[CMF-checkins] CVS: Products/CMFDefault/help - ActorDefinitions.stx:1.1 Actor_ContentCreator.stx:1.1 Actor_MembershipManager.stx:1.1 Actor_Reviewer.stx:1.1 Actor_SiteDesigner.stx:1.1 Actor_SiteManager.stx:1.1 Actor_SiteVisitor.stx:1.1 AddContentFolders.stx:1.1 ApproveForPublication.stx:1.1 BecomeAMember.stx:1.1 BrowseCMFSiteHomepage.stx:1.1 BrowseNewsItems.stx:1.1 BrowseSubmittedForReview.stx:1.1 ChangeContent.stx:1.1 ConfigureCMFSite.stx:1.1 ConfigurePersonalization.stx:1.1 CreateCMFFolder.stx:1.1 CreateCMFSite.stx:1.1 CreateCMFTopic.stx:1.1 CreateNewContent.stx:1.1 LoginAsMember.stx:1.1 ManageLocalRoles.stx:1.1 MoveCopyContent.stx:1.1 ProvideFeedback.stx:1.1 RemoveContent.stx:1.1 RenameContent.stx:1.1 SearchCMFSite.stx:1.1 SubmitContentForPublication.stx:1.1 UndoChanges.stx:1.1 UnpublishContent.stx:1.1 ViewMyContent.stx:1.1
Tres Seaver
Mon, 8 Oct 2001 17:40:57 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Products/CMFDefault/help
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv19231
Added Files:
ActorDefinitions.stx Actor_ContentCreator.stx
Actor_MembershipManager.stx Actor_Reviewer.stx
Actor_SiteDesigner.stx Actor_SiteManager.stx
Actor_SiteVisitor.stx AddContentFolders.stx
ApproveForPublication.stx BecomeAMember.stx
BrowseCMFSiteHomepage.stx BrowseNewsItems.stx
BrowseSubmittedForReview.stx ChangeContent.stx
ConfigureCMFSite.stx ConfigurePersonalization.stx
CreateCMFFolder.stx CreateCMFSite.stx CreateCMFTopic.stx
CreateNewContent.stx LoginAsMember.stx ManageLocalRoles.stx
MoveCopyContent.stx ProvideFeedback.stx RemoveContent.stx
RenameContent.stx SearchCMFSite.stx
SubmitContentForPublication.stx UndoChanges.stx
UnpublishContent.stx ViewMyContent.stx
Log Message:
- Add use case definitions as FSSTXMethods.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/ActorDefinitions.stx ===
CMF Actors
**Site Manager** --
This actor is responsible for implementing site policies
such as security, workflow associations, metadata and
syndication policies. The Site Manager is also responsible
for the overall organizational structure of the site. See
"Actor: Site Manager":Actor_SiteManager.
**Membership Manager** --
This actor is responsible for managing who has access to a
site (particularly back-end line of business users), and
controls the privileges and properties of users. See
"Actor: Membership Manager":Actor_MembershipManager.
**Site Developer** --
This actor is responsible for implementing new
functionality for a site and making changes to existing
site capabilities. This is a "programmer" type of role, and
users acting the Site Developer capacity are technical
people. See "Actor: Site Developer":Actor_SiteDeveloper.
**Add-on Developer** --
This actor is responsible for implementing new
functionality that is suitable for distribution to one or
more sites. ** See "Actor: Add-On
**Site Designer** --
The Site Designer is responsible for producing and
maintaining the "look and feel" of a site. This includes
graphics, layout, navigation and other human factors. See
"Actor: Site Designer":Actor_SiteDesigner.
**Workflow Designer** --
The Workflow Designer is responsible for defining new
workflows and customizing existing workflows to meet
business goals. See "Actor: Workflow
**Content Creator** --
Content Creators are responsible for producing and
maintaining the actual content of a site. See "Actor:
Content Creator:Actor_ContentCreator.
**Reviewer** --
This actor is responsible for ensuring the quality and
correctness of site content. See "Actor:
**Site Visitor** --
A Site Visitor is an "end user" of the site. The visitor
may or may not have an identity known to the system.
Visitors with a known identity are referred to as "Members"
of the site, and often can do more on a site than visitors
without a known identity ("Guests"). Member visitors often
have a participatory role on the site. Site Visitors have
some general goals that are applicable to most sites, but
many of the specific goals and expectations of Site
Visitors are dependent upon the specific CMF site. See
"Actor: Site Visitor":Actor_SiteVisitor.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/Actor_ContentCreator.stx ===
Content Creator Goals
* Make information available to the end users of the site.
