[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/CMFCollector - util.py:1.8

Ken Manheimer klm@zope.com
Tue, 30 Oct 2001 19:43:54 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFCollector
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv25456

Modified Files:
Log Message:
link_candidates(), list_search_hits(), regexps: Spiffy utility for
identifying URLs in the text omitting those contained anywhere inside
of (anchor and img) tags.

We collect the list of all URL matches and then iterate over them,
omitting all that reside within a list of all anchor and img tag
matches.  (Since both lists are sorted, we're able to implement to do
the minimum necessary number of checks.)

=== CMF/CMFCollector/util.py 1.7 => 1.8 ===
     return x
+urlchars  = (r'[A-Za-z0-9/:@_%~#=&\.\-\?]+')
+nonpuncurlchars  = (r'[A-Za-z0-9/:@_%~#=&\-]')
+url       = (r'["=]?((http|https|ftp|mailto|file|about):%s%s)'
+             % (urlchars, nonpuncurlchars))
+urlexp    = re.compile(url)
+UPLOAD_PREFIX = "Uploaded: "
+uploadexp = re.compile('(%s)([^<,\n]*)([<,\n])' % UPLOAD_PREFIX, re.MULTILINE)
+excludeexpr=re.compile(r'(<a [^>]*href=[^>]+>[^<>]*</a>|<img [^>]*src=[^>]*>)')
+def link_candidates(text):
+    """Return match objs for URLS, excluding targets contained in tags.
+    (See the excludeexpr for the exact excluded tag contexts.)"""
+    excludes = list_search_hits(text, excludeexpr)
+    candidates = list_search_hits(text, urlexp)
+    got = []
+    for c in candidates:
+        cstart, cend = c.start(), c.end()
+        good = 1
+        while excludes:
+            e = excludes[0]
+            if e.end() < cend:
+                # Ditch exclude_match that's prior to remaining candidates.
+                del excludes[0]
+                continue
+            elif e.start() > cstart:
+                # Remaining segments are after candidate - it passes.
+                good = 1
+                break
+            else:
+                # Candidate is contained in segment - baad.
+                good = 0
+                break
+        if good:
+            got.append(c)
+    return got
+def list_search_hits(text, exprobj):
+    """Return a list of match objects for non-overlapping text hits."""
+    cursor = 0
+    got = []
+    while 1:
+        hit = exprobj.search(text, cursor)
+        if hit:
+            cursor = hit.end()
+            got.append(hit)
+        else:
+            break
+    return got