[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/CMFCollector/skins/collector - collector_issue_followup_form.pt:1.7
Ken Manheimer
Wed, 17 Oct 2001 22:24:58 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFCollector/skins/collector
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv13781
Modified Files:
Log Message:
It was absurd to try to fit the supporter assign select list in a
small space. It's hopefully less absurd to put it besides the comment
text area, when it's relevant.
Perhaps the non-absurd thing to do would be to have a followup form
where assignments are made, when assign action is selected - but
that's likely to just confuse the supporter making the selection!
Sigh, maybe this'll be good.
=== CMF/CMFCollector/skins/collector/collector_issue_followup_form.pt 1.6 => 1.7 ===
- <table>
+ <table tal:define="actions_pairs here/valid_actions_pairs">
- <th align="left">
+ <th align="left" NOWRAP>
<font size="+1">
- Issue <span tal:replace="here/id">ID</span> Entry
- # <span tal:replace="python: here.action_number + 1"></span>
+ Issue <span tal:replace="here/id">ID</span>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="left" NOWRAP>
+ Entry <span tal:replace="python: here.action_number + 1"></span>
+ </th>
<td align="center">
Click <a href="QUALIFIED"
tal:attributes="href python: request.URL + '?do_cite=1'">
@@ -50,31 +55,49 @@
<input type="radio"
name="action" value="comment" CHECKED>Comment
- <span tal:repeat="pair here/valid_actions_pairs">
- <input type="radio" name="action" value="VALUE"
- tal:attributes="value python: pair[0]"
- ><span tal:replace="python: pair[1]">ACTION</span
- ><span tal:condition="python: pair[1] == 'Assign'">:
- <select name="assignees:list" MULTIPLE size="1">
- <span tal:repeat="supporter python: here.aq_parent.supporters">
- <option tal:content="supporter"
- tal:attributes="selected python:
- supporter in here.assigned_to()">
- SUPPORTER</option>
- </span>
- </select>
- </span>
+ <span tal:repeat="pair actions_pairs">
+ <span tal:condition="python: pair[1] != 'Assign'">
+ <input type="radio" name="action" value="VALUE"
+ tal:attributes="value python: pair[0]"
+ ><span tal:replace="python: pair[1]">ACTION</span>
+ </span>
+ <td align="center"
+ tal:define="assigning python: [i[0] for i in actions_pairs
+ if i[1] == 'Assign']"
+ tal:condition="assigning">
+ <input type="radio" name="action" value="Assign"
+ tal:attributes="value python: assigning[0]">Assign:
+ </td>
- <td colspan="2">
- <textarea name="comment" rows="10" cols="74" wrap="soft"
- tal:content="python: (request.get('do_cite')
- and here.cited_text()) or ''">
+ <td colspan="2">
+ <textarea name="comment" rows="10" cols="60" wrap="soft"
+ tal:content="python: (request.get('do_cite')
+ and here.cited_text()) or ''">
+ <td tal:define="assigning python: [1 for i in actions_pairs
+ if i[1] == 'Assign'];
+ supporters here/aq_parent/supporters"
+ tal:condition="assigning">
+ <select name="assignees:list" MULTIPLE size="5"
+ tal:attributes="size python:
+ min(max(len(supporters), 3), 9)">
+ <span tal:repeat="supporter supporters">
+ <option tal:content="supporter"
+ tal:attributes="selected python:
+ supporter in here.assigned_to()">
+ SUPPORTER</option>
+ </span>
+ </select>
+ </td>