[CMF-checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFCore/tests/test_fiveactionstool.py
Now the security tests works too (the security always worked in real
Lennart Regebro
regebro at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 14:08:17 EST 2006
Log message for revision 41371:
Now the security tests works too (the security always worked in real
U CMF/trunk/CMFCore/tests/test_fiveactionstool.py
Modified: CMF/trunk/CMFCore/tests/test_fiveactionstool.py
--- CMF/trunk/CMFCore/tests/test_fiveactionstool.py 2006-01-19 18:24:40 UTC (rev 41370)
+++ CMF/trunk/CMFCore/tests/test_fiveactionstool.py 2006-01-19 19:08:17 UTC (rev 41371)
@@ -37,21 +37,24 @@
>>> zcml.load_config('permissions.zcml', Products.Five)
>>> zcml.load_config('meta.zcml', Products.CMFCore)
>>> folder = self.folder
+ For menus to work, the request must have defaultSkin.
- Do a Zope 2 login:
+ >>> from zope.app.publication.browser import setDefaultSkin
+ >>> setDefaultSkin(self.folder.REQUEST)
+ We need to make Zope 3 use Zope 2s security policy
+ >>> from zope.security.management import thread_local
+ >>> thread_local.interaction = None
>>> from Products.Five.security import newInteraction
>>> newInteraction()
- The request needs a skin layer for the test.
- XXX: There is probably a better way to do this.
- >>> zcml.load_string('''<configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/five">
- ... <implements class="ZPublisher.HTTPRequest.HTTPRequest"
- ... interface="zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IDefaultBrowserLayer"
- ... />
- ... </configure>''')
+ Log in as manager
+ >>> uf = self.folder.acl_users
+ >>> uf._doAddUser('manager', 'r00t', ['Manager'], [])
+ >>> self.login('manager')
Let's create a Five actions tool:
@@ -62,7 +65,8 @@
Let's create some simple content object providing ISimpleContent:
>>> from Products.Five.tests.testing.simplecontent import SimpleContent
- >>> foo = SimpleContent('foo', 'Foo')
+ >>> id = self.folder._setObject('foo', SimpleContent('foo', 'Foo'))
+ >>> foo = self.folder.foo
Now we'll load a configuration file specifying some menu and menu
items for ISimpleContent.
@@ -70,12 +74,21 @@
>>> import Products.CMFCore.tests
>>> zcml.load_config('fiveactions.zcml', Products.CMFCore.tests)
- Let's look what the tool lists as actions for such an object. Note
- that 'action_content_protected.html' is not present, as it was
- protected by a more restrictive permission:
+ Let's look what the tool lists as actions for such an object.
- >>> actions = tool.listActions(object=foo, info="kuk")
+ >>> actions = tool.listActions(object=foo)
>>> [(action.category, action.id) for action in actions]
+ [('mymenu', 'action_foo_public.html'), ('mymenu', 'action_foo_protected.html')]
+ But if we log in as a user who is not manager, we should not get the
+ protected menu item, , as it was protected by a more restrictive permission:
+ >>> uf = self.folder.acl_users
+ >>> uf._doAddUser('user', 'user', [], [])
+ >>> self.login('user')
+ >>> actions = tool.listActions(object=foo)
+ >>> [(action.category, action.id) for action in actions]
[('mymenu', 'action_foo_public.html')]
When looking at an object not implementing ISimpleContent, we see no
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