[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/CMFCollector/skins/collector - collector_add_issue_form.pt:1.16 collector_issue_followup_form.pt:1.17

Ken Manheimer klm@zope.com
Sat, 3 Nov 2001 00:48:47 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFCollector/skins/collector
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv28912

Modified Files:
	collector_add_issue_form.pt collector_issue_followup_form.pt 
Log Message:
Wording and layout

=== CMF/CMFCollector/skins/collector/collector_add_issue_form.pt 1.15 => 1.16 ===
         <th align="right"> </th>
         <td colspan=3>
-            Provide revealing details!
+            Provide details that will help supporters understand the problem.
               <font size="-1">
-                Whitespace of lines beginning with whitespace or '&gt;', or
-                between '&lt;pre&gt;'/'&lt;/pre&gt;', will be preserved.
+                Prefix lines with whitespace or '&gt;' to preserve their
+                format.

=== CMF/CMFCollector/skins/collector/collector_issue_followup_form.pt 1.16 => 1.17 ===
         <td colspan="2">
-          <font size="-1">
-            Whitespace of lines beginning with whitespace or '&gt;', or
-            between '&lt;pre&gt;'/'&lt;/pre&gt;', will be preserved.
-          </font>
           <textarea name="comment" rows="10" cols="65" wrap="soft"
                     tal:content="python: (request.get('do_cite')
                                           and here.cited_text()) or ''">
+          <font size="-1">
+            Prefix lines with whitespace or '&gt;' to preserve their format.
+          </font>