[CMF-checkins] CVS: Products/CMFCore - FSZSQLMethod.py:1.2 __init__.py:1.11
Tres Seaver
Thu, 18 Oct 2001 12:11:51 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Products/CMFCore
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv25271/CMFCore
Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
- Merged Chris Withers' FSSQLMethod into CMFCore.
=== Products/CMFCore/FSZSQLMethod.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+# This Software is released under the MIT License:
+# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html
+# See license.txt for more details.
+# $Id$
+"""(not yet)Customizable ZSQL methods that come from the filesystem."""
+import Globals
+from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
+from zLOG import LOG,ERROR
+from Products.CMFCore.CMFCorePermissions import View, ViewManagementScreens
+from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import registerFileExtension, registerMetaType, expandpath
+from Products.CMFCore.FSObject import FSObject
+from Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL import SQL
+from utils import _dtmldir
+import Acquisition
+class FSZSQLMethod(SQL, FSObject):
+ """FSZSQLMethods act like Z SQL Methods but are not directly
+ modifiable from the management interface."""
+ meta_type = 'Filesystem Z SQL Method'
+ manage_options=(
+ (
+ {'label':'Customize', 'action':'manage_customise'},
+ {'label':'Test', 'action':'manage_testForm',
+ 'help':('ZSQLMethods','Z-SQL-Method_Test.stx')},
+ )
+ )
+ # Use declarative security
+ security = ClassSecurityInfo()
+ security.declareObjectProtected(View)
+ # Make mutators private
+ security.declarePrivate('manage_main','manage_edit','manage_advanced','manage_advancedForm')
+ manage=None
+ security.declareProtected(ViewManagementScreens, 'manage_customise')
+ manage_customise = Globals.DTMLFile('custzsql', _dtmldir)
+ def __init__(self, id, filepath, fullname=None, properties=None):
+ FSObject.__init__(self, id, filepath, fullname, properties)
+ def _createZODBClone(self):
+ """Create a ZODB (editable) equivalent of this object."""
+ # I guess it's bad to 'reach inside' ourselves like this,
+ # but Z SQL Methods don't have accessor methdods ;-)
+ s = SQL(self.id,
+ self.title,
+ self.connection_id,
+ self.arguments_src,
+ self.src)
+ s.manage_advanced(self.max_rows_,
+ self.max_cache_,
+ self.cache_time_,
+ '',
+ '')
+ return s
+ def _readFile(self, reparse):
+ fp = expandpath(self._filepath)
+ file = open(fp, 'rb')
+ try:
+ data = file.read()
+ finally: file.close()
+ # parse parameters
+ parameters={}
+ start = data.find('<dtml-comment>')
+ end = data.find('</dtml-comment>')
+ if start==-1 or end==-1 or start>end:
+ raise ValueError,'Could not find parameter block'
+ block = data[start+14:end]
+ for line in block.split('\n'):
+ pair = line.split(':',1)
+ if len(pair)!=2:
+ continue
+ parameters[pair[0].strip().lower()]=pair[1].strip()
+ # check for required an optional parameters
+ try:
+ title = parameters.get('title','')
+ connection_id = parameters.get('connection id',parameters['connection_id'])
+ arguments = parameters.get('arguments','')
+ max_rows = parameters.get('max_rows',1000)
+ max_cache = parameters.get('max_cache',100)
+ cache_time = parameters.get('cache_time',0)
+ except KeyError,e:
+ raise ValueError,"The '%s' parameter is required but was not supplied" % e
+ self.manage_edit(title,
+ connection_id,
+ arguments,
+ template=data)
+ self.manage_advanced(max_rows,
+ max_cache,
+ cache_time,
+ '', # don't really see any point in allowing
+ '') # brain specification...
+ # do we need to do anything on reparse?
+ if Globals.DevelopmentMode:
+ # Provide an opportunity to update the properties.
+ def __of__(self, parent):
+ try:
+ self = Acquisition.ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper(self, parent)
+ self._updateFromFS()
+ return self
+ except:
+ from zLOG import LOG, ERROR
+ import sys
+ LOG('FS Z SQL Method',
+ 'Error during __of__',
+ error=sys.exc_info())
+ raise
+registerFileExtension('zsql', FSZSQLMethod)
+registerMetaType('Z SQL Method', FSZSQLMethod)
=== Products/CMFCore/__init__.py 1.10 => 1.11 ===
import DirectoryView, FSImage, FSPropertiesObject
import FSDTMLMethod, FSPythonScript, FSSTXMethod
+import FSZSQLMethod
import CookieCrumbler
import ContentTypeRegistry
import utils
@@ -166,6 +167,8 @@
'images/fsimage.gif', globals())
'images/fsprops.gif', globals())
+ utils.registerIcon(FSZSQLMethod.FSZSQLMethod,
+ 'images/fssqlmethod.gif', globals())
'images/typeinfo.gif', globals())