[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF - CHANGES.txt:1.36
Tres Seaver
Fri, 7 Dec 2001 22:58:15 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/CMF
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv27903
Modified Files:
Log Message:
- Ensure that Document.text and .cooked_text exist.
=== CMF/CHANGES.txt 1.35 => 1.36 ===
- New features
- - reindexObject moved out of _edit and _editMetadata to the
- presentation level methods (edit, PUT, and editMetadata)
- - _edit method removed from NewsItem, renamed to edit to work nicely with
- the changes to Document edit and _edit
- - added setMetadata method to remove the editing of metadata from the edit
- methods
- - CMFDecor megreged into CMF. FSPageTemplate put into CMFCore, skins
- put into CMFDefault, and basic skin setup to include ZPT skins.
- - Added cookString method to CMFCore.utils for taking a string and making it id
- friendly, it also does a string.lower on the resultant regex.
- - Change in TypesTool to utilize cookString to ensure the id is
- properly formated if the name is being used as the id.
- - Added failIfLocked method to PortalContent which handles the necessary
- checks to make sure a Document isn't locked via webDAV.
- - Added edit method to Document and editMetadata method to fix problems
- with working nicely with webDAV. The PUT method calls _edit method if
- it passes lock checks, while through the web code calls the edit variant
- and it in turn calls the _ method if the lock check passes. Similar
- cases for handling the editMetadata method calls and checks for webDAV
- locks.
- - (__future__) Added docs from the crack ZC docs guys.
+Somewhere over the rainbow
- (__future__) Exposed role management for manager users on
the default roster: managers can now "promote" members
@@ -44,25 +12,29 @@
- (__future__) Added simple link extraction / checking for
textual content. Link checking also works for Link objects.
- - (__future__) Added "compound content" types (see the
+ - (__future__) Added "composite content" types (see the
"dogbowl proposal",
- - (__future__) Made global actions emitted by ActionsTool
- configurable through-the-web.
+ - (__future__) Added DCWorkflow (through-the-web configurable
+ workflows) to the core set of CMF products.
+1.2 beta (2001/12/07)
+ New features
- - (__future__) Fleshed out CMFDecor product, which adds Zope
- Page Templates skins to the CMFSite and content objects of
- CMFDefault; added CMFDecor to the core set of CMF products.
+ - Added docs from the crack ZC docs guys; these docs live in
+ the top-level 'docs' directory.
+ - Merged CMFDecor product's artifacts into CMFCore /
+ CMFDefault; theses aretifacts allow use of filesystem-based
+ Zope Page Templates as skins.
Note that the CMFDecor skin is the one which will be
receiving all our development focus: we will fix bugs in the
DTML skins, but are not likely to invest significant effort
in upgrading it.
- - (__future__) Added DCWorkflow (through-the-web configurable
- workflows) to the core set of CMF products.
- Hooked 'manage_addFolder' to allow creation of PortalFolders
from both WebDAV, FTP, and ZMI.
@@ -138,9 +110,25 @@
Bug fixes
+ - Refactored content and metadata editing methods of
+ DefaultDublinCoreImpl, Document, and NewsItem to disentangle
+ the excessive coupling. Each "path" for editing now has a
+ "presentation"-level method, which directs traffic and
+ reindexes the object; the underlying methods are much
+ simplified.
- Fixed inner / named links in Document / News Item (thanks to
Kenichi Sato for the patch!)
+ - Ensured that editing methods handle WebDAV locks correctly,
+ using a new 'failIfLocked' assertion.
+ - Added cookString method to CMFCore.utils for taking a string
+ and making it id friendly, it also does a string.lower on the
+ resultant regex. Changed TypesTool to utilize cookString to
+ ensure that action ids are properly formated if the name is
+ being used as the id.
- Added 'getReply' to CMFDefault.DiscussionItem.DiscussionItemContainer,
to permit access to an individual reply without needing to
do traversal.
@@ -153,19 +141,6 @@
making it id friendly, it also does a string.lower on the resultant
- - Change in TypesTool to utilize cookString to ensure the id is
- properly formated if the name is being used as the id.
- - Added failIfLocked method to PortalContent which handles the necessary
- checks to make sure a Document isn't locked via webDAV.
- - Added edit method to Document and editMetadata method to fix problems
- with working nicely with webDAV. The PUT method calls _edit method if
- it passes lock checks, while through the web code calls the edit variant
- and it in turn calls the _ method if the lock check passes. Similar
- cases for handling the editMetadata method calls and checks for webDAV
- locks.
- Made examples in INSTALL.txt less terse, and added notes on
Windows-specific issues (thanks to Johan Mukhsein for the