[Checkins] SVN: zope.app.component/trunk/ move over zope:resource and zope:view directive implementations into
Martijn Faassen
faassen at startifact.com
Thu May 21 09:20:47 EDT 2009
Log message for revision 100191:
move over zope:resource and zope:view directive implementations into
U zope.app.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt
U zope.app.component/trunk/buildout.cfg
U zope.app.component/trunk/setup.py
U zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/meta.zcml
U zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/metaconfigure.py
U zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/metadirectives.py
U zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_directives.py
Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- zope.app.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt 2009-05-21 13:18:29 UTC (rev 100190)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt 2009-05-21 13:20:47 UTC (rev 100191)
@@ -7,9 +7,13 @@
- zope.app.security was only a testing dependency so made it such.
-- zope.componentvocabulary has the vocabulary implementations now,
- import them from there for backwards compatibility.
+- zope.componentvocabulary has the vocabulary implementations that
+ were in zope.app.componentvocabulary now, import them from there for
+ backwards compatibility.
+- moved zope:resource and zope:view directive implementation and tests
+ over into zope.component [zcml].
3.7.0 (2009-04-01)
Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- zope.app.component/trunk/buildout.cfg 2009-05-21 13:18:29 UTC (rev 100190)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/buildout.cfg 2009-05-21 13:20:47 UTC (rev 100191)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-develop = .
+develop = . ../zope.component ../zope.app.interface
parts = test coverage-test coverage-report
Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/setup.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/setup.py 2009-05-21 13:18:29 UTC (rev 100190)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/setup.py 2009-05-21 13:20:47 UTC (rev 100191)
@@ -56,10 +56,11 @@
- 'zope.app.security',
+ # 'zope.app.security',
+ 'zope.app.security',
Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/meta.zcml
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/meta.zcml 2009-05-21 13:18:29 UTC (rev 100190)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/meta.zcml 2009-05-21 13:20:47 UTC (rev 100191)
@@ -8,20 +8,4 @@
moved from here. -->
<include package="zope.security" file="meta.zcml" />
- <meta:directives namespace="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">
- <meta:directive
- name="view"
- schema=".metadirectives.IViewDirective"
- handler="zope.app.component.metaconfigure.view"
- />
- <meta:directive
- name="resource"
- schema=".metadirectives.IResourceDirective"
- handler="zope.app.component.metaconfigure.resource"
- />
- </meta:directives>
Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/metaconfigure.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/metaconfigure.py 2009-05-21 13:18:29 UTC (rev 100190)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/metaconfigure.py 2009-05-21 13:20:47 UTC (rev 100191)
@@ -11,173 +11,5 @@
-"""Generic Components ZCML Handlers
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
-import warnings
-from zope.interface import Interface
-from zope.component.zcml import handler, proxify
-from zope.component.interface import provideInterface
-from zope.configuration.exceptions import ConfigurationError
-from zope.security.checker import CheckerPublic
-from zope.security.checker import Checker
-PublicPermission = 'zope.Public'
-def _checker(_context, permission, allowed_interface, allowed_attributes):
- if (not allowed_attributes) and (not allowed_interface):
- allowed_attributes = ["__call__"]
- if permission == PublicPermission:
- permission = CheckerPublic
- require={}
- if allowed_attributes:
- for name in allowed_attributes:
- require[name] = permission
- if allowed_interface:
- for i in allowed_interface:
- for name in i.names(all=True):
- require[name] = permission
- checker = Checker(require)
- return checker
-def resource(_context, factory, type, name, layer=None,
- permission=None,
- allowed_interface=None, allowed_attributes=None,
- provides=Interface):
- if ((allowed_attributes or allowed_interface)
- and (not permission)):
- raise ConfigurationError(
- "Must use name attribute with allowed_interface or "
- "allowed_attributes"
- )
- if permission:
- checker = _checker(_context, permission,
- allowed_interface, allowed_attributes)
- def proxyResource(request, factory=factory, checker=checker):
- return proxify(factory(request), checker)
- factory = proxyResource
- if layer is not None:
- warnings.warn_explicit(
- "The 'layer' argument of the 'resource' directive has been "
- "deprecated. Use the 'type' argument instead.",
- DeprecationWarning, _context.info.file, _context.info.line)
- type = layer
- _context.action(
- discriminator = ('resource', name, type, provides),
- callable = handler,
- args = ('registerAdapter',
- factory, (type,), provides, name, _context.info),
- )
- _context.action(
- discriminator = None,
- callable = provideInterface,
- args = (type.__module__ + '.' + type.__name__, type)
- )
- _context.action(
- discriminator = None,
- callable = provideInterface,
- args = (provides.__module__ + '.' + provides.__name__, type)
- )
-def view(_context, factory, type, name, for_, layer=None,
- permission=None, allowed_interface=None, allowed_attributes=None,
- provides=Interface):
- if ((allowed_attributes or allowed_interface)
- and (not permission)):
- raise ConfigurationError(
- "Must use name attribute with allowed_interface or "
- "allowed_attributes"
- )
- if not factory:
- raise ConfigurationError("No view factory specified.")
