[Checkins] SVN: zopetoolkit/trunk/source/process/releasing-software.rst Add a note to consider whether the version number is appropriate for

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Sun May 17 13:31:22 EDT 2009

Log message for revision 100039:
  Add a note to consider whether the version number is appropriate for
  a new release.

  U   zopetoolkit/trunk/source/process/releasing-software.rst

Modified: zopetoolkit/trunk/source/process/releasing-software.rst
--- zopetoolkit/trunk/source/process/releasing-software.rst	2009-05-17 16:44:51 UTC (rev 100038)
+++ zopetoolkit/trunk/source/process/releasing-software.rst	2009-05-17 17:31:22 UTC (rev 100039)
@@ -5,14 +5,15 @@
 1. Make sure all automated tests of the package pass.
-.. note::
-    TODO According to the documentation of TODO comments, we shouldn't
-    release software that has XXX comments in them.  That means we
-    should at least check for them before releasing.
 2. Fill in the release date in ``CHANGES.txt``.  Make sure the
    changelog is complete.
+   Also consider the version number for the new release. If the API
+   has been added to, or the behavior has otherwise changed in a way
+   that goes beyond a bugfix, please update the version number for the
+   next release and make it a feature release (x.y) instead of a
+   bugfix release (x.y.z).
 3. Make sure the package metadata in ``setup.py`` is up-to-date.  You
    can verify the information by re-generating the egg info::

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