[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF - migrate.py:1.1

Ken Manheimer klm@digicool.com
Sat, 26 May 2001 19:36:51 -0400 (EDT)

Update of /cvs-repository/Packages/Products/CMFWiki/Extensions
In directory korak.digicool.com:/tmp/cvs-serv27280/Extensions

Added Files:
Log Message:
Convert WikiForNow ZWikis to CMFWiki.

This is working - i've only run it via ZEO command prompt, but it
should work fine as an external method.  It converts everything about
the wiki pages except historical revisions (which would be an order of
magnitude more work).  It maps all the exising properties, the old
wiki regulation settings to the new implementation (nice job, chris,
mapping them to the same API!!), responsibility and local-role
ownership, etc.

Some important notes:

  - This is basically ready to process a whole site, but it's rather
    slow - takes several seconds for on-the-order-of 200 pages - not
    sure why.

  - Note that old-page histories are *not* preserved!  This
    needs to be taken into account before deleting the old copies.

  - This will only work for WikiForNow ZWiki pages - i did not fold in
    the (massively more extensive) procedures to convert regular ZWiki
    pages to WikiForNow.  So it's probly mostly really useful for
    zope.org, intranet, etc.

  - The script copies all sorts of other pages that sit in a wiki by
    adding a new reference to them in the new folder.  This is
    extremely handy and spiffy - but does not work with acl_users, and
    maybe other things.  It may be that _setOb() would work - that
    should be tried.  If that doesn't work, the script should be
    refined to fall back and try to do an object copy when the
    reference-addition mechanism doesn't work.  There's an obvious
    try/except where the refinements need to be made.

  - Currently, CMFWiki does not create an index_html or whatever, and
    so visiting a vanilla CMFWiki folder will not go to the front
    page.  Since all the copied wikis have an index_html, that's not a
    problem for them - but it would be better to have the wiki folder
    show it's front page, by default, and not copy the old
    index_html's.  (To inhibit copying of the index_html's, add the
    name to the IGNORE_PGS list near the top of the script.)

    This is a general CMFWiki missing feature, i didn't correct it.

  - The script currently moves the old wiki folders aside (appending
    '_old_ZWiki' to the name) - eventually they need to be discarded.

  - While CMFWiki is more tailored for Zope 2.4, it and this migrate
    script all works quite nicely with Zope 2.3.2!  The only extra
    provision is assigning the 'Authenticated' role to all users, so
    they will qualify for the WikiForNow "Non-anonymous" regulation

--- Added File migrate.py in package CMF ---
"""Utilities to transfer the contents of an old WikiForNow wiki to CMFWiki."""

import os, string, sys
import Zope
from Products.CMFWiki.CMFWikiPage \
     import CMFWikiPage, addCMFWikiFolder, addCMFWikiPage

from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_parent, aq_inner
from OFS import SimpleItem
from Products.ZWiki import ZWikiPage
from ZPublisher.Request import Request
from ZPublisher.Response import Response
from types import StringType

old_folder_suffix = '_old_ZWiki'
new_folder_suffix = '_new_CMFWiki'

DIRNM = os.path.split(__file__)[0]

app = Zope.app()

IGNORE_PGS = ['HelpPage',

# =================
# Top level driver
# =================

def do_site(folder=app, REQUEST=None):
    """Create copies of existing 'ZWiki Page' folders as CMFWiki folders.

    This function hunts down all folders that have a FrontPage item with
    meta_type 'ZWiki Page'.  It results in the old folder being moved aside,
    to the original name with "_old_ZWiki" appended, and the new folder with
    all pages (except obsolete ZWiki standard pages) in its place.

    We actually create copies of the relevant pages in a new folder, move the
    old one aside (to name_old_ZWiki), then move the new folder in place.

    If, for folder 'name', we find an existing 'name_old_ZWiki', we skip this

    If we find an existing 'name_new_CMFWiki', we presume it is residue from
    an interrupted prior run and overwrite it with the new stuff, then moving
    it in place of the original ZWiki folder."""

