[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/docs - Tour.stx:1.1
Michel Pelletier
Wed, 14 Nov 2001 19:27:25 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/CMF/docs
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv8066
Added Files:
Log Message:
rough outline of tour
=== Added File CMF/docs/Tour.stx ===
CMF Tour
The Zope Content Managment Framework can be used to provide a whole
range of content managment solutions. In this chapter, we'll take
you on a quick tour of an online newspaper. Keep in mind that this
is just one example of using the CMF to manage content.
Imagine a small newspaper that has reporters, editors, and readers.
The reporters want to create new news stories which are submited to
the editor. The editor needs to either approve or reject those
stories. Approved stories go on to the front page of the newspaper,
but rejected stories are sent back to the reporter to be revised and
reviewed again.
This may sound like a simple problem to solve with email, but an
email system does not enforce a certain flow of actions that need to
be taken. If a reporter sends their story to the editor by email,
the editor may simply foget to take care of it.
The email system can't remind him to take care of it, because with
email the workflow and what state the work is in must always be
known by the various actors involved, and if one person forgets a
task the the whole system breaks down. The more actors you add to
an email-based system, the faster it becomes unmanagable.
A true workflow system like Zope's CMF keeps the user focused on
achieving their goals. The editor can't go off and forget to review
a story, because anytime editors log in they are shown a list of
pending articles they (or someone with the same editorial "role")
must review.
In the next sections, we'll walk you through six different day to
day scenarios at a fictitious newspaper. In later chapters, we'll
show you how you can go about building a site like this using Zope's
CMF in no time. In fact, this example is from a stock CMF and no
HTML programming, python scripting or any other advanced techniques
are needed to create it.
Scenario: Create content.
The most basic task in the Zope CMF is to create content.
*Content* are objects like documents, folders, news items, files,
images, and discussion topics. In the following screen shot:
You see the content managment interface for Fred. Fred is a
reporter that works at our newspaper, and today he is going to
write a story. He does this by creating a news object in his
personal area. He can do this by clicking on the *New* button.
After clicking the *New* button, Fred is taken to this screen
where he can choose a type of content to create. He's going to
select *News Item* type in an id, and click *Add and Edit*.
Here we see Fred is now editing the news item he just created. He
types in some news about the local school BBQ, and clicks
*Change*. Now fred has created some content in Zope. He can
repeat this task as many times as he wants for lots of content.
Scenario: Submit, Review, Approve content.
We just showed how fred can create News content in his area. Now
in a newspaper, this news should be first read and approved by the
editor. This is called *workflow*. Fred writes the content and
the editor, Janet, reads and either approves or rejects Fred's
This kind of simple workflow is built right into the CMF. Let's
look at the last news item Fred created:
Notice the *Submit* link on the left. Clicking this link will
submit this news item for review. When Janet logs in, she gets a
special message that tells her if she has any pending items:
Janet can now click on the *Pending (1)* link in the bottom left
hand corner of her member area. When Janet clicks on this link,
it takes her to this screen:
Here, Janet can either accept or reject Fred's stories. To do
that, she clicks on the new story and selects either 'Publish' or
'Reject' on the left of the screen:
If she accepts them, they become public on the site and
the newspapers readers will see the story on the front page. If
she rejects a story, she can type in a reason why into a box and a
message is sent back to Fred, telling him that his story was
rejected and the reason why. Fred can now revise the story and
submit it again for approval.
Scenario Search content
Recent stories on the front page are timely, but sometimes users
may want to search through a large amount of news, or search news
in the past. The Zope CMF lets you do many kinds of searches on
your content. At the top left of every screen is a *search* link.
Clicking this link will take you to the CMF search page:
Here, you can specify search terms and get reports back on what
kind of content matches your terms. For example, you can search
for content that contains the words "baked beans" by typing those
words into the *Text* field and then clicking *Search*:
Here are the results of the search. You can also specify more
than one term. For example, "Fred" can be selected from the
*Author* field and only content created by Fred will be searched.
Scenario: Undo mistakes.
People make mistakes. Fred could submit a story and then realize
that he forgot some details. Janet could reject a story by
accidentaly clicking the wrong button. In a world of mistakes,
the CMF lets you undo all of the actions you take. After creating
a new news item, here is what Fred sees when he clicks the *Undo*
link in his personal area:
The first item on the list was creating the news item. Fred can
undo this by selecting the first check box and clicking *Undo*.
Now when he goes back to his Member area, the new news item he
created is gone.
All users have the same interface for undoing their actions. If
Janet accidentaly clicks the wrong button, she can undo that
mistake the same way Fred undid his.
Scenario: Organize content.
Being able to search through content is pretty useful, but it
would be more useful if you could categorize your content with
your own keywords. This way, you could tag certain news items
with special keywords like 'Local' or 'Financial' and offer your
users the ability to look for items that match those keywords.
When Fred creates a new news item, he can click on the *Metadata*
link on the left of the content's interface. On this next screen,
he can enter keywords for the content in the *Category* form
Here, fred gave this news item the keyword 'birds'. Fred can add
as many keywords as he wants. The next time he creates content,
all of the keywords he has defined so far will show up in a pull
down box on the *Metadata* screen, so that he can just select the
ones he wants.
Now, when Fred goes to the *search* link, he can choose from a
list of keywords which will return only content items that are
tagged with those categories.
Scenario Share content.
Reporter 1 adds content, gives report 2 'Manager' role
Reporter 2 can access content and change it