[CMF-checkins] SVN: CMF/branches/2.0/C CMFCore.CatalogTool: Added 'cmf_uid' method to IndexableObjectWrapper

Stefan H. Holek stefan at epy.co.at
Mon Jul 31 12:55:52 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 69317:
  CMFCore.CatalogTool: Added 'cmf_uid' method to IndexableObjectWrapper
  so that CMFUid UIDs are not acquired during indexing.

  U   CMF/branches/2.0/CHANGES.txt
  U   CMF/branches/2.0/CMFCore/CatalogTool.py
  U   CMF/branches/2.0/CMFUid/tests/test_uidhandling.py

Modified: CMF/branches/2.0/CHANGES.txt
--- CMF/branches/2.0/CHANGES.txt	2006-07-31 16:54:39 UTC (rev 69316)
+++ CMF/branches/2.0/CHANGES.txt	2006-07-31 16:55:52 UTC (rev 69317)
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
   Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCore.CatalogTool: Added 'cmf_uid' method to IndexableObjectWrapper
+      so that CMFUid UIDs are not acquired during indexing.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/446)
     - CMFCore.PortalContent:  '_guessAliases' may leave type information
       with a default alias of '(Default)';  work around that case.

Modified: CMF/branches/2.0/CMFCore/CatalogTool.py
--- CMF/branches/2.0/CMFCore/CatalogTool.py	2006-07-31 16:54:39 UTC (rev 69316)
+++ CMF/branches/2.0/CMFCore/CatalogTool.py	2006-07-31 16:55:52 UTC (rev 69317)
@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@
 from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
 from AccessControl.PermissionRole import rolesForPermissionOn
+from Acquisition import aq_base
 from DateTime import DateTime
 from Globals import DTMLFile
 from Globals import InitializeClass
+from Products.PluginIndexes.common import safe_callable
 from Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog import ZCatalog
 from zope.interface import implements
 from zope.interface import providedBy
@@ -96,7 +98,17 @@
             del allowed['Owner']
         return list(allowed.keys())
+    def cmf_uid(self):
+        """
+        Return the CMFUid UID of the object while making sure
+        it is not accidentally acquired.
+        """
+        cmf_uid = getattr(aq_base(self.__ob), 'cmf_uid', '')
+        if safe_callable(cmf_uid):
+            return cmf_uid()
+        return cmf_uid
 class CatalogTool(UniqueObject, ZCatalog, ActionProviderBase):
     """ This is a ZCatalog that filters catalog queries.

Modified: CMF/branches/2.0/CMFUid/tests/test_uidhandling.py
--- CMF/branches/2.0/CMFUid/tests/test_uidhandling.py	2006-07-31 16:54:39 UTC (rev 69316)
+++ CMF/branches/2.0/CMFUid/tests/test_uidhandling.py	2006-07-31 16:55:52 UTC (rev 69317)
@@ -220,7 +220,33 @@
         # IMHO it makes sense here to catch exceptions in general here!
         self.assertRaises(Exception, handler.setUid, dummy, DummyUid())
+    def test_UidCataloging(self):
+        handler = self.root.portal_uidhandler
+        catalog = self.root.portal_catalog
+        dummy = self.root.dummy
+        uid = handler.register(dummy)
+        brains = catalog(cmf_uid=uid)
+        self.assertEqual(len(brains), 1)
+    def test_UidCatalogingDoesNotAcquireUid(self):
+        handler = self.root.portal_uidhandler
+        catalog = self.root.portal_catalog
+        self.root._setObject('folder', DummyFolder('folder'))
+        folder = self.root.folder
+        uid = handler.register(folder)
+        brains = catalog(cmf_uid=uid)
+        self.assertEqual(len(brains), 1)
+        # Now catalog an unregistered subobject of the folder.
+        # It should not acquire the cmf_uid, obviously.
+        folder._setObject('dummy', DummyContent(id='dummy'))
+        folder.dummy.indexObject()
+        brains = catalog(cmf_uid=uid)
+        self.assertEqual(len(brains), 1)
 def test_suite():
     return unittest.TestSuite((

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