[CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/CMFSetup/tests - conformance.py:1.1 test_context.py:1.1 test_all.py:1.4

Tres Seaver tseaver at zope.com
Fri May 21 17:12:41 EDT 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFSetup/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv6424/tests

Modified Files:
Added Files:
	conformance.py test_context.py 
Log Message:

  - interfaces.py:

    o s/readDatafile/readDataFile/g

    o Expand description of error cases.

  - context.py:

    o Create filesystem-based implementations of IImportContext
      and IExportContext.

  - tests/conformance.py:

    o Base classes for testing interface conformance.

=== Added File CMF/CMFSetup/tests/conformance.py ===
""" Base classes for testing interface conformance.

Derived testcase classes should define '_getTargetClass()', which must
return the class being tested for conformance.

$Id: conformance.py,v 1.1 2004/05/21 21:12:40 tseaver Exp $

class ConformsToISetupContext:

    def test_ISetupContext_conformance( self ):

        from Products.CMFSetup.interfaces import ISetupContext
        from Interface.Verify import verifyClass

        verifyClass( ISetupContext, self._getTargetClass() )

class ConformsToIImportContext:

    def test_IImportContext_conformance( self ):

        from Products.CMFSetup.interfaces import IImportContext
        from Interface.Verify import verifyClass

        verifyClass( IImportContext, self._getTargetClass() )

class ConformsToIExportContext:

    def test_IExportContext_conformance( self ):

        from Products.CMFSetup.interfaces import IExportContext
        from Interface.Verify import verifyClass

        verifyClass( IExportContext, self._getTargetClass() )

=== Added File CMF/CMFSetup/tests/test_context.py ===
""" Unit tests for import / export contexts.

$Id: test_context.py,v 1.1 2004/05/21 21:12:40 tseaver Exp $

import unittest
import os
import shutil

from OFS.Folder import Folder

from Products.CMFCore.tests.base.testcase import SecurityRequestTest

from conformance import ConformsToISetupContext
from conformance import ConformsToIImportContext
from conformance import ConformsToIExportContext

class DummySite( Folder ):


class TestBase( SecurityRequestTest ):

    def _makeOne( self, *args, **kw ):

        return self._getTargetClass()( *args, **kw )

    def setUp( self ):

        SecurityRequestTest.setUp( self )

    def tearDown( self ):

        SecurityRequestTest.tearDown( self )

    def _clearTempDir( self ):

        if os.path.exists( self._PROFILE_PATH ):
            shutil.rmtree( self._PROFILE_PATH )

    def _makeFile( self, filename, contents ):

        path, filename = os.path.split( filename )

        subdir = os.path.join( self._PROFILE_PATH, path )

        if not os.path.exists( subdir ):
            os.makedirs( subdir )

        fqpath = os.path.join( subdir, filename )

        file = open( fqpath, 'w' )
        file.write( contents )
        return fqpath

class ImportContextTests( TestBase
                        , ConformsToISetupContext
                        , ConformsToIImportContext

    _PROFILE_PATH = '/tmp/ICTTexts'

    def _getTargetClass( self ):

        from Products.CMFSetup.context import ImportContext
        return ImportContext

    def test_readDataFile_nonesuch( self ):

        _FILENAME = 'nonesuch.txt'

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.readDataFile( _FILENAME ), None )

    def test_readDataFile_simple( self ):

        from string import printable
        _FILENAME = 'simple.txt'
        self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.readDataFile( _FILENAME ), printable )

    def test_readDataFile_subdir( self ):

        from string import printable
        _FILENAME = 'subdir/nested.txt'
        self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.readDataFile( _FILENAME ), printable )

    def test_getLastModified_nonesuch( self ):

        _FILENAME = 'nonesuch.txt'

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.getLastModified( _FILENAME ), None )

    def test_getLastModified_simple( self ):

        from string import printable
        _FILENAME = 'simple.txt'
        fqpath = self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )
        timestamp = os.path.getmtime( fqpath )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.getLastModified( _FILENAME ), timestamp )

    def test_getLastModified_nested( self ):

        from string import printable
        _SUBDIR = 'subdir'
        _FILENAME = os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'nested.txt' )
        fqpath = self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )
        timestamp = os.path.getmtime( fqpath )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.getLastModified( _FILENAME ), timestamp )

    def test_getLastModified_directory( self ):

        from string import printable
        _SUBDIR = 'subdir'
        _FILENAME = os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'nested.txt' )
        fqpath = self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )
        path, file = os.path.split( fqpath )
        timestamp = os.path.getmtime( path )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.getLastModified( _SUBDIR ), timestamp )

    def test_isDirectory_nonesuch( self ):

        _FILENAME = 'nonesuch.txt'

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.isDirectory( _FILENAME ), None )

    def test_isDirectory_simple( self ):

        from string import printable
        _FILENAME = 'simple.txt'
        fqpath = self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.isDirectory( _FILENAME ), False )

    def test_isDirectory_nested( self ):

        from string import printable
        _SUBDIR = 'subdir'
        _FILENAME = os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'nested.txt' )
        fqpath = self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.isDirectory( _FILENAME ), False )

    def test_isDirectory_directory( self ):

        from string import printable
        _SUBDIR = 'subdir'
        _FILENAME = os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'nested.txt' )
        fqpath = self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.isDirectory( _SUBDIR ), True )

    def test_listDirectory_nonesuch( self ):

