[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF - slurp_release.py:1.1
Tres Seaver
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 14:09:51 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/CMF
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv28780
Added Files:
Log Message:
- Add utility for making release tarballs and uploading to the dogbowl.
=== Added File CMF/slurp_release.py ===
#! /usr/bin/env python2.1
""" Make a CMF release.
import sys
import os
import httplib
import getopt
import base64
CVSROOT = ':pserver:anonymous@cvs.zope.org:/cvs-repository'
class ReleasePackage:
_release_tag = _version_id = _userid = _password = None
def __init__( self, args ):
self._parseArgs( args )
# Packaging API
def exportReleaseFiles( self ):
""" Do the CVS export of CMF for a given release.
os.system( 'rm -rf %s' % self._version_id )
command = ( '/usr/bin/cvs -d %s export -r %s -d %s CMF'
% ( CVSROOT, self._release_tag, self._version_id ) )
os.system( command )
def makeArchives( self ):
""" Create tarball and zipfile for release.
tar_command = ( '/bin/tar czf %s.tar.gz %s'
% ( self._version_id, self._version_id ) )
zip_command = ( '/usr/bin/zip -r %s.zip %s'
% ( self._version_id, self._version_id ) )
os.remove( '%s.tar.gz' % self._version_id )
os.remove( '%s.zip' % self._version_id )
os.system( tar_command )
os.system( zip_command )
def uploadArchives( self ):
""" Upload the tarball / zipfile for the release to the dogbowl.
tarball = '%s.tar.gz' % ( self._version_id )
self._uploadFile( tarball )
zipfile = '%s.zip' % ( self._version_id )
self._uploadFile( zipfile )
def uploadDocs( self ):
""" Upload the text files for the release to the dogbowl.
curdir = os.getcwd()
os.chdir( self._version_id )
self._uploadFile( 'CHANGES.txt' )
self._uploadFile( 'HISTORY.txt' )
self._uploadFile( 'INSTALL.txt' )
self._uploadFile( 'LICENSE.txt' )
self._uploadFile( 'README.txt' )
os.chdir( curdir )
def doWholeEnchilada( self ):
""" Run the whole enchilada.
def run( self ):
# Helper methods
def _usage( self ):
""" How are we used?
USAGE = """\
slurp_release [options] release_tag version_id userid password
-?, -h, --help Print this usage message
-x, --execute Select a particular step (def. 'doWholeEnchilada')
-a, --auth Use authentication pair, in fmt 'userid:password'
values = {}
print USAGE % values
sys.exit( 2 )
def _parseArgs( self, args ):
""" Figure out which release, who, etc?
command = 'doWholeEnchilada'
opts, args = getopt.getopt( args
, '?hx:a:'
, [ 'help'
, 'execute='
, 'auth='
except getopt.GetOptError:
for k, v in opts:
if k == '-?' or k == '-h' or k == '--help':
if k == '-x' or k == '--execute':
command = v
if k == '-a' or k == '--auth':
self._userid, self._password = v.split( ':' )
self._command = command
if len( args ) != 2:
self._release_tag, self._version_id = args
def _runCommand( self ):
""" Do the specified command.
getattr( self, self._command )()
def _getAuthHeaders( self ):
""" Return the HTTP headers.
headers = {}
if self._userid:
auth = base64.encodestring( '%s:%s'
% ( self._userid, self._password ) )
headers[ 'Authorization' ] = 'Basic %s' % auth
return headers
def _uploadFile( self, filename ):
""" Upload the zipfile for the release to the dogbowl.
URL = ( '/download/%s/%s' % ( self._version_id, filename ) )
body = open( filename ).read()
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( 'cmf.zope.org' )
print 'PUTting file, %s, to URL, %s' % ( filename, URL )
conn.request( 'PUT', URL, body, self._getAuthHeaders() )
response = conn.getresponse()
if int( response.status ) not in ( 200, 204, 302 ):
raise ValueError, 'Failed: %s (%s)' % ( response.status
, response.reason )
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
pkg = ReleasePackage( sys.argv[1:] )