[ZF] Becoming a member

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Thu Sep 28 04:29:44 EDT 2006

Jim Fulton wrote:
> No, as good as now. As currently written, the ZF docs don't let people
> become members until they have made substantial contributions. 

A big part of me thinks this is a good thing.

I'd much prefer people just submit patches to a tracker that apply 
easily before we let them loose on a stable code base like the Zope 2 

> Membership is a privilege and a responsibility. Committer members
> have quite a bit of say in running the Foundation and we need a process
> that assures that we invite people who are deserving and who will carry
> out their responsibilities as members.

Right. I think we need to differentiate between stable projects and 
development stuff.

Take Twiddler as a notional example. Over the last 9 months I've been in 
"development stuff" mode - big api changes, breakage on the trunk etc.

However, it's now approaching its first public release, things have 
stabilised, and I'd only want people I trusted committing to it.

If this was a "ZF project", in phase one, I may have been a ocmmunity 
newbie just needing svn space and a "project home". Is this something we 
want to support?

In the latter phase, I'd only wanted vetted people I trusted able to 
commit, which is the point I raised at the start of this mail...



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