[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/CMFSetup - workflow.py:1.3

Tres Seaver tseaver at zope.com
Thu Jun 3 15:26:10 EDT 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFSetup
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv24152

Modified Files:
Log Message:
 - Extract worklist info.

=== CMF/CMFSetup/workflow.py 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- CMF/CMFSetup/workflow.py:1.2	Thu Jun  3 12:52:15 2004
+++ CMF/CMFSetup/workflow.py	Thu Jun  3 15:26:08 2004
@@ -134,32 +134,6 @@
         o See '_extractDCWorkflowInfo' below for keys present only for
           DCWorkflow definitions.
-        o Within the workflow mapping, each 'worklist_info' mapping has keys:
-          'id' -- the ID of the worklist
-          'description' -- a textual description of the worklist
-          'actbox_name' -- the name of the "action" corresponding to the
-            worklist
-          'actbox_url' -- the URL of the "action" corresponding to the
-            worklist
-          'actbox_category' -- the category of the "action" corresponding
-            to the worklist
-          'guard_permissions' -- a list of permissions guarding access
-            to the worklist
-          'guard_roles' -- a list of roles guarding access
-            to the worklist
-          'guard_expr' -- an expression guarding access to the worklist
-          'var_match' -- a list of ( key, value ) tuples defining
-            the variables used to "activate" the worklist.
         workflow_tool = getToolByName( self._site, 'portal_workflow' )
         workflow = workflow_tool.getWorkflowById( workflow_id )
@@ -205,20 +179,20 @@
           'state_variable' -- the name of the workflow's "main"
             state variable 
-          'variable_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
-            variables tracked by the workflow (see '_extractVariables').
-          'worklist_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
-            worklists tracked by the workflow (see '_extractWorklists').
           'initial_state' -- the name of the state in the workflow
             in which objects start their lifecycle.
+          'variable_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
+            variables tracked by the workflow (see '_extractVariables').
           'state_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
             states tracked by the workflow (see '_extractStates').
           'transition_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
             transitions tracked by the workflow (see '_extractTransitions').
+          'worklist_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
+            worklists tracked by the workflow (see '_extractWorklists').
         workflow_info[ 'state_variable' ] = workflow.state_var
         workflow_info[ 'initial_state' ] = workflow.initial_state
@@ -226,7 +200,8 @@
         workflow_info[ 'variable_info' ] = self._extractVariables( workflow )
         workflow_info[ 'state_info' ] = self._extractStates( workflow )
         workflow_info[ 'transition_info' ] = self._extractTransitions(
-                                                                    workflow )
+                                                                   workflow )
+        workflow_info[ 'worklist_info' ] = self._extractWorklists( workflow )
     security.declarePrivate( '_extractVariables' )
     def _extractVariables( self, workflow ):
@@ -427,6 +402,66 @@
                    , 'actbox_url'           : v.actbox_url
                    , 'actbox_category'      : v.actbox_category
                    , 'variables'            : v.getVariableExprs()
+                   , 'guard_permissions'    : guard.getPermissionsText()
+                   , 'guard_roles'          : guard.getRolesText()
+                   , 'guard_groups'         : guard.getGroupsText()
+                   , 'guard_expr'           : guard.getExprText()
+                   }
+            result.append( info )
+        return result
+    security.declarePrivate( '_extractWorklists' )
+    def _extractWorklists( self, workflow ):
+        """ Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow transitions.
+        o Each mapping has the keys:
+          'id' -- the ID of the worklist
+          'title' -- the title of the worklist
+          'description' -- a textual description of the worklist
+          'var_match' -- a list of ( key, value ) tuples defining
+            the variables used to "activate" the worklist.
+          'actbox_name' -- the name of the "action" corresponding to the
+            worklist
+          'actbox_url' -- the URL of the "action" corresponding to the
+            worklist
+          'actbox_category' -- the category of the "action" corresponding
+            to the worklist
+          'guard_permissions' -- a list of permissions guarding access
+            to the worklist
+          'guard_roles' -- a list of roles guarding access
+            to the worklist
+          'guard_expr' -- an expression guarding access to the worklist
+        """
+        result = []
+        for k, v in workflow.worklists.objectItems():
+            guard = v.getGuard()
+            var_match = [ ( id, v.getVarMatchText( id ) )
+                            for id in v.getVarMatchKeys() ]
+            info = { 'id'                   : k
+                   , 'title'                : v.title
+                   , 'description'          : v.description
+                   , 'var_match'            : var_match
+                   , 'actbox_name'          : v.actbox_name
+                   , 'actbox_url'           : v.actbox_url
+                   , 'actbox_category'      : v.actbox_category
                    , 'guard_permissions'    : guard.getPermissionsText()
                    , 'guard_roles'          : guard.getRolesText()
                    , 'guard_groups'         : guard.getGroupsText()

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