- "Create a content object":CreateNewContent
o Add Content form with a slightly more involved
description of each content type that comes with the CMF.
o Next form in succession is the "Standard Resource
Metadata" form which is now a separate use case. Since
this is a succession of three steps ("Add Content",
"Metadata", "Edit") "Define content metadata" use case
should be merged in with this one.
o "Edit" form.
- "Define content metadata":ChangeMetadata
This should mainly be pointers back to "Create a content object".
- "Submit content for publication":SubmitContentForPublication
o Brief discussion of workflow with references back to
workflow use cases.
o Submit for the default workflow
* Ensure that information is up-to-date and accurate.
- "View personally authored content":ViewMyContent
- "Update existing content":ChangeContent
- "Remove unneeded content":RemoveContent
- "Undo changes to content":UndoChanges
* Improve content quality over time using end user
- "Make a content object discussable":EnableDiscussion
*Note: this is not a per-object option in stock CMF.*
* Collaborate with other content creators.
- "Give local roles to other users":ManageLocalRoles
* Modify content organization to improve maintainability
or navigation.
- "Add content folders":AddContentFolders
- "Move / copy content between folders":MoveCopyContent
- "Rename content object":RenameContent
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/Actor_MembershipManager.stx ===
Membership Manager Goals
* Empower many users to collaborate on content production
- "Add a new member to the site using a
standard user folder":AddMemberToUserFolder
o Difference between user folder within CMF and outside the
o Add a new user form
o Creating a user folder (for My Stuff)
o Membership roster
* Delegate responsibilities to site members
- "Change member information and abilities":ChangeMemberInformation
o Discussion of delegating responsbility through changing a
user's roles. Example, permissioning a subfolder of the
site for management by one role and content creation by
another role. Assigning those roles to users delegates
* Ensure that only appropriate users have access to the site
- "Browse member roster":BrowseMemberRoster
- "Remove a member from the site":RemoveMemberFromSite
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/Actor_Reviewer.stx ===
Reviewer Goals
* Collaborate with content creators to ensure the quality and
timeliness of site content.
- "Browse content submitted for review and
o Brief description of the Action box, with pointers back to
where this is set up in the skin.
o Pending lists
- "Approve content for publication":ApproveForPublication
This should mainly be a pointer back into "Browse content
submitted for review and publication"
* React quickly to resolve issues with published content.
- "Remove content from public site":UnpublishContent
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/Actor_SiteDesigner.stx ===
Site Designer Goals
* Provide an integrated look and feel for site content.
- "Create new skin for the site":CreateNewSkin
o portal_skins Properties tab. Discussion of Layers and their
order of precedence.
o Creating a new layer. Difference between file system layers
vs TTW layers. Don't document actually creating a file system
layer, this should likely be a separate use case that
refers back to this one.
o The theory behind customizing methods, but don't refer to
specific layers or specific methods/images.
- "Modify skin appearance":ChangeSkinLookAndFeel
o Brief description of customizing methods. Refer back to
"Create new skin for the site".
o Document each layer that deals with appearance with a
description of each constituent object (method, image, ...)
* Give end users an effective way to navigate the site.
- "Change skin behavior":ChangeSkinBehavior
o Brief description of customizing methods. Refer back to
"Create new skin for the site description".
o Document each layer that deals with behavior with a
description of each method.
* Keep the site fresh and interesting for end users.
- "Change the default skin for the site":ChangeDefaultSiteSkin
o Brief description of skins. Refer back to other skin use
o portal_skin Properties tab, bottom half. Very simple form.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/Actor_SiteManager.stx ===
Site Manager Goals
* Provide an online collaboration environment for an organization
or community.
- "Create a CMF site",:reateCMFSite
Create a new CMF instance through the ZMI. A single form.
- "Configure CMF site":ConfigureCMFSite
Assume this means the properties associated with the CMF
Site instance. Could also mean content_type_registry and
* Maintain an overall site structure and organization.
- "Create CMF Folder":CreateCMFFolder
A single form
- "Create CMF Topic":CreateCMFTopic
Almost complete
- "Configure CMF Topic":ConfigureCMFTopic
This should be brief description plus a pointer back to
"Create CMF Topic"
- "Configure what types of content can be created by
Not sure where this is accomplished. The only permissions
I see are Add portal content, events, folders, members,
topics. But I don't see "Add portal document" or "Add
portal image".
