[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF - CHANGES.txt:1.136 INSTALL.txt:1.13

Yvo Schubbe schubbe@web.de
Thu, 6 Mar 2003 05:53:28 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/CMF
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv16438

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Merged yuppie-collector122-branch:
- Added i18n attributes. (Collector #122)
- Made scripts independent of submit button values.
- Added transition_form.

=== CMF/CHANGES.txt 1.135 => 1.136 ===
--- CMF/CHANGES.txt:1.135	Wed Feb 26 15:18:27 2003
+++ CMF/CHANGES.txt	Thu Mar  6 05:53:27 2003
@@ -25,6 +25,15 @@
   New Features
+    - zpt skins (CMFDefault): Added i18n attributes.
+      See INSTALL.txt for installing internationalization support.
+      (Collector #122, thanks to Gitte Wange for her contribution)
+    - zpt skins (CMFDefault): Added 'zpt_content/transition_form.pt'.
+      'content_*_form.pt' now use this template.
+    - skins (CMFDefault): Made scripts independent of submit button 'values'.
     - utils: Changed behavior of 'StrippingParser' and 'scrubHTML'.
       They now close empty tags.
       (Collector #108, thanks to 'tanghus' for the patch)

=== CMF/INSTALL.txt 1.12 => 1.13 ===
--- CMF/INSTALL.txt:1.12	Mon Feb 24 08:59:45 2003
+++ CMF/INSTALL.txt	Thu Mar  6 05:53:27 2003
@@ -62,6 +62,45 @@
     4. Create a CMF Site object. join, and begin adding content.
+Installing Internationalization (I18N) Support for CMF
+  Requirements
+    - Zope 2.6.0 or later
+    - "Localizer":http://www.localizer.org
+    - "TranslationService":http://www.zope.org/Members/efge/TranslationService
+    - If you don't have the right language files (.po), you have to translate
+      the messages yourself!
+  Assumptions
+    - CMF is installed as described above.
+  Procedure
+    1. From the ZMI of your CMFSite, select "Localizer" from the Add list. Use
+       the default values.
+    2. From the "Contents" tab of Localizer, select "MessageCatalog" from the
+       Add list. Use 'CMFMessages' as id.
+    3. Use the "Languages" tab of CMFMessages to select the languages you want
+       to support.
+    4. From the ZMI of your CMFSite, select "Translation Service" from the Add
+       list. Use the default id.
+    5. Use the "Configuration" tab of translation_service to set the
+       MessageCatalog for the default domain to 'Localizer/CMFMessages'.
+    6. Go again to the MessageCatalog 'CMFMessages'. If you have the right .po
+       files, import them using the "Import/Export" tab.
+       If you have no .po files, collect the message ids by using your site.
+       Use the 'Messages' tab to translate the collected messages.
 Upgrading from Earlier Versions
   Install the New Software.