[CMF-checkins] SVN: CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/
- added folder_contents view (depends still on folder_filter_form)
Yvo Schubbe
y.2006_ at wcm-solutions.de
Wed Feb 1 03:43:03 EST 2006
Log message for revision 41523:
- added folder_contents view (depends still on folder_filter_form)
U CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/browser/configure.zcml
A CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/browser/folderviews.py
A CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/browser/templates/folder_contents.pt
U CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/configure.zcml
Modified: CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/browser/configure.zcml
--- CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/browser/configure.zcml 2006-02-01 00:15:00 UTC (rev 41522)
+++ CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/browser/configure.zcml 2006-02-01 08:43:01 UTC (rev 41523)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
- />
+ />
@@ -67,6 +67,15 @@
+ for="Products.CMFCore.interfaces.IFolderish"
+ name="folder_contents"
+ class=".folderviews.FolderContentsView"
+ template="templates/folder_contents.pt"
+ permission="cmf.ListFolderContents"
+ layer="cmf"
+ />
+ <browser:page
Added: CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/browser/folderviews.py
--- CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/browser/folderviews.py 2006-02-01 00:15:00 UTC (rev 41522)
+++ CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/browser/folderviews.py 2006-02-01 08:43:01 UTC (rev 41523)
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Browser views for folders.
+from DocumentTemplate import sequence
+from ZTUtils import make_query
+from Products.CMFDefault.exceptions import CopyError
+from Products.CMFDefault.exceptions import zExceptions_Unauthorized
+from Products.CMFDefault.permissions import AddPortalContent
+from Products.CMFDefault.permissions import DeleteObjects
+from Products.CMFDefault.permissions import ListFolderContents
+from Products.CMFDefault.permissions import ManageProperties
+from Products.CMFDefault.permissions import ViewManagementScreens
+from Products.CMFDefault.utils import MessageID as _
+from utils import BatchViewBase
+from utils import decode
+from utils import FormViewBase
+from utils import memoize
+class FolderContentsView(BatchViewBase, FormViewBase):
+ """Contents view for IFolderish.
+ """
+ _BUTTONS = ({'id': 'items_new',
+ 'title': _(u'New...'),
+ 'permissions': (ViewManagementScreens, AddPortalContent),
+ 'conditions': ('checkAllowedContentTypes',),
+ 'redirect': ('context', 'object/new')},
+ {'id': 'items_rename',
+ 'title': _(u'Rename...'),
+ 'permissions': (ViewManagementScreens, AddPortalContent),
+ 'conditions': ('checkItems', 'checkAllowedContentTypes'),
+ 'transform': ('validateItemIds',),
+ 'redirect': ('context', 'object/rename_items',
+ 'b_start, ids, key, reverse')},
+ {'id': 'items_cut',
+ 'title': _(u'Cut'),
+ 'permissions': (ViewManagementScreens,),
+ 'conditions': ('checkItems',),
+ 'transform': ('validateItemIds', 'folder_cut_control'),
+ 'redirect': ('context', 'object/folderContents',
+ 'b_start, key, reverse')},
+ {'id': 'items_copy',
+ 'title': _(u'Copy'),
+ 'permissions': (ViewManagementScreens,),
+ 'conditions': ('checkItems',),
+ 'transform': ('validateItemIds', 'folder_copy_control'),
+ 'redirect': ('context', 'object/folderContents',
+ 'b_start, key, reverse')},
+ {'id': 'items_paste',
+ 'title': _(u'Paste'),
+ 'permissions': (ViewManagementScreens, AddPortalContent),
+ 'conditions': ('checkClipboardData',),
+ 'transform': ('validateClipboardData',
+ 'folder_paste_control'),
+ 'redirect': ('context', 'object/folderContents',
+ 'b_start, key, reverse')},
+ {'id': 'items_delete',
+ 'title': _(u'Delete'),
+ 'permissions': (ViewManagementScreens, DeleteObjects),
+ 'conditions': ('checkItems',),
+ 'transform': ('validateItemIds', 'folder_delete_control'),
+ 'redirect': ('context', 'object/folderContents',
+ 'b_start, key, reverse')},
+ {'id': 'items_sort',
+ 'permissions': (ManageProperties,),
+ 'transform': ('folder_sort_control',),
+ 'redirect': ('context', 'object/folderContents', 'b_start')},
+ {'id': 'items_up',
+ 'permissions': (ManageProperties,),
+ 'transform': ('validateItemIds', 'folder_up_control'),
+ 'redirect': ('context', 'object/folderContents',
+ 'b_start, key, reverse')},
+ {'id': 'items_down',
+ 'permissions': (ManageProperties,),