* Implement security policies for the site.
- "Configure security for a content object
or folder":ConfigureObjectSecurity
This should be stolen from the Zope book. The 3 pages is
based on the assumption that specific permissions should be
discussed for default content types.
* Implement workflow policies for the site.
- "Associate a workflow with a content
portal_workflow, a single form
* Implement metadata policies for the site.
- "Configure required metadata for a content
portal_metadata, relatively complex form
* Implement syndication policies for the site.
- "Configure what content is released via
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/Actor_SiteVisitor.stx ===
Site Vistor Goals
* Participate in the community or operations of the site
- "Become a member of the site":BecomeAMember
- "Log into the site":LoginAsMember
- "Browse community news":BrowseNewsItems
- "Submit a news item":SubmitNewsItem
* Quickly find content that is important to him
- "Browse the site homepage":BrowseCMFSiteHomepage
- "Browse a portal topic":BrowsePortalTopic
- "Search site for information":SearchCMFSite
* Improve relevance and usability of site information
- "Configure personalization options":ConfigurePersonalization
- "Provide feedback on content":ProvideFeedback
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/AddContentFolders.stx ===
Use Case: Add content folders
- Content Creator
As with directories on a filesystem, foldersin a CMF Site allow
Content Creators to partition their content into manageable groups.
- Content Creator has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
1. Navigate to the folder in which you would like to create sub-folders.
2. In the "Folder contents" view of the folder, select the "New" button.
3. From the list of addable portal types, select "Folder" by clicking
the adjacent radio button. Supply an ID [1] for the new folder in the
input field at the bottom of the page, and click the "Add" button.
4. The system will create the new folder using the ID you supplied,
and present you with a form for editing the folder's properties.
5. Supply appropriate values as follows:
**Title** -- a "human-readable" title for the folder.
**Description** -- a brief paragraph summarizing the use to which
the folder is put.
6. Click the "Change" button. The system will update the folder's
metadata using the values you supply.
..[1] Don't confuse the folder's ID with the its Title. ID's cannot
contain special characters (e.g., comma, asterisk, brackets,
parentheses, etc.) A good practise is not to use spaces in
an ID either. The ID is used in the url to reach the folder's
content, so any character which is not allowed in a URI is not
allowed in the id (see: "URI RFC",
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/ApproveForPublication.stx ===
Use Case: Approve content for publication
- Reviewer
The Reviewer's job is to enforce the site's policies with respect
to the quality and appropriateness of content published by Content
- Reviewer has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
- Content has been submitted for review (see "Submit content for
- Reviewer has completed the Use Case: "Browse for content submitted
for review and publication":BrowseSubmittedForReview.
1. Select the item from the list of content pending review.
2. From the actions box, select the 'Publish' link.
3. Enter appropriate comments.
4. Select the Publish this item button.
5. The item has been published.
6. You can now "Browse for content submitted for review and
publication":BrowseSubmittedForReview to repeat this process.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/BecomeAMember.stx ===
Use Case: Become A Site Member
- Site Visitor
Becoming a member of a site allows you to access the additional
services of the site. Often this includes a personal online
work area (your "desktop"), the ability create and submit your
own content for publication and the ability to personalize the
look and behavior of the site to better meet your needs.
Note that different sites have different purposes, and the specific
services available to site members depends on the choices of the
site administrators. By default, a CMF site provides members with a
private "desktop", the ability to create certain types of basic
content and the ability to select the visual style of the site that
they see.
1. To become a member of a site, visit the site homepage and click on
the "Join" link in the menu located on the left side of the page.
2. Clicking the "Join" link will take you to a form. Complete
the fields on the form and click the "Register" button to
become a registered member of the site.
3. The exact information required by the registration form will
vary from site to site. The form for a default CMF site
requires visitors to provide at least a login name, a
password and a valid email address to become a member. The
default form also gives you an option to have the password
you provided at registration time emailed to you for future
4. After submitting the member registration form, you should
see a page informing you that you have successfully been
registered as a site member. This page also provides a link
that you can use to log into the site immediately.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/BrowseCMFSiteHomepage.stx ===
Use Case: Browse the site homepage
- Site Visitor
- Site Visitor has already navigated to a page within the CMF
1. Selecting the 'home' link or the site logo
from the top navigation bar.
2. Browse the content published there (e.g. 10 most recent
News Announcements, etc.)
