[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/CMFCollector - CollectorIssue.py:1.28
Ken Manheimer
Sat, 3 Nov 2001 00:26:02 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFCollector
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv23730
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Use the new web text format, instead of stx.
.CookedBody(): For expediency, we apply format_webtext() to the
transcript's cooked body - which the processing happens on every
view. What we *ought* to do is put the processing in the cooking of
the body - in a WebTextDocument derived from Document. I actually
have such a beast, but it's sloppy, and won't take care of existing
issues. When i have time to migrate them i'll take this step.
=== CMF/CMFCollector/CollectorIssue.py 1.27 => 1.28 ===
from Products.CMFDefault.DublinCore import DefaultDublinCoreImpl
-from Products.CMFCore.PortalContent import PortalContent
from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowAction
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
@@ -32,12 +31,14 @@
from Products.CMFCore import CMFCorePermissions
from CollectorPermissions import *
+RULE = '_' * 50
+UPLOAD_PREFIX = "Uploaded: "
+uploadexp = re.compile('(%s)([^<,\n]*)([<,\n])' % UPLOAD_PREFIX, re.MULTILINE)
factory_type_information = (
{'id': 'Collector Issue',
- 'content_icon': 'collector_issue_icon.gif',
+ 'icon': 'collector_issue_icon.gif',
'meta_type': 'CMF Collector Issue',
'description': ('A Collector Issue represents a bug report or'
' other support request.'),
@@ -76,11 +77,10 @@
meta_type = 'CMF Collector Issue'
effective_date = expiration_date = None
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
- comment_delimiter = "<hr solid id=comment_delim>"
action_number = 0
ACTIONS_ORDER = ['Accept', 'Assign',
@@ -208,38 +208,14 @@
security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.View, 'CookedBody')
def CookedBody(self):
- """Massage the transcript's cooked body to linkify obvious things."""
- return self._cook_links(self.get_transcript().CookedBody(stx_level=3))
- def _cook_links(self, text, email=0):
- """Cook text so URLs and upload references are hrefs.
+ """Rendered content."""
+ body = self.get_transcript().CookedBody()
+ body = util.format_webtext(body)
+ body = uploadexp.sub(r'\1 <a href="%s/\2/view">\2</a>\3'
+ % self.aq_parent.absolute_url(),
+ body)
+ return body
- If optional arg 'email' is true, then we just provide urls for uploads
- (assuming the email client will take care of linkifying URLs)."""
- if not email:
- candidates = util.link_candidates(text)
- if candidates:
- got = []
- cursor = 0
- for c in candidates:
- start, end = c.start(), c.end()
- got.append(text[cursor:start])
- url = text[start:end]
- got.append('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, url))
- cursor = end
- if cursor < len(text):
- got.append(text[cursor:])
- text = "".join(got)
- text = util.uploadexp.sub(r'\1<a href="%s/\2/view">\2</a>\3'
- % self.absolute_url(),
- text)
- else:
- text = util.uploadexp.sub(r'\1 "\2" - %s/\2/view'
- % self.absolute_url(),
- text)
- text = string.replace(text, "<hr>", "-" * 62)
- return text
security.declareProtected(EditCollectorIssue, 'edit')
def edit(self,
@@ -263,9 +239,8 @@
changes += self._set_submitter_specs(submitter_id,
submitter_name, submitter_email)
if text is not None and text != transcript.text:
- changes.append('revised transcript')
- transcript._edit(text_format=DEFAULT_TRANSCRIPT_FORMAT,
- text=text)
+ changes.append('edited transcript')
+ transcript._edit(text_format=self.TRANSCRIPT_FORMAT, text=text)
if changed('title', title):
changes.append('revised title')
self.title = title
@@ -303,16 +278,16 @@
username = str(getSecurityManager().getUser())
if comment:
- comment = "\n\n" + util.process_comment(comment)
+ comment = "\n\n" + comment
comment = ''
- transcript._edit('stx',
+ transcript._edit(self.TRANSCRIPT_FORMAT,
self._entry_header('Edit', username)
+ "\n\n"
+ " Changes: " + ", ".join(changes)
+ comment
- + ((self.action_number > 1) and "\n<hr>\n")
+ + ((self.action_number > 1) and "\n" + RULE + "\n")
+ transcript.EditableBody())
self._send_update_notice('Edit', username)
@@ -377,14 +352,14 @@
(uploadmsg, fileid) = self._process_file(file, fileid,
filetype, comment)
if uploadmsg:
- comment_header.append(" " + uploadmsg)
+ comment_header.append("\n" + uploadmsg)
comment_header_str = "\n\n".join(comment_header) + "\n\n"
- transcript._edit('stx',
+ transcript._edit(self.TRANSCRIPT_FORMAT,
- + util.process_comment(comment)
- + ((action_number > 1) and "\n\n<hr>\n" or '')
+ + comment
+ + ((action_number > 1) and ("\n" + RULE + "\n") or '')
+ transcript.EditableBody())
self._send_update_notice(action, username,
@@ -487,8 +462,10 @@
% (subject, self.id, self.action_number,
string.capitalize(action), self.title))
- body = util.unprocess_comments(self.get_transcript().text)
- body = self._cook_links(body, email=1)
+ body = self.get_transcript().text
+ body = uploadexp.sub(r'\1 "\2"\n - %s/\2/view'
+ % self.absolute_url(),
+ body)
cin = self.collector_issue_notice
message = cin(sender=sender,
@@ -570,12 +547,12 @@
wftool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_workflow')
return wftool.getInfoFor(self, 'confidential', 0)
- def _create_transcript(self, description,
+ def _create_transcript(self, description):
"""Create events and comments transcript, with initial entry."""
user = getSecurityManager().getUser()
- addDocument(self, TRANSCRIPT_NAME, description=description)
+ addDocument(self, TRANSCRIPT_NAME, description=description,
+ text_format=self.TRANSCRIPT_FORMAT)
it = self.get_transcript()
it._setPortalTypeName('Collector Issue Transcript')
it.title = self.title