[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic -
batch_widgets.pt:1.1 getBatchNavigation.py:1.1 roster.pt:1.6
Yvo Schubbe
cvs-admin at zope.org
Sat Nov 1 11:42:00 EST 2003
Update of /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv20127/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic
Modified Files:
roster.pt search.pt
Added Files:
batch_widgets.pt getBatchNavigation.py
Log Message:
membership management ui (part 2):
- moved batch navigation into batch_widgets.pt to make the code reusable for members_manage_form.pt
=== Added File CMF/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/batch_widgets.pt ===
<tal:test tal:define="previous python: {'length': '20', 'text': 'Previous',
'type': 'items', 'url':'?'};
next python: {'length': '', 'text': 'Next',
'type': 'item', 'url':'?'};
navigation python: {'previous': previous, 'next': next};
global batch python: {'navigation': navigation}" />
<metal:block metal:define-macro="navigation"
tal:define="p batch/navigation/previous/url;
n batch/navigation/next/url"
><p class="BatchNavigation" tal:condition="python: p or n"
><tal:case tal:condition="p">
<a href="" tal:attributes="href p" i18n:translate=""
><tal:span tal:content="batch/navigation/previous/text"
> <tal:case tal:condition="batch/navigation/previous/length"
> <tal:span tal:content="batch/navigation/previous/type"
><tal:case tal:condition="python:p and n">
><tal:case tal:condition="n">
<a href="" tal:attributes="href n" i18n:translate=""
><tal:span tal:content="batch/navigation/next/text"
> <tal:case tal:condition="batch/navigation/next/length"
> <tal:span tal:content="batch/navigation/next/type"
=== Added File CMF/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/getBatchNavigation.py ===
## Script (Python) "getBatchNavigation"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
##parameters=batch_obj, target, type_singular='item', type_plural='items', previous_text='Previous', next_text='Next', **kw
from ZTUtils import make_query
if kw.has_key('b_start'):
del kw['b_start']
navigation = {}
items = []
for batch in (batch_obj.previous, batch_obj.next):
length = batch and batch.length or 0
if length:
batch_start = batch.first
if batch_start:
kw['b_start'] = batch_start
query = kw and ( '?%s' % make_query(kw) ) or ''
url = '%s%s' % (target, query)
items.append( {'length': length > 1 and length or '',
'type': length == 1 and type_singular or type_plural,
'url': length and url or ''} )
navigation['previous'] = items[0]
navigation['previous']['text'] = previous_text
navigation['next'] = items[1]
navigation['next']['text'] = next_text
return navigation
=== CMF/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/roster.pt 1.5 => 1.6 ===
--- CMF/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/roster.pt:1.5 Mon Sep 1 10:02:06 2003
+++ CMF/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/roster.pt Sat Nov 1 11:42:00 2003
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
b_start request/b_start | b_start;
members mtool/getRoster;
Batch python:modules['ZTUtils'].Batch;
- batch python:Batch(members, 25, int(b_start), orphan=1)">
+ global batch python:Batch(members, 25, int(b_start), orphan=1)">
<tr tal:repeat="members batch">
<td> <br /> </td>
<td tal:define="id members/id;
@@ -46,26 +46,15 @@
<span tal:replace="python: listed and 'Yes' or 'No'">Yes...Or No</span>
- <tr>
- <td> <br /> </td>
- <td>
- <span tal:define="p batch/previous" tal:condition="p">
- <a href=""
- tal:attributes="href string:?b_start=${p/first}"
- i18n:translate="">Previous <span tal:replace="p/length"
- i18n:name="count">p</span> Members</a>
- </span>
- <span tal:define="n batch/next" tal:condition="n">
- <a href=""
- tal:attributes="href string:?b_start=${batch/end}"
- i18n:translate="">Next <span tal:replace="n/length"
- i18n:name="count">n</span> Members</a>
- </span>
- </td>
- </tr>
+<tal:span tal:define="target python: mtool.getMembersFolder().absolute_url();
+ batch python: {'navigation':
+ here.getBatchNavigation(batch, target, 'member', 'members') }">
+ <metal:block metal:use-macro="here/batch_widgets/macros/navigation" />
=== CMF/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/search.pt 1.5 => 1.6 ===
--- CMF/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/search.pt:1.5 Wed Jul 9 14:10:25 2003
+++ CMF/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/search.pt Sat Nov 1 11:42:00 2003
@@ -63,20 +63,12 @@
<p tal:condition="not:results"
i18n:translate="">There are no items matching your specified criteria.</p>
-<p tal:define="mq python:modules['ZTUtils'].make_query">
- <span tal:define="p batch/previous" tal:condition="p">
- <a href=""
- tal:attributes="href python: '?' + mq( request.form, b_start=p.first )"
- i18n:translate=""
- >Previous <span tal:replace="p/length" i18n:name="count">n</span> items</a>
- </span>
- <span tal:define="n batch/next" tal:condition="n">
- <a href=""
- tal:attributes="href python: '?' + mq( request.form, b_start=n.first )"
- i18n:translate=""
- >Next <span tal:replace="n/length" i18n:name="count">n</span> items</a>
- </span>
- </p>
+<tal:span tal:define="target string:${here/portal_url}/search;
+ batch python: {'navigation':
+ here.getBatchNavigation(batch, target, **request.form) }">
+ <metal:block metal:use-macro="here/batch_widgets/macros/navigation" />
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