[CMF-checkins] SVN: CMF/branches/2.0/DCWorkflow/CHANGES.txt - removing obsolete CHANGES file

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Thu Aug 24 17:48:05 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 69774:
  - removing obsolete CHANGES file

  D   CMF/branches/2.0/DCWorkflow/CHANGES.txt

Deleted: CMF/branches/2.0/DCWorkflow/CHANGES.txt
--- CMF/branches/2.0/DCWorkflow/CHANGES.txt	2006-08-24 21:46:25 UTC (rev 69773)
+++ CMF/branches/2.0/DCWorkflow/CHANGES.txt	2006-08-24 21:48:05 UTC (rev 69774)
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-Next release
-- Fixed errors and site breakage on GenericSetup import of transitions
-with variable expressions set.  They were previously being imported as
-text rather tha Expressions.
-- Added support for groups.  Although the implementation is currently
-tied to a particular implementation of groups, it should be
-easy to generalize to any product that adds groups to Zope.
-- Added a pop-up expression reference.
-- Gave Managers the option to bypass all guards.
-- Workflow can now help decide whether object types appear in add
-menus.  This requires help from the types tool.
-Version 0.5
-- Help documentation contributed by John Morton.
-- In the ZMI, states are now careful to show only transitions that
-still exist.
-- States now have a description, in addition to a title.
-- Worklist variables now allow matches with multiple values (separated
-by semicolons) and use Python string formatting for dynamic matches.
-- Fixed issues with ObjectMoved exceptions.
-- Fixed the default permissions for new DCWorkflow instances.
-- Expression.py was moved to CMFCore.
-Version 0.4.2
-- Fixed getInfoFor() using patch from Sebastien.Bigaret at inqual.com.  Thanks!
-- executeTransition(): Optionally preserve (by copying) unchanged
-status variables.
-- Updated to ZPL 2.0.
-- Added scripts that get executed after a transition.
-Version 0.4.1
-- Corrected an expression in the classic workflow implementation.
-- Made expressions work again in scripts by removing the requirement
-  that "REQUEST" exist.
-Version 0.4
-- Thanks to Ulrich Eck (ueck at net-labs.de), you can now set variables
-  on states and transitions.  Great job!
-- Changed expressions to TALES.  This means that it is now required that
-  you have the PageTemplates product installed; see
-  http://www.zope.org/Members/4am/ZPT .
-  Your expressions will need to be written
-  again, but they should be a lot cleaner now.
-- Added a second default workflow that closely resembles the "classic"
-  default workflow.  Just visit a workflow tool and click "Add workflow"
-  then select "Web-configurable workflow [Classic]".
-Version 0.3 (never officially released)
-- Fixed guard expressions.  Thanks to Jens Quade!
-- Implemented updateRoleMappingsFor(), a new addition to the
-WorkflowDefinition interface.
-- Added getPortal() to the expression namespace.  Again, thanks to Jens
-- DCWorkflow is now aware of ObjectDeleted and ObjectMoved messages.
-- getObjectContainer() added to expressions.
-- What is passed to scripts is now an object whose attributes are from
-  the expression namespace.
-Version 0.2
-- As suggested by Seb Bacon, simplified by making transitions trigger on
-their own IDs.  Thanks!
-- Added script invocation just before execution of a transition.  Scripts
-are passed an expression namespace as the first parameter.
-- Replaced the name "action_or_method" with "transition".
-Version 0.1
-- Initial release.

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