[Checkins] SVN: groktoolkit/trunk/ actually add the code for the release entry point

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Wed Oct 13 06:22:41 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 117499:
  actually add the code for the release entry point

  _U  groktoolkit/trunk/
  A   groktoolkit/trunk/src/
  A   groktoolkit/trunk/src/groktoolkit/
  A   groktoolkit/trunk/src/groktoolkit/__init__.py


Property changes on: groktoolkit/trunk
Modified: svn:ignore
   - develop-eggs

   + develop-eggs

Added: groktoolkit/trunk/src/groktoolkit/__init__.py
--- groktoolkit/trunk/src/groktoolkit/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ groktoolkit/trunk/src/groktoolkit/__init__.py	2010-10-13 10:22:41 UTC (rev 117499)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+import commands
+HOST = 'grok.zope.org'
+RELEASEINFOPATH = '/var/www/html/grok/releaseinfo'
+def _upload_gtk_versions(packageroot, version):
+    # ``scp`` the file to the given destination.
+    versions_filename = os.path.join(packageroot, 'grok.cfg')
+    cmd = 'scp %s %s:%s/%s/versions.cfg' % (
+        versions_filename, HOST, RELEASEINFOPATH, version)
+    print cmd + '\n'
+    print commands.getoutput(cmd)
+def upload_entrypoint(data):
+    if data['name'] != 'groktoolkit':
+        # We're dealing with another package that somehow depends on
+        # groktoolkit. Skip the step in that case.
+        return
+    packageroot = data['workingdir']
+    version = data['version']
+    _upload_gtk_versions(packageroot, version)
+def upload_gtk_versions():
+    packageroot = os.getcwd() # Ugh.
+    version = sys.argv[1] # Ugh.
+    _upload_gtk_versions(packageroot, version)

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