[CMF-checkins] CVS: Products/CMFCore - PortalFolder.py:1.25
Tres Seaver
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 16:33:39 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/Products/CMFCore
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv15464/CMFCore
Modified Files:
Log Message:
- Make FTP's MKDIR and WebDAV's MKCOL work by intercepting
'manage_addFolder' per Jeffrey's dogbowl proposal,
Tracker #183.
=== Products/CMFCore/PortalFolder.py 1.24 => 1.25 ===
self.title = title
+ security.declareProtected( CMFCorePermissions.ManageProperties
+ , 'setTitle')
+ def setTitle( self, title ):
+ """
+ Edit the folder title.
+ """
+ self.title = title
+ security.declareProtected( CMFCorePermissions.ManageProperties
+ , 'setDescription')
+ def setDescription( self, description ):
+ """
+ Edit the folder description.
+ """
+ self.description = description
security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.ManageProperties, 'edit')
def edit(self, title='', description=''):
Edit the folder title (and possibly other attributes later)
- self.title = title
- self.description = description
+ self.setTitle( title )
+ self.setDescription( description )
def allowedContentTypes( self ):
@@ -319,11 +335,7 @@
Handle WebDAV MKCOL.
- type_name = self._getPortalTypeName()
- self.invokeFactory( type_name=type_name
- , id=id
- )
+ self.manage_addFolder( id=id, title='' )
def _checkId(self, id, allow_dup=0):
PortalFolder.inheritedAttribute('_checkId')(self, id, allow_dup)
@@ -405,6 +417,38 @@
security.setPermissionDefault(AddPortalContent, ('Owner','Manager'))
security.setPermissionDefault(AddPortalFolders, ('Owner','Manager'))
+ def manage_addFolder( self
+ , id
+ , title=''
+ , REQUEST=None
+ ):
+ """
+ Add a new folder-like object with id *id*. IF present,
+ use the parent object's 'mkdir' action; otherwise, just
+ add a PortalFolder.
+ to take control of the process by checking for a 'mkdir'
+ action.
+ """
+ try:
+ action = self.getTypeInfo().getActionById( 'mkdir' )
+ except TypeError:
+ self.invokeFactory( type_name='Folder', id=id )
+ else:
+ # call it
+ getattr( self, action )( id=id )
+ ob = self._getOb( id )
+ ob.setTitle( title )
+ try:
+ ob.reindexObject()
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ if REQUEST is not None:
+ return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST, update_menu=1)
@@ -506,8 +550,6 @@
Return a stringified description of the filter.
return string.join( self.description, '; ' )
manage_addPortalFolder = PortalFolder.manage_addPortalFolder
manage_addPortalFolderForm = DTMLFile( 'folderAdd', globals() )