = None
-    @property
-    def from_id(self):
-        intids = component.getUtility(IIntIds)
-        return intids.getId(self.from_object)
-    @property
-    def from_path(self):
-        return _path(self.from_object)
-    @property
-    def from_interfaces(self):
-        return providedBy(self.from_object)
-    @property
-    def from_interfaces_flattened(self):
-        return _interfaces_flattened(self.from_interfaces)
-    @property
-    def to_object(self):
-        return _object(self.to_id)
-    @property
-    def to_path(self):
-        return _path(self.to_object)
-    @property
-    def to_interfaces(self):
-        return providedBy(self.to_object)
-    @property
-    def to_interfaces_flattened(self):
-        return _interfaces_flattened(self.to_interfaces)
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        if other is None:
-            return cmp(self.to_id, None)
-        return cmp(self.to_id, other.to_id)
-class TemporaryRelationValue(Persistent):
-    """A relation that isn't fully formed yet.
-    It needs to be finalized afterwards, when we are sure all potential
-    target objects exist.
-    """
-    grok.implements(ITemporaryRelationValue)
-    def __init__(self, to_path):
-        self.to_path = to_path
-    def convert(self):
-        object_path = component.getUtility(IObjectPath)
-        # XXX what if we have a broken relation?
-        to_object = object_path.resolve(self.to_path)
-        intids = component.getUtility(IIntIds)
-        to_id = intids.getId(to_object)
-        return RelationValue(to_id)
-def _object(id):
-    intids = component.getUtility(IIntIds)
-    try:
-        return intids.getObject(id)
-    except KeyError:
-        # XXX catching this error is not the right thing to do.
-        # instead, breaking a relation by removing an object should
-        # be caught and the relation should be adjusted that way.
-        return None
-def _path(obj):
-    if obj is None:
-        return ''
-    object_path = component.getUtility(IObjectPath)
-    return object_path.path(obj)
-def _interfaces_flattened(interfaces):
-    return Declaration(*interfaces).flattened()
-class RelationInfoBase(grok.Adapter):
-    grok.baseclass()
-    grok.provides(IRelationInfo)
-    def createRelation(self):
-        intids = component.getUtility(IIntIds)
-        return Relation(intids.getId(self.context))

Deleted: z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/schema.py
--- z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/schema.py	2008-10-17 15:43:42 UTC (rev 92314)
+++ z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/schema.py	2008-10-17 15:58:34 UTC (rev 92315)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-import grokcore.component as grok
-from lxml import etree
-from zope.interface import implements
-from zope.schema import Field
-import z3c.schema2xml
-from z3c.relationfield.interfaces import IRelation
-from z3c.relationfield.relation import TemporaryRelationValue
-class Relation(Field):
-    implements(IRelation)
-class RelationGenerator(grok.Adapter):
-    """Eport a relation to XML.
-    """
-    grok.context(IRelation)
-    grok.implements(z3c.schema2xml.IXMLGenerator)
-    def output(self, container, value):
-        element = etree.SubElement(container, self.context.__name__)
-        if value is not None:
-            element.text = value.to_path
-    def input(self, element):
-        if element.text is None:
-            return None
-        path = element.text
-        return TemporaryRelationValue(path)

Modified: z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/testing.py
--- z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/testing.py	2008-10-17 15:43:42 UTC (rev 92314)
+++ z3c.relationfieldui/trunk/src/z3c/relationfieldui/testing.py	2008-10-17 15:58:34 UTC (rev 92315)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import os
-import z3c.relationfield
+import z3c.relationfieldui
 from zope.app.testing.functional import ZCMLLayer
 ftesting_zcml = os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(z3c.relationfield.__file__), 'ftesting.zcml')
+    os.path.dirname(z3c.relationfieldui.__file__), 'ftesting.zcml')
 FunctionalLayer = ZCMLLayer(ftesting_zcml, __name__, 'FunctionalLayer')

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