        _FILENAME = 'nonesuch.txt'

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.listDirectory( _FILENAME ), None )

    def test_listDirectory_simple( self ):

        from string import printable
        _FILENAME = 'simple.txt'
        self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.listDirectory( _FILENAME ), None )

    def test_listDirectory_nested( self ):

        from string import printable
        _SUBDIR = 'subdir'
        _FILENAME = os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'nested.txt' )
        self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        self.assertEqual( ctx.listDirectory( _FILENAME ), None )

    def test_listDirectory_single( self ):

        from string import printable
        _SUBDIR = 'subdir'
        _FILENAME = os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'nested.txt' )
        self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        names = ctx.listDirectory( _SUBDIR )
        self.assertEqual( len( names ), 1 )
        self.failUnless( 'nested.txt' in names )

    def test_listDirectory_multiple( self ):

        from string import printable
        _SUBDIR = 'subdir'
        _FILENAME = os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'nested.txt' )
        self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )
        self._makeFile( os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'another.txt' ), 'ABC' )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        names = ctx.listDirectory( _SUBDIR )
        self.assertEqual( len( names ), 2 )
        self.failUnless( 'nested.txt' in names )
        self.failUnless( 'another.txt' in names )

    def test_listDirectory_skip_implicit( self ):

        from string import printable
        _SUBDIR = 'subdir'
        _FILENAME = os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'nested.txt' )
        self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )
        self._makeFile( os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'another.txt' ), 'ABC' )
        self._makeFile( os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'CVS/skip.txt' ), 'DEF' )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        names = ctx.listDirectory( _SUBDIR )
        self.assertEqual( len( names ), 2 )
        self.failUnless( 'nested.txt' in names )
        self.failUnless( 'another.txt' in names )
        self.failIf( 'CVS' in names )

    def test_listDirectory_skip_explicit( self ):

        from string import printable
        _SUBDIR = 'subdir'
        _FILENAME = os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'nested.txt' )
        self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )
        self._makeFile( os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'another.txt' ), 'ABC' )
        self._makeFile( os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'CVS/skip.txt' ), 'DEF' )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        names = ctx.listDirectory( _SUBDIR, ( 'nested.txt', ) )
        self.assertEqual( len( names ), 2 )
        self.failIf( 'nested.txt' in names )
        self.failUnless( 'another.txt' in names )
        self.failUnless( 'CVS' in names )

class ExportContextTests( TestBase
                        , ConformsToISetupContext
                        , ConformsToIExportContext

    _PROFILE_PATH = '/tmp/ECTTexts'

    def _getTargetClass( self ):

        from Products.CMFSetup.context import ExportContext
        return ExportContext

    def test_writeDataFile_simple( self ):

        from string import printable, digits
        _FILENAME = 'simple.txt'
        fqname = self._makeFile( _FILENAME, printable )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        ctx.writeDataFile( _FILENAME, digits, 'text/plain' )

        self.assertEqual( open( fqname, 'rb' ).read(), digits )

    def test_writeDataFile_new_subdir( self ):

        from string import printable, digits
        _SUBDIR = 'subdir'
        _FILENAME = 'nested.txt'
        fqname = os.path.join( self._PROFILE_PATH, _SUBDIR, _FILENAME )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        ctx.writeDataFile( _FILENAME, digits, 'text/plain', _SUBDIR )

        self.assertEqual( open( fqname, 'rb' ).read(), digits )

    def test_writeDataFile_overwrite( self ):

        from string import printable, digits
        _SUBDIR = 'subdir'
        _FILENAME = 'nested.txt'
        fqname = self._makeFile( os.path.join( _SUBDIR, _FILENAME )
                               , printable )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        ctx.writeDataFile( _FILENAME, digits, 'text/plain', _SUBDIR )

        self.assertEqual( open( fqname, 'rb' ).read(), digits )

    def test_writeDataFile_existing_subdir( self ):

        from string import printable, digits
        _SUBDIR = 'subdir'
        _FILENAME = 'nested.txt'
        self._makeFile( os.path.join( _SUBDIR, 'another.txt' ), printable )
        fqname = os.path.join( self._PROFILE_PATH, _SUBDIR, _FILENAME )

        site = DummySite( 'site' ).__of__( self.root )
        ctx = self._makeOne( site, self._PROFILE_PATH )

        ctx.writeDataFile( _FILENAME, digits, 'text/plain', _SUBDIR )

        self.assertEqual( open( fqname, 'rb' ).read(), digits )

def test_suite():
    return unittest.TestSuite((
        unittest.makeSuite( ImportContextTests ),
        unittest.makeSuite( ExportContextTests ),

if __name__ == '__main__':

=== CMF/CMFSetup/tests/test_all.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- CMF/CMFSetup/tests/test_all.py:1.3	Tue May 18 15:54:56 2004
+++ CMF/CMFSetup/tests/test_all.py	Fri May 21 17:12:40 2004
@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@
 def suite():
     return build_test_suite( 'Products.CMFSetup.tests'
-                           , [ 'test_registry'
+                           , [ 'test_context'
+                             , 'test_registry'
                              , 'test_rolemap'
+                           # , 'test_tool'
                              , 'test_utils'

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