[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/CMFWiki - CMFWikiPage.py:1.24

Ken Manheimer klm@zope.com
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 15:10:19 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFWiki
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv23585

Modified Files:
Log Message:
.offspring(): Added a 'raw' option, causing the routine to return a
data structure that can be easily used to present the page and
offspring respecting while indicating their relative depth and whether
or not the offspring are inhibited (due to being already presented).

This is a step in the right direction of separating presentation from

=== CMF/CMFWiki/CMFWikiPage.py 1.23 => 1.24 ===
-    def offspring(self, REQUEST=None):
-        """Return a presentation of all my offspring."""
+    def offspring(self, raw=0, REQUEST=None):
+        """Return a presentation of all my offspring.
+        If 'raw' is true (default is not true), return the nesting list of
+        offspring, instead."""
         myid = self.getId()
         page_meta_type = self.meta_type
         nesting = WikiNesting(self._my_folder(), page_meta_type)
-        return present_nesting(myid, nesting.get_offspring([myid]),
-                               self.wiki_base_url()) # SKWM
+        if not raw:
+            return present_nesting(myid, nesting.get_offspring([myid]),
+                                   self.wiki_base_url()) # SKWM
+        else:
+            return unravel_nesting(nesting.get_offspring([myid])[0])
     def wiki_map(self, REQUEST=None):
@@ -1669,6 +1675,24 @@
     got.sort()                  # Terminals will come before composites.
     got.insert(0, page)
+    return got
+def unravel_nesting(nesting, curdepth=0, list_type=type([])):
+    """Translate a wiki nesting structure for easy presentation.
+        Returns a flat list of tuples indicating the nested page's depth and
+        whether or not they have offspring that have been suppressed:
+        [(pagename, depth, offspring_suppressed?)]"""
+    if len(nesting) == 1:
+        return [(nesting[0], curdepth, 1)]
+    got = []
+    for p in nesting:
+        if type(p) == list_type:
+            got.extend(unravel_nesting(p, curdepth+1))
+        else:
+            got.append((p, curdepth, 0))
     return got
 def html_unquote(v, name='(Unknown name)', md={},