    # Get the total number of pages on the site, and incidentally prime the
    # cache:
    print ("Searching for undone ZWiki Page folders..."
           % string.join(folder.getPhysicalPath(), '/'))
    undone, done = cull_done(locate(name='FrontPage', type='ZWiki Page',
    print "%s ZWiki Page folders to do (%s already done)" % (len(undone),

    if not undone:
        print 'Nothing to do...'
        return None

    foldercount = pagecount = skipcount = noncount = failedcount = 0
    for subject in undone:

        container = aq_parent(aq_inner(subject))

        got = duplicate_as_CMFWiki(subject, new_folder_suffix)
        foldercount = foldercount + 1
        new, pages, non, skips, failed = got
        pagecount = pagecount + pages
        failedcount = failedcount + failed
        skipcount = skipcount + skips
        noncount = noncount + non

        mainid = subject.id
        asideid = mainid + old_folder_suffix

        subject.id = asideid
        container._setObject(asideid, aq_base(subject))

        new.id = mainid
        container._setObject(mainid, new)
        if not (foldercount % 100):
            print "%d folders done..." % foldercount

    msg = ("Did %d folders:"
           " %d wiki pages, %d non-wiki, %s obsolete, %s failed."
           % (len(undone), pagecount, noncount, skipcount, failedcount))
    print msg
    print "Old folders left suffixed with '%s'" % old_folder_suffix
    return msg

def duplicate_as_CMFWiki(subject, new_suffix):
    """Copy ZWiki folder subject into a fresh new CMFWiki folder.

    The new folder will get the old name + new_suffix.

     - Don't copy members of ignore_pgs, what else?
     - For other types of pages, include them in the new place as ref!
     - Uncatalog *all* old pages, ignored or not.
     - (XXX Make sure CMF wiki maker sets ownership properly.)"""

    container = aq_parent(subject)
    newid = subject.id + new_suffix
    addCMFWikiFolder(container, newid, subject.title)
    new = container[newid]
    pages = non = skips = failed = 0
    for i in subject.objectIds():
        if i in IGNORE_PGS:
            skips = skips + 1
        oldpage = getattr(subject, i)
        if oldpage.meta_type == 'ZWiki Page':
            duplicate_CMFWikiPage(oldpage, new)
            pages = pages + 1
            # Put a reference to the old object in the new place.
            # XXX!  Will this preserve the object across ZMI 'delete' of the
            #       old folder?
            id = oldpage.id
            if type(id) != StringType: id = id()
                new._setObject(id, oldpage)
                non = non + 1
                failed = failed + 1
                print ("Skipping %s: %s '%s'"
                       % (string.join(oldpage.getPhysicalPath(), '.'),

    return new, pages, non, skips, failed

STDPROPS = map(lambda x: x['id'], ZWikiPage.ZWikiPage._properties)

def duplicate_CMFWikiPage(oldpage, newfolder):
    """Copy ZWiki page as CMFWiki page in new CMFWiki folder.

     - Transfer all properties - parents, etc.
     - Retain 'Owner' local role and ownership.
     - Recatalog page.
     - Translate regulation settings."""
    id = oldpage.id()
    if hasattr(aq_base(newfolder), id):
        newpage = getattr(newfolder, id)
        newpage.title = oldpage.title
        newpage.raw = oldpage.raw
        addCMFWikiPage(newfolder, id, title=oldpage.title, file=oldpage.raw)
        newpage = getattr(newfolder, id)

    # 'Responsibility' ownership:
    if hasattr(oldpage, '_owner'):
        newpage._owner = oldpage._owner

    # Local roles:
    for k, v in newpage.get_local_roles():
    for k, v in oldpage.get_local_roles():
        newpage.manage_setLocalRoles(k, v)

    # Regulation permissions:
    for op in oldpage.regOps():
        newpage.setOp(op, oldpage.opUsernames(op), oldpage.opCategory(op))

    # Properties:
    for prop in STDPROPS:
        setattr(newpage, prop, getattr(oldpage, prop))

    # Catalog:

def cull_done(frontpages):
    """Return a tuple of undone folders and already done folders."""
    undone = []
    done = []
    for i in frontpages:
        folder = i._my_folder()
        id = i.id
        if type(id) != StringType:
            id = id()
        if old_folder_suffix == id[-len(old_folder_suffix):]:
    return undone, done

def locate(name=None, type=None, folder=app):
    """Descend into folder hierarchy returning objects according to criteria.

    name: restrict attention to objects with id == name

    type: restrict attention to objects with meta_type == type

    Search starts in specified folder, defaulting to the application root.
    got = []
    fb = aq_base(folder)                # To avoid acquiring in lookups.
    if name is None:
    elif hasattr(fb, name):
        it = getattr(fb, name)
        if not type or it.meta_type == type:
    for subf in folder.objectValues(spec=['Folder', 'Product',
                                          'Portal Folder', 'CMF Site']):
        got.extend(locate(name=name, type=type,
                          # Ensure that subf acquires properly from folder.
    return got