[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/CMFCollector - Collector.py:1.16 KNOWN_PROBLEMS.txt:1.2

Ken Manheimer klm@zope.com
Sat, 27 Oct 2001 19:14:23 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFCollector
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv2916

Modified Files:
	Collector.py KNOWN_PROBLEMS.txt 
Log Message:
Silly me.  I have also give AccessFuturePortalContent to everyone, in
addition to AccessInactivePortalContent...

=== CMF/CMFCollector/Collector.py 1.15 => 1.16 ===
                          roles=['Anonymous', 'Reviewer', 'Manager', 'Owner'],
+    it.manage_permission(CMFCorePermissions.AccessFuturePortalContent,
+                         roles=['Anonymous', 'Reviewer', 'Manager', 'Owner'],
+                         acquire=1)
     if REQUEST is not None:
         try:    url=self.DestinationURL()
         except: url=REQUEST['URL1']

=== CMF/CMFCollector/KNOWN_PROBLEMS.txt 1.1 => 1.2 ===
   Oct 27, 2001 Catalog search "active" content culling disabled --
     The CMF catalog search is supposed to automatically cull out items
-    with expired expirration_date or unreached effective_date, unless
-    the visitor has AccessInactivePortalContent permission.  This
-    culling is not working correctly for the collector's internal
-    catalog, at least in some versions, culling out *all* results.
+    with expired expiration_date and/or unreached effective_date,
+    unless the visitor has AccessFuturePortalContent and/or
+    AccessInactivePortalContent permissions.  This culling is not
+    working correctly for the collector's internal catalog, at least
+    in some versions, culling out *all* results.
     This looks like a CMF and/or ZCatalog bug, and i haven't been able
     to track where the proper behavior is supposed to be implemented.
     Hence, i've punted on this, and am setting collectors to grant
-    Anonymous AccessInactivePortalContent (in Collector.py
-    addCollectorIssue()), meaning that the active-status culling will
-    not be happening for anyone.
+    Anonymous AccessInactivePortalContent and
+    AccessFuturePortalContent (in Collector.py addCollectorIssue()),
+    meaning that the active-status culling will not happen - even when
+    you want it to - within the collector.  I'll be revisiting this
+    workaround when i know more about how to solve the actual problem.