- if permission:
- checker = _checker(_context, permission,
- allowed_interface, allowed_attributes)
- class ProxyView(object):
- """Class to create simple proxy views."""
- def __init__(self, factory, checker):
- self.factory = factory
- self.checker = checker
- def __call__(self, *objects):
- return proxify(self.factory(*objects), self.checker)
- factory[-1] = ProxyView(factory[-1], checker)
- if not for_:
- raise ValueError("No for interfaces specified");
- for_ = tuple(for_)
- # Generate a single factory from multiple factories:
- factories = factory
- if len(factories) == 1:
- factory = factories[0]
- elif len(factories) < 1:
- raise ValueError("No factory specified")
- elif len(factories) > 1 and len(for_) > 1:
- raise ValueError("Can't use multiple factories and multiple for")
- else:
- def factory(ob, request):
- for f in factories[:-1]:
- ob = f(ob)
- return factories[-1](ob, request)
- # BBB 2006/02/18, to be removed after 12 months
- if layer is not None:
- for_ = for_ + (layer,)
- warnings.warn_explicit(
- "The 'layer' argument of the 'view' directive has been "
- "deprecated. Use the 'type' argument instead. If you have "
- "an existing 'type' argument IBrowserRequest, replace it with the "
- "'layer' argument (the layer subclasses IBrowserRequest). "
- "which subclasses BrowserRequest.",
- DeprecationWarning, _context.info.file, _context.info.line)
- else:
- for_ = for_ + (type,)
- _context.action(
- discriminator = ('view', for_, name, provides),
- callable = handler,
- args = ('registerAdapter',
- factory, for_, provides, name, _context.info),
- )
- if type is not None:
- _context.action(
- discriminator = None,
- callable = provideInterface,
- args = ('', type)
- )
- _context.action(
- discriminator = None,
- callable = provideInterface,
- args = ('', provides)
- )
- if for_ is not None:
- for iface in for_:
- if iface is not None:
- _context.action(
- discriminator = None,
- callable = provideInterface,
- args = ('', iface)
- )
+# BBB
+from zope.component.zcml import PublicPermission, _checker, view, resource
Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/metadirectives.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/metadirectives.py 2009-05-21 13:18:29 UTC (rev 100190)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/metadirectives.py 2009-05-21 13:20:47 UTC (rev 100191)
@@ -11,21 +11,9 @@
-"""Component architecture related 'zope' ZCML namespace directive interfaces
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
+import zope.security
-import zope.configuration.fields
-import zope.deferredimport
-import zope.security.zcml
-import zope.interface
-import zope.schema
-from zope.component.zcml import IBasicComponentInformation
-from zope.app.component.i18n import ZopeMessageFactory as _
"Schemas for the ``class`` directive and its subdirectives are now "
@@ -41,121 +29,8 @@
-class IBasicViewInformation(zope.interface.Interface):
- """This is the basic information for all views."""
- for_ = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
- title=_("Specifications of the objects to be viewed"),
- description=_("""This should be a list of interfaces or classes
- """),
- required=True,
- value_type=zope.configuration.fields.GlobalObject(
- missing_value=object(),
- ),
- )
- permission = zope.security.zcml.Permission(
- title=_("Permission"),
- description=_("The permission needed to use the view."),
- required=False,
- )
- class_ = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalObject(
- title=_("Class"),
- description=_("A class that provides attributes used by the view."),
- required=False,
- )
- layer = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(
- title=_("The layer the view is in."),
- description=_("""
- A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin
- specific views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer'
- attribute is not supplied, it defaults to 'default'."""),
- required=False,
- )
- allowed_interface = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
- title=_("Interface that is also allowed if user has permission."),
- description=_("""
- By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and
- any possible sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can
- make the permission also apply to everything described in the
- supplied interface.