..[1] Site Visitors may get to the site initially through several
- Links on another site, such as a search engine
- Mailed URLs
- Typing the URL directly
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/BrowseNewsItems.stx ===
Use Case: Browse community news
- Site Visitor
Visitors to a CMF Site will typically return to the site after
an initial visit only if the site's content was interesting or
valuable to them. They will return often to the site only if
they perceive that this interesting and valuable content is
being frequently updated. This use case deals with the most
common "dynamic" feature of a CMF Site: its list of published
News Items.
1. Select the 'news' link from the navigation bar. The system
will display the ten most recent News Items, sorted in
descending date order. If there are more than ten
published News Items, the system will display a link to
the next batch at the bottom of the page.
2. Navigate between batches of News Items by clicking the
"10 older artcles" and "10 newer articles" links.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/BrowseSubmittedForReview.stx ===
Use Case: Browse for content submitted for review and publication
- Reviewer
The Reviewer's job is to enforce the site's policies with respect
to the quality and appropriateness of content published by Content
- Reviewer has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
- Content has been submitted for review (see "Submit content for
1. From the actions box, select the 'Pending review (x)' link.
2. Browse the list of content which has been submitted for
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/ChangeContent.stx ===
Use Case: Update Existing Content
- Content Creator
- Content Creator has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
1. Navigate to a piece of content you have the permissions to
To retrieve a list of the content you have authored, see
"View personally authored content":ViewMyContent
2. After selecting the piece of content you wish to update,
select 'Edit' from the actions box.
3. The 'Edit' link will take you to the edit form for your
particular piece of content you wish to edit:
- 'Body Textarea/File Upload' edit form (Documents)
- 'Lead-in/Body' edit form (News Item)
- 'File Upload' edit form (Files, Images)
- 'Simple' edit form (Link, Favorite, Event)
Enter the changes you wish to make to the content in the form
or browse to changed version of the content on your
filesystem as appropriate.
4. Click the change button. The system will save your changes,
and display a change notification on the edit form confirming
that the change has taken place.
5. To view your changes, click the 'View' link from the actions
box and view your content with the changes in place.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/ConfigureCMFSite.stx ===
Use Case: Configuring a CMF site
- Site Manager
The "site configuration form" of a CMF Site object provides a simple
way to set and change the sitewide configuration options and policies
for a CMF site. Theses options include some of the information that was
provided when the CMF Site was created (such as site title and
description), as well as other options that were given defaults when
the CMF site was created.
- Site Manager has logged into the CMF site using a user ID
wtih the "Change configuration" permission (see "Login to the
1. Site Managers see a "Reconfigure site" link in the actions box.
Click the "Reconfigure site" link to bring up the site configuration
The configuration options available from the site configuration form
**Site 'From' Name** -- The name to be used as the
(apparent) sender when the site generates email. The
site may generate email to provide information to new
members, or to notify members of various events. The
default value for this name is 'Site Administrator'. A
value for this field is required in order to send mail
from the site.
**Site 'From' Address** -- The email address used as the
(apparent) return address when the site generates email.
The default value for the from address is
'postmaster@localhost'. A value for this field is
required in order to send mail from the site.
**SMTP Server** -- The address of the SMTP (outgoing
mail) server to be used when the site generates email.
The default value for the SMTP server address is
'localhost', which presumes that you have an SMTP server
running on the same machine as the Zope software. A
valid SMTP server address is required in order to send
mail from the site.
**Site Title** -- The title of the site that appears at
the top of all site pages (when using the default site
skins). Providing a title is optional, but recommended.
**Site Description** -- A short description of the site.
This description may be made available with syndicated
content and may be used by some of the default user
interface elements of the site. Providing a description
is optional, but recommended.
**Password Policy** -- The password policy configuration
option allows you to choose the way that the site
handles passwords when members register with the site.
If you select "Generate an email member's initial
password" the site will randomly generate an initial
password that members must use to log into the site and
email that password to the address provided by the
member. This option may be preferred if you want to
verify a prospective member's email address before
granting membership to the site.
If you select "Allow members to select their initial
password" (the default), the site will allow new members
to enter their own password at registration time.
After making changes to the site configuration options,
click the "Change" button to save the changes.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/ConfigurePersonalization.stx ===
Use Case: Configure personalization options
- Site Visitor
One of the benefits of becoming a member of a CMF Site is the
ability to create persistent personalizations of the way the
site is displayed: in particular, this personalization allows
the member to select from among the skins which have been
configured by the Site Manager.
