[CMF-checkins] CVS: Products/CMFCore/tests - test_TypesTool.py:1.5
Tres Seaver
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 18:19:28 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/Products/CMFCore/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv22441/tests
Modified Files:
Log Message:
- Minor formatting cleanup.
- Add tests for type information objects (to support addition
of ID-generation, per tracker #357).
=== Products/CMFCore/tests/test_TypesTool.py 1.4 => 1.5 ===
assert unpermitted_view == 'view'
+class TypeInfoTests( unittest.TestCase ):
+ def test_construction( self ):
+ ti = self._makeInstance( 'Foo'
+ , description='Description'
+ , meta_type='Foo'
+ , icon='foo.gif'
+ )
+ self.assertEqual( ti.getId(), 'Foo' )
+ self.assertEqual( ti.Type(), 'Foo' )
+ self.assertEqual( ti.Description(), 'Description' )
+ self.assertEqual( ti.Metatype(), 'Foo' )
+ self.assertEqual( ti.getIcon(), 'foo.gif' )
+ def test_allowType( self ):
+ ti = self._makeInstance( 'Foo' )
+ self.failIf( ti.allowType( 'Foo' ) )
+ self.failIf( ti.allowType( 'Bar' ) )
+ ti = self._makeInstance( 'Foo', allowed_content_types=( 'Bar', ) )
+ self.failUnless( ti.allowType( 'Bar' ) )
+ ti = self._makeInstance( 'Foo', filter_content_types=0 )
+ self.failUnless( ti.allowType( 'Foo' ) )
+ def test_allowDiscussion( self ):
+ ti = self._makeInstance( 'Foo' )
+ self.failIf( ti.allowDiscussion() )
+ ti = self._makeInstance( 'Foo', allow_discussion=1 )
+ self.failUnless( ti.allowDiscussion() )
+ def _ripActionValues( self, key, actions ):
+ return filter( None, map( lambda x, key=key: x.get( key, None )
+ , actions
+ ) )
+ def testActions( self ):
+ ti = self._makeInstance( 'Foo' )
+ self.failIf( ti.getActions() )
+ action_list = \
+ ( { 'id' : 'view'
+ , 'name' : 'View'
+ , 'action' : 'foo_view'
+ , 'permissions' : ( 'View', )
+ , 'category' : 'object'
+ , 'visible' : 1
+ }
+ , { 'name' : 'Edit' # Note: No ID passed
+ , 'action' : 'foo_edit'
+ , 'permissions' : ( 'Modify', )
+ , 'category' : 'object'
+ , 'visible' : 1
+ }
+ , { 'name' : 'Object Properties' # Note: No ID passed
+ , 'action' : 'foo_properties'
+ , 'permissions' : ( 'Modify', )
+ , 'category' : 'object'
+ , 'visible' : 1
+ }
+ , { 'id' : 'slot'
+ , 'action' : 'foo_slot'
+ , 'category' : 'object'
+ , 'visible' : 0
+ }
+ )
+ ti = self._makeInstance( 'Foo', actions=action_list )
+ actions = ti.getActions()
+ self.failUnless( actions )
+ ids = self._ripActionValues( 'id', actions )
+ self.failUnless( 'view' in ids )
+ self.failUnless( 'edit' in ids )
+ self.failUnless( 'objectproperties' in ids )
+ self.failUnless( 'slot' in ids )
+ names = self._ripActionValues( 'name', actions )
+ self.failUnless( 'View' in names )
+ self.failUnless( 'Edit' in names )
+ self.failUnless( 'Object Properties' in names )
+ self.failIf( 'slot' in names )
+ self.failIf( 'Slot' in names )
+ visible = filter( None, map( lambda x:
+ x.get( 'visible', 0 ) and x['id']
+ , actions ) )
+ self.failUnless( 'view' in visible )
+ self.failUnless( 'edit' in visible )
+ self.failUnless( 'objectproperties' in visible )
+ self.failIf( 'slot' in visible )
+class FTITests( TypeInfoTests ):
+ def _makeInstance( self, id, **kw ):
+ return apply( FactoryTypeInformation, ( id, ), kw )
+ def test_ConstructInstance( self ):
+ pass
+class STITests( TypeInfoTests ):
+ def _makeInstance( self, id, **kw ):
+ return apply( ScriptableTypeInformation, ( id, ), kw )
def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
suite.addTest( unittest.makeSuite( TypesToolTests ) )
+ suite.addTest( unittest.makeSuite( FTITests ) )
+ suite.addTest( unittest.makeSuite( STITests ) )
return suite
def run():