- Multiple interfaces can be provided, separated by
- whitespace."""),
- required=False,
- value_type=zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(),
- )
- allowed_attributes = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
- title=_("View attributes that are also allowed if the user"
- " has permission."),
- description=_("""
- By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and
- any possible sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes',
- you can make the permission also apply to the extra attributes
- on the view object."""),
- required=False,
- value_type=zope.configuration.fields.PythonIdentifier(),
- )
-class IBasicResourceInformation(zope.interface.Interface):
- """
- Basic information for resources
- """
- name = zope.schema.TextLine(
- title=_("The name of the resource."),
- description=_("The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo'."),
- required=True,
- default=u'',
- )
- provides = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(
- title=_("The interface this component provides."),
- description=_("""
- A view can provide an interface. This would be used for
- views that support other views."""),
- required=False,
- default=zope.interface.Interface,
- )
- type = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(
- title=_("Request type"),
- required=True
- )
-class IViewDirective(IBasicViewInformation, IBasicResourceInformation):
- """Register a view for a component"""
- factory = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
- title=_("Factory"),
- required=False,
- value_type=zope.configuration.fields.GlobalObject(),
- )
-class IResourceDirective(IBasicComponentInformation,
- IBasicResourceInformation):
- """Register a resource"""
- layer = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(
- title=_("The layer the resource is in."),
- required=False,
- )
- allowed_interface = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
- title=_("Interface that is also allowed if user has permission."),
- required=False,
- value_type=zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(),
- )
- allowed_attributes = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
- title=_("View attributes that are also allowed if user"
- " has permission."),
- required=False,
- value_type=zope.configuration.fields.PythonIdentifier(),
- )
+# BBB
+from zope.component.zcml import (IBasicViewInformation,
+ IBasicResourceInformation,
+ IViewDirective,
+ IResourceDirective)
Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_directives.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_directives.py 2009-05-21 13:18:29 UTC (rev 100190)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_directives.py 2009-05-21 13:20:47 UTC (rev 100191)
@@ -76,393 +76,7 @@
XMLConfig('meta.zcml', zope.app.component)()
-class Test(PlacelessSetup, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(Test, self).setUp()
- XMLConfig('meta.zcml', zope.app.component)()
- XMLConfig('meta.zcml', zope.app.security)()
- def testView(self):
- ob = Ob()
- request = Request(IV)
- self.assertEqual(
- zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, request), name=u'test'), None)
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.V1"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"/>
- '''
- ))
- self.assertEqual(
- zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, request),
- name=u'test').__class__,
- V1)
- def testMultiView(self):
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.adapter.A3"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC
- zope.app.component.tests.adapter.I1
- zope.app.component.tests.adapter.I2"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"/>
- '''
- ))
- ob = Ob()
- a1 = A1()
- a2 = A2()
- request = Request(IV)
- view = zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, a1, a2, request),
- name=u'test')
- self.assertEqual(view.__class__, A3)
- self.assertEqual(view.context, (ob, a1, a2, request))
- def testMultiView_fails_w_multiple_factories(self):
- self.assertRaises(
- ConfigurationError,
- xmlconfig,
- StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.adapter.A3
- zope.app.component.tests.adapter.A2"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC
- zope.app.component.tests.adapter.I1
- zope.app.component.tests.adapter.I2"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"/>
- '''
- )
- )
- def testView_w_multiple_factories(self):
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.adapter.A1
- zope.app.component.tests.adapter.A2
- zope.app.component.tests.adapter.A3
- zope.app.component.tests.views.V1"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"/>
- '''
- ))
- ob = Ob()
- # The view should be a V1 around an A3, around an A2, around
- # an A1, anround ob:
- view = zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, Request(IV)), name=u'test')
- self.assertEqual(view.__class__, V1)
- a3 = view.context
- self.assertEqual(a3.__class__, A3)
- a2 = a3.context[0]
- self.assertEqual(a2.__class__, A2)
- a1 = a2.context[0]
- self.assertEqual(a1.__class__, A1)
- self.assertEqual(a1.context[0], ob)
- def testView_fails_w_no_factories(self):
- self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError,
- xmlconfig,
- StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory=""
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"/>
- '''
- ),
- )
- def testViewThatProvidesAnInterface(self):
- ob = Ob()
- self.assertEqual(
- zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, Request(IR)), IV, u'test'),
- None)
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.V1"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IR"
- />
- '''
- ))
- self.assertEqual(
- zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, Request(IR)), IV, u'test'),
- None)
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.V1"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IR"
- provides="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- />
- '''
- ))
- v = zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, Request(IR)), IV, u'test')
- self.assertEqual(v.__class__, V1)
- def testUnnamedViewThatProvidesAnInterface(self):
- ob = Ob()
- self.assertEqual(
- zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, Request(IR)), IV), None)