- Site Visitor has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
1. Click the 'Preferences' link in your top user actions bar.
2. On the personalization form, you have the option of
modifying the following:
**E-mail address** --
your contact email address, used to send you your password
if you forget it. The site administrator may also use
this email to contact you when necessary.
**Listing status (off/on)** --
determines if you're login name is visible to other
members when they select the 'members' link from the
navigation bar.
**Skin** --
The 'look and feel' skin which is applied around the
content of the site. The skin affects your 'view' while
navigating the site.
3. Update these preferences as desired and select the change button.
4. The system will save your preferences and redisplay the
personalization form with the a message stating that your
preferences have been changed.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/CreateCMFFolder.stx ===
Use Case: Creating a CMF Folder
- Site Manager
Folders may used in CMF to help organize content. Folders may contain
any kind of content object, including subfolders.
- Foo
To create a new Folder at a given place in the site heirarchy, navigate
to the place where you want to add the new Folder, then click the
"Folder Contents" link in the actions box. This will bring up the
"desktop" view of the current Folder, listing the content objects
and subfolders. In the desktop view, click the "New..." button.
You will now see the "Add Content" form. This form provides a list of
the kinds of objects you can add at this location (based on the
permissions you have), and descriptions of the available objects.
Select "Folder" from the listing, enter an id for the new folder in
the "id" field located below the listing of available object, and
click the "Add" button to add the new Folder.
After submitting the add form, you will be taken to the "desktop" view
of the newly created Folder.
- This use case is not specific to a Site Manager; it is
properly a Content Creator use case.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/CreateCMFSite.stx ===
Use Case: Create a CMF Site
- Site Manager
The top-level concept in the CMF is the idea of a "CMF Site". A
CMF site is a content-oriented Web site with specific business
goals, workflows, collaborations and audiences (content
The "CMF Site" object is used in Zope to represent and manage a
CMF Web site. The CMF Site object acts as a container for site
components and content, and provides interfaces for configuring
the functionality of the site.
- Site Manager is logged into the Zope Management Interface
(ZMI) with a user ID having the "Add CMF Sites" permission
at the desired location.
1. From the ZMI, select "CMF Site" from the add list and click
the "Add" button. This will bring up the "Add CMF Site" Web
form. The elements on the add form are:
**Id** --
the id to be used for the new CMF Site object. This id
will appear in URLs to the site and its subobjects. The id
field is a required field.
**Title** --
the title to be used for the new CMF Site object. The
title provides a more human-friendly label for the site
object. Providing a title is optional, but recommended.
**Membership Source** --
the source of member information to be used by the new CMF
Site. The default for this field is "Create a new user
folder in the CMF Site". This option will create a new
User Folder in the CMF Site to be used as the source of
member data.
You may also select "I have an existing user folder and
want to use it instead". In this case, the CMF Site will
draw its member information from a User Folder that
already exists in the Zope object heirarchy above the new
CMF Site.
**Description** --
a short description of the site. This description may be
made available with syndicated content and may be used by
some of the default user interface elements of the site.
Providing a description is optional, but recommended.
After completing the Web form, click the "Add" button to
create the new CMF Site object.
2. After submitting the form, the right frame of the ZMI should
contain an administrative "welcome" page of the new CMF
site. The welcome page provides links to:
**The site configuration form** --
This form allows you manage sitewide policies and
configuration options. This should be your first stop
after creating a CMF Site object.
**The management interface** --
The Zope management interface (ZMI) for CMF Site objects
provides management-level access to the individual
components of the site and provides for more advanced
configuration options.
**The site home page** --
The default homepage of the new CMF site. This is what
visitors and members of the site will initially see when
they access the site through the Web.
3. Now that the basic CMF Site object has been created, you
should visit the site configuration form to continue setting
up the new site.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/CreateCMFTopic.stx ===
Use Case: Create CMF Topic
- Site Manager[1]
One of the ways you manage the structure of a CMF site is through
the use of CMF Topics. Often a site is comprised of a large amount
of content through which visitors are able to navigate. A Topic
allows you to create a dynamic view onto the available content
enabling visitors to drill down into that content.
Within each Topic can be configured a set of Criteria which
constrain the list of content that appear when viewing the Topic.
Topic Criteria can be based upon any of the data or meta-data that
comprise your content.