+ 'transform': ('validateItemIds', 'folder_down_control'),
+ 'redirect': ('context', 'object/folderContents',
+ 'b_start, key, reverse')},
+ {'id': 'items_top',
+ 'permissions': (ManageProperties,),
+ 'transform': ('validateItemIds', 'folder_top_control'),
+ 'redirect': ('context', 'object/folderContents',
+ 'b_start, key, reverse')},
+ {'id': 'items_bottom',
+ 'permissions': (ManageProperties,),
+ 'transform': ('validateItemIds', 'folder_bottom_control'),
+ 'redirect': ('context', 'object/folderContents',
+ 'b_start, key, reverse')})
+ # helpers
+ @memoize
+ def _getSorting(self):
+ key = self.request.form.get('key', None)
+ if key:
+ return (key, self.request.form.get('reverse', 0))
+ else:
+ return self.context.getDefaultSorting()
+ @memoize
+ def _isDefaultSorting(self):
+ return self._getSorting() == self.context.getDefaultSorting()
+ @memoize
+ def _getHiddenVars(self):
+ b_start = self._getBatchStart()
+ is_default = self._isDefaultSorting()
+ (key, reverse) = is_default and ('', 0) or self._getSorting()
+ return {'b_start': b_start, 'key': key, 'reverse': reverse}
+ @memoize
+ def _getItems(self):
+ (key, reverse) = self._getSorting()
+ self.context.filterCookie()
+ folderfilter = self.request.get('folderfilter', '')
+ filter = self.context.decodeFolderFilter(folderfilter)
+ items = self.context.listFolderContents(contentFilter=filter)
+ return sequence.sort(items,
+ ((key, 'cmp', reverse and 'desc' or 'asc'),))
+ # interface
+ @memoize
+ @decode
+ def up_info(self):
+ mtool = self._getTool('portal_membership')
+ allowed = mtool.checkPermission(ListFolderContents, self.context,
+ 'aq_parent')
+ if allowed:
+ up_obj = self.context.aq_inner.aq_parent
+ if hasattr(up_obj, 'portal_url'):
+ up_url = up_obj.getActionInfo('object/folderContents')['url']
+ return {'icon': '%s/UpFolder_icon.gif' % self._getPortalURL(),
+ 'id': up_obj.getId(),
+ 'url': up_url }
+ else:
+ return {'icon': '',
+ 'id': 'Root',
+ 'url': ''}
+ else:
+ return {}
+ @memoize
+ def listColumnInfos(self):
+ (key, reverse) = self._getSorting()
+ columns = ( {'key': 'Type',
+ 'title': _(u'Type'),
+ 'width': '20',
+ 'colspan': '2'}
+ , {'key': 'getId',
+ 'title': _(u'Name'),
+ 'width': '360',
+ 'colspan': None}
+ , {'key': 'modified',
+ 'title': _(u'Last Modified'),
+ 'width': '180',
+ 'colspan': None}
+ , {'key': 'position',
+ 'title': _(u'Position'),
+ 'width': '80',
+ 'colspan': None }
+ )
+ for column in columns:
+ if key == column['key'] and not reverse and key != 'position':
+ query = make_query(key=column['key'], reverse=1)
+ else:
+ query = make_query(key=column['key'])
+ column['url'] = '%s?%s' % (self._getViewURL(), query)
+ return tuple(columns)
+ @memoize
+ @decode
+ def listItemInfos(self):
+ b_start = self._getBatchStart()
+ (key, reverse) = self._getSorting()
+ batch_obj = self._getBatchObj()
+ items_manage_allowed = self._checkPermission(ViewManagementScreens)
+ items = []
+ i = 1
+ for item in batch_obj:
+ item_icon = item.getIcon(1)
+ item_id = item.getId()
+ item_position = (key == 'position') and str(b_start + i) or '...'
+ i += 1
+ item_url = item.getActionInfo(('object/folderContents',
+ 'object/view'))['url']
+ items.append({'checkbox': items_manage_allowed and
+ ('cb_%s' % item_id) or '',
+ 'icon': item_icon and ('%s/%s' %
+ (self._getPortalURL(), item_icon)) or '',
+ 'id': item_id,
+ 'modified': item.ModificationDate(),
+ 'position': item_position,
+ 'title': item.Title(),
+ 'type': item.Type() or None,
+ 'url': item_url})
+ return tuple(items)
+ @memoize
+ def listDeltas(self):
+ length = self._getBatchObj().sequence_length
+ deltas = range(1, min(5, length)) + range(5, length, 5)
+ return tuple(deltas)
+ @memoize
+ def is_orderable(self):
+ length = len(self._getBatchObj())
+ items_move_allowed = self._checkPermission(ManageProperties)
+ (key, reverse) = self._getSorting()
+ return items_move_allowed and (key == 'position') and length > 1
+ @memoize
+ def is_sortable(self):
+ items_move_allowed = self._checkPermission(ManageProperties)
+ return items_move_allowed and not self._isDefaultSorting()
+ # checkers
+ def checkAllowedContentTypes(self):
+ return bool(self.context.allowedContentTypes())
+ def checkClipboardData(self):
+ return bool(self.context.cb_dataValid())
+ def checkItems(self):
+ return bool(self._getItems())
+ # validators
+ def validateItemIds(self, ids=(), **kw):
+ if ids:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False, _(u'Please select one or more items first.')