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.V1"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IR"
- />
- '''
- ))
- v = zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, Request(IR)), IV)
- self.assertEqual(v, None)
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.V1"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IR"
- provides="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- />
- '''
- ))
- v = zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, Request(IR)), IV)
- self.assertEqual(v.__class__, V1)
- def testViewHavingARequiredClass(self):
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template % (
- '''
- <view
- for="zope.app.component.tests.components.Content"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IR"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.adapter.A1"
- />
- '''
- )))
- content = Content()
- a1 = zope.component.getMultiAdapter((content, Request(IR)))
- self.assert_(isinstance(a1, A1))
- class MyContent:
- implements(IContent)
- self.assertRaises(ComponentLookupError, zope.component.getMultiAdapter,
- (MyContent(), Request(IR)))
- def testInterfaceProtectedView(self):
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.V1"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- permission="zope.Public"
- allowed_interface="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- />
- '''
- ))
- v = ProxyFactory(zope.component.getMultiAdapter((Ob(), Request(IV)),
- name='test'))
- self.assertEqual(v.index(), 'V1 here')
- self.assertRaises(Exception, getattr, v, 'action')
- def testAttributeProtectedView(self):
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.V1"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- permission="zope.Public"
- allowed_attributes="action"
- />
- '''
- ))
- v = ProxyFactory(zope.component.getMultiAdapter((Ob(), Request(IV)),
- name='test'))
- self.assertEqual(v.action(), 'done')
- self.assertRaises(Exception, getattr, v, 'index')
- def testInterfaceAndAttributeProtectedView(self):
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.V1"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- permission="zope.Public"
- allowed_attributes="action"
- allowed_interface="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- />
- '''
- ))
- v = zope.component.getMultiAdapter((Ob(), Request(IV)), name='test')
- self.assertEqual(v.index(), 'V1 here')
- self.assertEqual(v.action(), 'done')
- def testDuplicatedInterfaceAndAttributeProtectedView(self):
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.V1"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- permission="zope.Public"
- allowed_attributes="action index"
- allowed_interface="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- />
- '''
- ))
- v = zope.component.getMultiAdapter((Ob(), Request(IV)), name='test')
- self.assertEqual(v.index(), 'V1 here')
- self.assertEqual(v.action(), 'done')
- def testIncompleteProtectedViewNoPermission(self):
- self.assertRaises(
- ConfigurationError,
- xmlconfig,
- StringIO(template %
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.V1"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- allowed_attributes="action index"
- />
- '''
- ))
- def testViewUndefinedPermission(self):
- config = StringIO(template % (
- '''
- <view name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.V1"
- for="zope.app.component.tests.views.IC"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- permission="zope.UndefinedPermission"
- allowed_attributes="action index"
- allowed_interface="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- />
- '''
- ))
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, xmlconfig, config, testing=1)
- def testResource(self):
- ob = Ob()
- self.assertEqual(
- zope.component.queryAdapter(Request(IV), name=u'test'), None)
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template % (
- '''
- <resource name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.R1"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"/>
- '''
- )))
- self.assertEqual(
- zope.component.queryAdapter(Request(IV), name=u'test').__class__,
- R1)
- def testResourceThatProvidesAnInterface(self):
- ob = Ob()
- self.assertEqual(zope.component.queryAdapter(Request(IR), IV, u'test'),
- None)
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <resource
- name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.R1"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IR"
- />
- '''
- ))
- v = zope.component.queryAdapter(Request(IR), IV, name=u'test')
- self.assertEqual(v, None)
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <resource
- name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.R1"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IR"
- provides="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- />
- '''
- ))
- v = zope.component.queryAdapter(Request(IR), IV, name=u'test')
- self.assertEqual(v.__class__, R1)
- def testUnnamedResourceThatProvidesAnInterface(self):
- ob = Ob()
- self.assertEqual(zope.component.queryAdapter(Request(IR), IV), None)
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <resource
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.R1"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IR"
- />
- '''
- ))
- v = zope.component.queryAdapter(Request(IR), IV)
- self.assertEqual(v, None)
- xmlconfig(StringIO(template %
- '''
- <resource
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.R1"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IR"
- provides="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- />
- '''
- ))
- v = zope.component.queryAdapter(Request(IR), IV)
- self.assertEqual(v.__class__, R1)
- def testResourceUndefinedPermission(self):
- config = StringIO(template % (
- '''
- <resource name="test"
- factory="zope.app.component.tests.views.R1"
- type="zope.app.component.tests.views.IV"
- permission="zope.UndefinedPermission"/>
- '''
- ))
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, xmlconfig, config, testing=1)
class ParticipationStub(object):
def __init__(self, principal):
@@ -772,7 +386,6 @@
def test_suite():
return unittest.TestSuite((
- unittest.makeSuite(Test),
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