Note that one useful meta-datam on which to base a Topic Criteria is
"Subject," which is generally configured to allow a set of
categories to be chosen when creating new content. These categories
can then be used in a Topic Criteria to enable visitors to view
categorized content. A standard pattern is to create a number of
Topics which each correspond to a category.
Another example of a useful Topic is one which constrains your
content by creation or modification date in order to display all
recently changed content.
- Site Manager has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
1. Select "Folder Contents" from the actions box and navigate
to the folder which will contain the Topic.
2. Click the "New..." button, which brings up the "Add Content"
form allowing you to choose among the various content types
that you are allowed to create. Select "Topic," type in an
ID which will be used to identify the Topic in the future,
and click "Add."
3. The system will create the topic and present you with its
"Edit Topic" form, which allows you to supply metadata about
the topic.
**Title** --
the name which will be displayed to visitors.
**Description** --
a brief paragraph describing the intended purpose of the
Topic. The description will be used to annotate the topic
object when it is included in another display (e.g., the
view of its parent folder).
**Acquire criteria from parent** --
when creating topic hierarchies[2], allows sub-topics to
refine the search criteria they acquire from their
Click "Change" to save the changes you've made. The system
will then show the default view of your new Topic, including
the list of content which match the Topic's criteria and
the list of the Topic's Criteria.
Note that since you have not yet set up any criteria, the
Topic will match all content objects in the catalog.
4. To constrain the Topic's matches, select "Criteria" in the actions
box. Create a new Criterion by filling out the "Add Criteria" form,
which has the following fields:
**Field id** --
a drop-down list containing the names of all indexed
attributes. Select the value corresponding to the field
to be searched by the criterion.
**Criteria type** --
the kind of search to apply. The standard types include:
*String Criterion* --
matches all content objects for which the specified
field in the content contains the supplied value
*Integer Criterion* --
matches ranges or exact values for fields which are
represented as whole numbers
*List Criterion* --
matches content objects for which the specified field
contains one of a set of string values.
*Friendly Date Criterion* --
applies a range search to a date field, relative to the
current time.
Click "Add" to create the criterion and add it to the
5. Fill in the value of the "Criterion value" and click "Save
changes." You may continue to add criteria which each further
constrain the content matched by the Topic.
6. To view the content matching the current set of criteria,
select "View" from the actions box.
..[1] Like "Create Folder", this is not solely the prerogative of
Site Managers; Content Creators build topics.
..[2] See "Add a Subtopic":AddSubtopic for an explanation of topic
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/CreateNewContent.stx ===
Use Case: Create Content Object
- Content Creator
- Content Creator has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
1. Navigate to a location within CMF where you have rights to
add content. For example, select 'My Stuff' from your
navigation bar to create the content in your member folder.
2. If needed, select the 'Folder contents' link from the action
3. Click the "New" button. The system will display the "Add
Content" page. From the list of available content types[1],
select the radio button corresponding to the type of content
which you wish to create. Enter an appropriate ID[2] for
the new piece of content, and click the "Add" button.
4. The system will create a new, empty content object of the
type you selected, and display the "Standard Resource Metadata"
edit form. This form, common across all of the default
content types which come stock with the CMF, allows you to
enter specific metadata about your new content:
**Title** --
A string used to identify your content.
**Description** --
A short summary of the content.
**Subject** --
A set of keywords, used for cataloging your content.
The form provides three submit buttons, each of which saves
your content:
**Change** --
commits your changes and return to the metadata form.
**Change and Edit** --
commits your changes and redirects to the edit form, which
will allow you to enter the "body" of your content.
**Change and View** --
commit your changes and proceed to viewing your new piece
of content.
5. Select "Change and Edit", and supply the initial content for
your object as follows:
**Document** --
Enter the text for your object, as either Structured
Text[3] or HTML[4]. You may either type or paste the text
into the textarea, or upload it from your computer.
**News Item** --
Fill out the "Lead-in" and "Body" text areas.
**File / Image** --
Upload the content from your computer.
**Link / Favorite / Event** --
Fill out the form with appropriate values.
Fill out the form and select the "Change" button to save your
6. You may wish to continue with one of the workflow use cases:
- "Submit Content for Review":SubmitContentForReview
- "Publish Content":PublishContent
..[1] see "Default CMF Content Types",DefaultContentTypes.stx.