+ def validateClipboardData(self, **kw):
+ if self.context.cb_dataValid():
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False, _(u'Please copy or cut one or more items to paste '
+ u'first.')
+ # controllers
+ def folder_cut_control(self, ids, **kw):
+ """Cut objects from a folder and copy to the clipboard.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.context.manage_cutObjects(ids, self.request)
+ if len(ids) == 1:
+ return True, _(u'Item cut.')
+ else:
+ return True, _(u'Items cut.')
+ except CopyError:
+ return False, _(u'CopyError: Cut failed.')
+ except zExceptions_Unauthorized:
+ return False, _(u'Unauthorized: Cut failed.')
+ def folder_copy_control(self, ids, **kw):
+ """Copy objects from a folder to the clipboard.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.context.manage_copyObjects(ids, self.request)
+ if len(ids) == 1:
+ return True, _(u'Item copied.')
+ else:
+ return True, _(u'Items copied.')
+ except CopyError:
+ return False, _(u'CopyError: Copy failed.')
+ def folder_paste_control(self, **kw):
+ """Paste objects to a folder from the clipboard.
+ """
+ try:
+ result = self.context.manage_pasteObjects(self.request['__cp'])
+ if len(result) == 1:
+ return True, _(u'Item pasted.')
+ else:
+ return True, _(u'Items pasted.')
+ except CopyError:
+ return False, _(u'CopyError: Paste failed.')
+ except zExceptions_Unauthorized:
+ return False, _(u'Unauthorized: Paste failed.')
+ def folder_delete_control(self, ids, **kw):
+ """Delete objects from a folder.
+ """
+ self.context.manage_delObjects(list(ids))
+ if len(ids) == 1:
+ return True, _(u'Item deleted.')
+ else:
+ return True, _(u'Items deleted.')
+ def folder_sort_control(self, key='position', reverse=0, **kw):
+ """Sort objects in a folder.
+ """
+ self.context.setDefaultSorting(key, reverse)
+ return True
+ def folder_up_control(self, ids, delta, **kw):
+ subset_ids = [ obj.getId()
+ for obj in self.context.listFolderContents() ]
+ try:
+ attempt = self.context.moveObjectsUp(ids, delta,
+ subset_ids=subset_ids)
+ if attempt == 1:
+ return True, _(u'Item moved up.')
+ elif attempt > 1:
+ return True, _(u'Items moved up.')
+ else:
+ return False, _(u'Nothing to change.')
+ except ValueError:
+ return False, _(u'ValueError: Move failed.')
+ def folder_down_control(self, ids, delta, **kw):
+ subset_ids = [ obj.getId()
+ for obj in self.context.listFolderContents() ]
+ try:
+ attempt = self.context.moveObjectsDown(ids, delta,
+ subset_ids=subset_ids)
+ if attempt == 1:
+ return True, _(u'Item moved down.')
+ elif attempt > 1:
+ return True, _(u'Items moved down.')
+ else:
+ return False, _(u'Nothing to change.')
+ except ValueError:
+ return False, _(u'ValueError: Move failed.')
+ def folder_top_control(self, ids, **kw):
+ subset_ids = [ obj.getId()
+ for obj in self.context.listFolderContents() ]
+ try:
+ attempt = self.context.moveObjectsToTop(ids,
+ subset_ids=subset_ids)
+ if attempt == 1:
+ return True, _(u'Item moved to top.')
+ elif attempt > 1:
+ return True, _(u'Items moved to top.')
+ else:
+ return False, _(u'Nothing to change.')
+ except ValueError:
+ return False, _(u'ValueError: Move failed.')
+ def folder_bottom_control(self, ids, **kw):
+ subset_ids = [ obj.getId()
+ for obj in self.context.listFolderContents() ]
+ try:
+ attempt = self.context.moveObjectsToBottom(ids,
+ subset_ids=subset_ids)
+ if attempt == 1:
+ return True, _(u'Item moved to bottom.')
+ elif attempt > 1:
+ return True, _(u'Items moved to bottom.')
+ else:
+ return False, _(u'Nothing to change.')
