[ZF] Getting started, committers.

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Sat May 13 11:20:37 EDT 2006

Hash: SHA1

On 12 May 2006, at 21:51, Jim Fulton wrote:

> The Foundation was created legally some time ago.  We need to get a
> board elected so we can start making decisions.  One of the first
> steps is to get committer members.  I wanted to get this started a
> couple of months ago, but, at the last minute, I read the committer
> agreement for the first time and saw some issues that we needed to
> address.  Sigh.
> Anyway, we have a committer agreement at:
>   http://www.zope.org/DevHome/Foundation/ 
> ZopeFoundation_Committer_Agreement_v6.pdf

Doesn't look draconian, good ;)

> My intention is to invite the 67 people who committed to the source
> code repositories between January 1, 2005 and May 11, 2006 to become a
> committer.  I'll be sending invitations using zope.org email  
> addresses,
> so if you expect an invitation, you might want to double check that
> your email address is up to date.
> I've attached a draft invitation letter.  I'd like to send invitations
> this coming Monday.

This whole thing has obviously taken rather long, and it's good that  
we're getting started. Thanks for doing this first membership- 
constituting step.

> I guess we should decide soon when to hold the first board election.

I would go ahead and suggest a date maybe a month in the future from  
your initial invitation email. IMHO that is enough time for everyone  
to read 2.5 pages and get it back to the foundation, even by snail mail.

For fairness' sake, there could be a short comment period (maybe 1  
week) for the election date, in case voters come up with a valid  
reason to change it.


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