..[2] Don't confuse the content's ID with the its Title. ID's cannot
contain special characters (e.g., comma, asterisk, brackets,
parentheses, etc.) A good practise is not to use spaces in
an ID either. The ID is used in the URL to reach the folder's
content, so any character which is not allowed in a URI is not
allowed in the id (see "URI RFC",
..[3] See "Structured Text Introduction":StructuredTextIntro
..[4] The HTML you enter will have everything outside the BODY
tag stripped off; the TITLE and META tags will be used, if
present, to update the content's metadata.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/LoginAsMember.stx ===
Use Case: Login To The Site
- Site Visitor
Visitors to a site who have registered as members must login to the
site to use member-only services.
1. Visit the homepage of the site and click the "Log in" link on the
menu (located at the left of the page in a default CMF site).
The "Log in" link will take you to a form where you may
enter your username and password for the site. You may also
select the "remember my name" checkbox and the site will
fill in your username on the form for you the next time you
2. Once you have entered your name and password, click the
"Login" button to login to the site. You should then see a
message letting you know that you have been successfully
logged in. If you did not type your username or password
correctly, you will see a page telling you that the login
did not succeed.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/ManageLocalRoles.stx ===
Use Case: Give local roles to other users
- Content Creator
In order to collaborate on a set of content, each contributor
must have the appropriate permissions to create and revise
- Content Creator has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
1. Navigate to a folder where you wish to give local roles to
other users so you can collaborate on content.
2. Select 'Folder contents' from the actions box.
3. Select 'Set local roles' from the actions box.
4. Fill out the search form as follows:
**Search Term** --
Enter the name or email address of the user to whom you wish
to assign local roles.
**Search By** --
Selected the appropriate drop down which corresponds to
the kind of search term you have entered (e.g. 'Email Address'
or 'User ID')
5. Click the Search button. The system will redisplay the
form, showing a list of users matching your criterion.
6. Select users by checking the corresponding checkbox. Select
the role to assign to the selected user(s) from the drop
down menu labled **Role to Assign**. Click the "Assign Roles"
button. The system will assign the selected role to the
selected users, and redisplay the local roles form with a
message indicating the change.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/MoveCopyContent.stx ===
Use Case: Move / copy content between folders
- Content Creator
- Content Creator has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
1. Navigate to the folder containing the piece of content which
you would like to move (or copy) to another folder.
To retrieve a list of the content you have authored, see
"View personally authored content":ViewMyContent
2. In the "Folder contents" view of the folder, check the box next to
the content object(s) which you would like to move or copy.
3. Click the "Cut" button (or the "Copy" button, if you wish to create
a copy in the new location rather than moving the content).
4. The system will set a cookie on your browser (you must have cookies
enabled) representing the items you cut or copied.
5. Navigate to the folder into which you wish to move or copy the
content (which might be the same folder).
6. Click the "Paste" button. The system will move or copy the content
into the folder; new content whose IDs would conflict with exising
content in that folder will receive an auto-generated name, typically
'copy_of_' plus the original ID.
7. To undo this action, see "Undo changes to content":UndoChanges.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/ProvideFeedback.stx ===
Use Case: Provide feedback on content
- Site Visitor
- The Site Manager has configured the permissions of the site
to allow anonymous users to discuss published content
the Site Visitor has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
- The Site Manager has enabled discussion for the content type
of the item for which the Site Visitor wishes to provide
1. Navigate to the content on which you wish to provide feedback
2. Select 'Reply' from the actions box. The system will
display the reply form for the object.
**Reply Title** --
an input field for the title of your feedback; initially,
the field will have the title of the object to which you
are replying.
**Reply** --
a textarea for entering feedback.
**Preview** --
a submit button which permits you to preview your reply
before submitting it.
**Reply** --
a submit button for creating your reply.
3. Update the title, if desired, and enter your comment into
the textarea.
4. Click the "Preview" button to check that your reply will be
formatted as you desire. If not, return to the reply form
using the "Edit" button.
5. Click the "Reply" button. The system will append your comment
to the thread of replies on the target object.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/RemoveContent.stx ===
Use Case: Remove unneeded content
- Content Creator
- Content Creator has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
1. Navigate to the content to be deleted.
To retrieve a list of the content you have authored, see Use
Case: "View personally authored content":ViewMyContent
2. Select 'Folder contents' from the actions box.
3. Select the content to be delete from by checking the corresponding
checkbox. Click the "Delete" button.
4. The system will delete the content from the folder and redirect
to the folder contents view, adding a notification message which
indicates that the selected content has been deleted.