+ except ValueError:
+ return False, _(u'ValueError: Move failed.')
Property changes on: CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/browser/folderviews.py
Name: svn:keywords
+ Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Copied: CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/browser/templates/folder_contents.pt (from rev 41515, CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/folder_contents_template.pt)
--- CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/folder_contents_template.pt 2006-01-31 17:47:30 UTC (rev 41515)
+++ CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/browser/templates/folder_contents.pt 2006-02-01 08:43:01 UTC (rev 41523)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+<html metal:use-macro="context/@@standard_macros/page">
+<metal:slot metal:fill-slot="header" i18n:domain="cmf_default">
+<h1 i18n:translate="">Folder Contents: <tal:span
+ tal:content="view/title" i18n:name="obj_title">Title</tal:span></h1>
+<metal:slot metal:fill-slot="body" i18n:domain="cmf_default">
+<p tal:define="up_info view/up_info" tal:condition="up_info"
+><tal:case tal:condition="up_info/url"
+ ><a href="" tal:attributes="href up_info/url"
+ ><img src="" alt="[Link]" border="0" tal:attributes="src up_info/icon"
+ i18n:attributes="alt" /></a>
+ <span tal:omit-tag="" i18n:translate="">Up to</span>
+ <a href="" tal:attributes="href up_info/url"
+ tal:content="up_info/id">ID</a></tal:case
+><tal:case tal:condition="not: up_info/url"
+ ><span class="mild" i18n:translate="">Root</span></tal:case></p>
+<form action="folder_contents" method="post"
+ tal:attributes="action view/form_action"
+><metal:macro metal:use-macro="context/@@form_widget/hidden_vars" />
+ <table class="BatchTable"
+ tal:condition="view/listItemInfos">
+ <thead>
+ <tr class="list-header">
+ <th width="80" tal:repeat="column_info view/listColumnInfos"
+ tal:attributes="width column_info/width; colspan column_info/colspan"
+ ><a href="" tal:attributes="href column_info/url"
+ tal:content="column_info/title" i18n:translate="">Type</a></th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody tal:repeat="item_info view/listItemInfos">
+ <tr class="" tal:define="even repeat/item_info/even"
+ tal:attributes="class python: (even and 'row-hilite') or 'row-normal'">
+ <td width="5"
+ ><input type="checkbox" name="ids:list" value="" id=""
+ tal:attributes="value item_info/id; id item_info/checkbox"
+ tal:condition="item_info/checkbox" /></td>
+ <td
+ ><a href="" tal:attributes="href item_info/url"
+ tal:condition="item_info/icon"
+ ><img src="" alt="" border="0"
+ tal:attributes="src item_info/icon; alt item_info/type"
+ i18n:attributes="alt" /></a></td>
+ <td
+ ><a href="" tal:attributes="href item_info/url"
+ ><tal:span tal:content="item_info/id">ID</tal:span>
+ <tal:case tal:condition="item_info/title"
+ tal:content="string:(${item_info/title})">(Title)</tal:case
+ ></a></td>
+ <td
+ ><tal:span tal:content="item_info/modified">2001</tal:span></td>
+ <td
+ ><tal:span tal:content="item_info/position">1</tal:span></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <metal:macro metal:use-macro="context/@@batch_widget/navigation" />
+ <metal:macro metal:use-macro="context/@@form_widget/buttons" />
+<tal:case tal:condition="python: view.is_orderable() or view.is_sortable()"
+> <div class="FormButtons"
+ ><tal:case tal:condition="view/is_orderable">
+ <input type="submit" name="items_up" value="Up"
+ i18n:attributes="value" />
+ /
+ <input type="submit" name="items_down" value="Down"
+ i18n:attributes="value" />
+ by
+ <select name="delta:int">
+ <option value=""
+ tal:repeat="delta view/listDeltas"
+ tal:attributes="value delta"
+ tal:content="delta">
+ </option>
+ </select>
+ <input type="submit" name="items_top" value="Top"
+ i18n:attributes="value" />
+ <input type="submit" name="items_bottom" value="Bottom"
+ i18n:attributes="value" /></tal:case
+ ><tal:case tal:condition="view/is_sortable">
+ <input type="submit" name="items_sort" value="Set Sorting as Default"
+ i18n:attributes="value" /></tal:case
+<div tal:replace="structure context/folder_filter_form">Filter Form Here</div>
Modified: CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/configure.zcml
--- CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/configure.zcml 2006-02-01 00:15:00 UTC (rev 41522)
+++ CMF/branches/tseaver-viewification/CMFDefault/configure.zcml 2006-02-01 08:43:01 UTC (rev 41523)
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
+ class="Products.CMFCore.PortalFolder.PortalFolder"
+ />
+ <five:traversable
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