[ZF] Re: Use launchpad ! (was Re: [Zope3-dev] the maintenance of change logs)

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Mon Oct 2 06:20:49 EDT 2006

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Sidnei da Silva wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 09:38:21AM -0400, Jim Fulton wrote:
>> | | Here are some quick Trac questions.  My impression is that track 
>> projects
>> | need to be set up as separate applications and that separate projects
>> | can't be set up through the web. Is this right?
>> All of that is true AFAICT.
>> | Does trac have any notion
>> | of sub-projects that would allow smallter efforts (e.g. zope.interface)
>> | to have their own collectors without creating separate trac 
>> installations?
>> Not that I know of. You also can't move issues between trac
>> installations.
> Hm, I saw a trac site before that seemed to have subprojects. I wonder 
> how they did it.

okay, a quick scan of docs shows that:

* a single trac install can work for multiple subprojects (Documentation 
says: Only one installation is required, then for each project create an 
Environment (using trac-admin <fooproj> initenv). They will be separate 
projects, all handled by the same installation of Trac.)

* but sharing information between subprojects is not yet supported. 
(Documentation says: Note: Right now there is no support for sharing 
information between projects.)

They have plans to make this work better post Trac 1.0:


Their trac roadmap (indicated in Trac :) makes this look a while off 
yet, though..



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