[ZF] Board Election Status

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Thu Aug 23 13:21:58 EDT 2007

Am Donnerstag, den 23.08.2007, 12:42 -0400 schrieb Tres Seaver:
> A quick reminder to all foundation members that we will be electing /
> appointing a new board (based on membership class) in September, as follows:
>  - Associate members and solution provider members who have paid
>    their fees as of 1 September will be eligible to vote for the
>    board seat representing each class.  Nominations for those classes
>    will close on 3 September, so please send mail to me and to the
>    other members of the class nominating the person you would like
>    to represent you (the current associate members have done so
>    already).

Is there a mailing list for all solution provider members?

>  - Because we may not have SSH keys for all associate or solution
>    provider members, we cannot use the same mechanism used by the
>    committers.  Therefore, unless a member of one of those two classes
>    those classes will vote by sending e-mail to the board list (CC'ed).

There's a verb missing in the last sentence, which one is it? :)


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