[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/CMFCollector/Extensions - webtext_migration.py:1.1
Ken Manheimer
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 00:50:06 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFCollector/Extensions
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv7128/Extensions
Added Files:
Log Message:
External method for migrating collectors with issues preexisting
switchover of transcript to WebTextDocument. See module docstring for
usage instructions.
=== Added File CMF/CMFCollector/Extensions/webtext_migration.py ===
"""Convert collector issue instances transcripts to WebTextDocument.
This is only necessary if you used a pre-1.0 version of the collector. If you
did, create an external method in your portal root:
o id: collector_webtext_migration
o title (optional): Upgrade collector issues (temporary)
o module name: CMFCollector.webtext_migration.py
o function name: collector_webtext_migration
For each collector, visit the visit the URL constructed of the URL for the
collector plus '/convert_to_webtext'. This'll run the method on the
collector, producing a (sparse) page reporting the changes, or that no changes
were necessary.
You can delete the external method once you've upgraded your preexisting
issues - it won't be needed after that."""
MIGRATE_ATTRIBUTES = ['effective_date',
'_stx_level', # even though we don't use it
from Products.CMFCollector.WebTextDocument import WebTextDocument
from Products.CMFCollector.CollectorIssue import RULE
import re
tidypre = re.compile("\n</?pre collector:deleteme>\n").sub
tidyleadspace = re.compile("\n ([^ ])").sub
def collector_webtext_migration(self):
"""Migrate old CMF "Document" based transcripts to "WebTextDocument"."""
total_changed = 0
issues = self.objectValues(spec="CMF Collector Issue")
for issue in issues:
transcript = issue.get_transcript()
was_p_mtime = transcript._p_mtime
was_creation_date = transcript.creation_date
changed = 0
if transcript.meta_type != "WebText Document":
changed = 1
webtext = WebTextDocument(transcript.id,
if hasattr(transcript, attr):
setattr(webtext, attr, getattr(transcript, attr))
issue._setObject(webtext.id, webtext)
transcript = getattr(issue, webtext.id)
if changed or transcript.text_format != 'webtext':
total_changed += 1
transcript.text_format = 'webtext'
transcript.cooked_text = ''
text = tidypre('\n', transcript.text)
text = tidyleadspace('\n\\1', transcript.text)
text = text.replace('\n<hr>\n', '\n' + RULE + '\n')
transcript.text = text # Ditch garbage
transcript._edit(text) # Cook the text.
transcript._p_mtime = was_p_mtime
transcript.creation_date = was_creation_date
if total_changed:
return ("Converted %d of %d issues, and reinstated catalog"
% (total_changed, len(issues)))
return ("No changes, all issues are current.")