5. To undo this action, see "Undo changes to content":UndoChanges
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/RenameContent.stx ===
Use Case: Rename Content
- Content Creator
The ID which an author assigns to a piece of content at
creation time[1] may laterturn out to be inappropriate.
- Content Creator has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
1. Navigate to the folder containing the piece of content which
you would like to rename.
To retrieve a list of the content you have authored,
see "View personally authored content":ViewMyContent.
2. In the "Folder contents" view of the folder, check the box next to
the content object(s) which you would like to rename.
3. Click the "Rename" button.
4. The system will display a form listing each selected content object,
with input fields for the new ID for each. Supply new IDs, and click
the "OK" button.
5. The content has now been renamed; you will be redirected to the
folder contents listing with a notification message to that effect.
6. To undo this action, see "Undo changes to content":UndoChanges.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/SearchCMFSite.stx ===
Use Case: Search site for information
- Site Visitor
1. Select the "Search" link from the masthead of any page. The
system will display a form allowing you to specify the
criteria for your search:
**Full text search** --
enter one or more words you expect to find in the
"searchable text" of your content (searchable text
normally consists of the textual content, if any, plus the
title and description).
**Title** --
Enter one or more words you expecte to find in the Title
of the content.
**Subject** --
Select one or more keywords from the available seletion
**Description** --
Enter one or more words you expecte to find in the
Description of the content.
**Find new items since...** --
Select one of the options which corrsponds to the range of
time in which objects were created.
**Item Type** --
Select one or more content types from the seletion box.
**Creator** --
Enter the user ID of the user who created the content.
Enter your search criteria and select the search button.
2. The system will return a results page listing the first
twenty matching objects. For each matching item, the
results page displays the Title, the Description, and the
"last modified" date; the Title is also a link to the
1. Enter one or more "full text" search words in the "quick
search" form in the masthead of any page. Click the "go"
button. Continue with step #3 above.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/SubmitContentForPublication.stx ===
Use Case: Submit Content for Publication
- Content Creator
Non-privileged content creators site need to get review of
their content before it can be published to all Site Visitors.
- Content Creator has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
- Content Creator has created a piece of content which she
wishes to publish (see "Create Content Object":CreateNewContent).
1. Navigate to the piece of content you wish to submit for
To retrieve a list of the content you have authored, see
"View personally authored content":ViewMyContent
2. Select 'Submit' from the actions box. The system will
display the "Submit Content" form:
**Comment** --
A textarea for including an optional comment to the
3. The system will mark your content as "pending review".
Reviewers will be notified your content is pending review
(see "Approve content for publication":ApproveForPublication).
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/UndoChanges.stx ===
Use Case: Undo Changes to Content
- Content Creator
- Content Creator has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
- Content Creator has made changes to content which she wishes
to undo (see "Update existing content":ChangeContent).
- The changes are "undoable"[1].
1. Select 'Undo' from the actions box. The system will present
a list of the transactions which you have permission to undo.
2. Select the checkbox next to the transaction which you wish to
undo and click the undo button. The system will undo that
transaction and redisplay the list of transactions.
..[1] Transactions which involve changing content remain undoable
until one or more objects modified by the transaction are
modified by a subsequent transaction. Normally, this means
that only the latest transaction to an object is undoable,
unless the later transactions are also undone.
It is also possible to have transactions above the
transaction in the list which do not effect the ability to
undo a change a user wishes to undo.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/UnpublishContent.stx ===
Use Case: Remove content from public site
- Reviewer
- Reviewer has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
- Content has been published which now needs to be unpublished
(see "Approve content for publication":ApproveForPublication).
1. Navigate to the content item you wish to remove from the
publically visible site.
2. Select 'Reject' from the actions box.
3. Enter comments explaining why the object is being removed
from the public site.
4. Select the "Reject" button. The system moves the item to
the "private" state, making it no longer visible on your
public site.
=== Added File Products/CMFDefault/help/ViewMyContent.stx ===
Use Case: View personally authored content
- Content Creator
- Content Creator has logged into the CMF (see "Login to the
- Content Creator has created content (see "Create Content
1. Click the 'search' link in the top navigation bar. The
system displays the advanced search page.
2. Enter your user ID in the form field labled *Creator*.
Make sure you spell it exactly as you type it in to login to
the CMF.
3. Click the search button at the bottom of the page. The system
then displayes a list of all content you've personally created
using the standard search results page[1].
..[1] For a more detailed description of the options for advanced
searching, see "Search CMF Site":SearchCMFSite.