[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/CMFSetup - workflow.py:1.1
Tres Seaver
tseaver at zope.com
Wed Jun 2 18:46:42 EDT 2004
Update of /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFSetup
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv12878
Added Files:
Log Message:
- Initial pass at workflow export (need transitions and worklists).
=== Added File CMF/CMFSetup/workflow.py ===
""" Classes: WorkflowConfigurator
$Id: workflow.py,v 1.1 2004/06/02 22:46:41 tseaver Exp $
from xml.sax import parseString
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Acquisition import Implicit
from Globals import InitializeClass
from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import DCWorkflowDefinition
from permissions import ManagePortal
from utils import HandlerBase
from utils import _xmldir
# Configurator entry points
_FILENAME = 'workflows.xml'
def importWorkflowTool( context ):
""" Import worflow tool and contained workflow definitions.
o 'context' must implement IImportContext.
o Register via Python:
registry = site.portal_setup.getImportStepRegistry()
registry.registerStep( 'importWorkflowTool'
, '20040602-01'
, Products.CMFSetup.workflow.importWorkflowTool
, ()
, 'Workflow import'
, 'Import worflow tool and contained workflow '
o Register via XML:
<setup-step id="importWorkflowTool"
title="Workflow import"
>Import worflow tool and contained workflow definitions.</setup-step>
site = context.getSite()
encoding = context.getEncoding()
if context.shouldPurge():
workflow_tool = getToolByName( site, 'portal_workflow' )
for provider_id in workflow_tool.listWorkflowTool():
workflow_tool.deleteActionProvider( provider_id )
text = context.readDataFile( _FILENAME )
if text is not None:
apc = WorkflowToolConfigurator( site ).__of__( site )
apc.parseXML( text, encoding )
return 'Workflows imported.'
def exportWorkflowTool( context ):
""" Export worflow tool and contained workflow definitions as an XML file.
o 'context' must implement IExportContext.
o Register via Python:
registry = site.portal_setup.getExportStepRegistry()
registry.registerStep( 'exportWorkflowTool'
, Products.CMFSetup.workflow.exportWorkflowTool
, 'Workflow export'
, 'Export worflow tool and contained workflow '
o Register via XML:
<export-script id="exportWorkflowTool"
title="Workflow export"
>Export worflow tool and contained workflow definitions.</export-script>
site = context.getSite()
apc = WorkflowToolConfigurator( site ).__of__( site )
text = apc.generateXML()
context.writeDataFile( _FILENAME, text, 'text/xml' )
return 'Workflows exported.'
class WorkflowToolConfigurator( Implicit ):
""" Synthesize XML description of site's action providers.
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
security.setDefaultAccess( 'allow' )
def __init__( self, site ):
self._site = site
_providers = PageTemplateFile( 'wtcExport.xml'
, _xmldir
, __name__='_workflows'
security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'getWorkflowInfo' )
def getWorkflowInfo( self, workflow_id ):
""" Return a mapping describing a given workflow.
o Keys in the mappings:
'id' -- the ID of the workflow within the tool
'meta_type' -- the workflow's meta_type
'title' -- the workflow's title property
o See '_extractDCWorkflowInfo' below for keys present only for
DCWorkflow definitions.
o Within the workflow mapping, each 'worklist_info' mapping has keys:
'id' -- the ID of the worklist
'description' -- a textual description of the worklist
'actbox_name' -- the name of the "action" corresponding to the
'actbox_url' -- the URL of the "action" corresponding to the
'actbox_category' -- the category of the "action" corresponding
to the worklist
'guard_permissions' -- a list of permissions guarding access
to the worklist
'guard_roles' -- a list of roles guarding access
to the worklist
'guard_expr' -- an expression guarding access to the worklist
'var_match' -- a list of ( key, value ) tuples defining
the variables used to "activate" the worklist.
o Within the workflow mapping, each 'transition_info' mapping has keys:
'id' -- the ID of the transition
'title' -- the title of the transition
'new_state_id' -- the ID of the state into which the transition
moves an object
'trigger_type' -- one of the following values, indicating how the
transition is fired:
- "AUTOMATIC" -> fired opportunistically whenever the workflow
notices that its guard conditions permit
- "USER" -> fired in response to user request
- "WORKFLOW_METHOD" -> fired as the result of execting a
'before_script_name' -- the ID of a script to be executed before
the transition
'after_script_name' -- the ID of a script to be executed after
the transition
'actbox_name' -- the name of the action by which the user
triggers the transition
'actbox_url' -- the URL of the action by which the user
triggers the transition
'actbox_category' -- the category of the action by which the user
triggers the transition
'guard_permissions' -- a list of permissions guarding the transition
'guard_roles' -- a list of roles guarding the transition
'guard_expr' -- an expression guarding the transition
workflow_tool = getToolByName( self._site, 'portal_workflow' )
workflow = workflow_tool.getWorkflowById( workflow_id )
workflow_info = { 'id' : workflow_id
, 'meta_type' : workflow.meta_type
, 'title' : workflow.title_or_id()
if workflow.meta_type == DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type:
self._extractDCWorkflowInfo( workflow, workflow_info )
return workflow_info
security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'listWorkflowInfo' )
def listWorkflowInfo( self ):
""" Return a sequence of mappings for each workflow in the tool.
o See 'getWorkflowInfo' for definition of the mappings.
workflow_tool = getToolByName( self._site, 'portal_workflow' )
return [ self.getWorkflowInfo( workflow_id )
for workflow_id in workflow_tool.getWorkflowIds() ]
# Helper methods
security.declarePrivate( '_extractDCWorkflowInfo' )
def _extractDCWorkflowInfo( self, workflow, workflow_info ):
""" Append the information for a 'workflow' into 'workflow_info'
o 'workflow' must be a DCWorkflowDefinition instance.
o 'workflow_info' must be a dictionary.
o The following keys will be added to 'workflow_info':
'permissions' -- a list of names of permissions managed
by the workflow
'state_variable' -- the name of the workflow's "main"
state variable
'variable_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
variables tracked by the workflow (see '_extractVariables').
'worklist_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
worklists tracked by the workflow (see below).
'initial_state' -- the name of the state in the workflow
in which objects start their lifecycle.
'state_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
states tracked by the workflow (see below).
'transition_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
transitions tracked by the workflow (see below).
workflow_info[ 'state_variable' ] = workflow.state_var
workflow_info[ 'initial_state' ] = workflow.initial_state
workflow_info[ 'permissions' ] = workflow.permissions
workflow_info[ 'variable_info' ] = self._extractVariables( workflow )
workflow_info[ 'state_info' ] = self._extractStates( workflow )
security.declarePrivate( '_extractVariables' )
def _extractVariables( self, workflow ):
""" Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow variables.
o Keys for each mapping will include:
'id' -- the variable's ID
'description' -- a textual description of the variable
'for_catalog' -- whether to catalog this variable
'for_status' -- whether to ??? this variable (XXX)
'update_always' -- whether to update this variable whenever
executing a transition (xxX)
'default_value' -- a default value for the variable (XXX)
'default_expression' -- a TALES expression for the default value
'guard_permissions' -- a list of permissions guarding access
to the variable
'guard_roles' -- a list of roles guarding access
to the variable
'guard_expr' -- an expression guarding access to the variable
result = []
for k, v in workflow.variables.objectItems():
guard = v.getInfoGuard()
info = { 'id' : k
, 'description' : v.description
, 'for_catalog' : bool( v.for_catalog )
, 'for_status' : bool( v.for_status )
, 'update_always' : bool( v.update_always )
, 'default_value' : v.default_value
, 'default_expr' : v.getDefaultExprText()
, 'guard_permissions' : guard.getPermissionsText()
, 'guard_roles' : guard.getRolesText()
, 'guard_groups' : guard.getGroupsText()
, 'guard_expr' : guard.getExprText()
result.append( info )
return result
security.declarePrivate( '_extractStates' )
def _extractStates( self, workflow ):
""" Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow states.
o Within the workflow mapping, each 'state_info' mapping has keys:
'id' -- the state's ID
'title' -- the state's title
'description' -- the state's description
'transitions' -- a list of IDs of transitions out of the state
'permissions' -- a list of mappings describing the permission
map for the state
'groups' -- a list of ( group_id, (roles,) ) tuples describing the
group-role assignments for the state
'variables' -- a list of ( name, value ) tuples for the variables
to be set when entering the state.
o Within the state_info mappings, each 'permissions' mapping
has the keys:
'name' -- the name of the permission
'roles' -- a sequence of role IDs which have the permission
'acquired' -- whether roles are acquired for the permission
result = []
for k, v in workflow.states.objectItems():
info = { 'id' : k
, 'title' : v.title
, 'description' : v.description
, 'transitions' : v.transitions
, 'permissions' : self._extractStatePermissions( v )
result.append( info )
return result
security.declarePrivate( '_extractStatePermissions' )
def _extractStatePermissions( self, state ):
""" Return a sequence of mappings for the permssions in a state.
o Each mapping has the keys:
'name' -- the name of the permission
'roles' -- a sequence of role IDs which have the permission
'acquired' -- whether roles are acquired for the permission
result = []
for k, v in state.permission_roles.items():
result.append( { 'name' : k
, 'roles' : v
, 'acquired' : not isinstance( v, tuple )
} )
return result
InitializeClass( WorkflowToolConfigurator )
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