[ZF] Thoughts about the process

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Mon Aug 27 16:05:05 EDT 2007

FWIW, I think that a good percentage of what we're trying to  
accomplish with a development process would be inherently taken care  
of if:

- each package that made it into whatever we call "Zope" was an  
independently packaged
   and release-managed entity that listed its dependencies properly  
(probably using setuptools
   'requires', 'extras_require", and 'tests_require' dependency  
declarations in a setup.py
   developed specifically for the package).

- There was a document describing what is expected of a "zope"  
package (it has its own
   setup.py, it lists its dependencies properly, it is released with  
"real" version numbers,
   it's registered in the cheeseshop.. or whatever).

 From what I can tell, we're getting there with this sort of thing  
(at least I see folks working on setuptools distributions of core  
components).  I haven't been paying much attention to how Zope 3 is  
released lately, but the last time I looked, it was in the form of a  
big tarball.  It would be great if instead it was released as a  
metapackage that caused all distributions it depended on to be  
installed when it was.

At that point, we'd have a basis for argument about which packages  
were important/good/useful enough to be depended on by the  
metapackage (which would form the "core"), but it wouldn't be all  
that big of a deal if something was in the core or it wasn't because  
"well-behaved" Zope packages could be installed via setuptools as  
required.  Additionally, things that are currently in the core but  
don't really deserve "package" status (if only because no one would  
be willing to step up to do the release maintenance on them) could be  

If we agreed on that, I think then the specifics of creating a  
"development process" might fall out more clearly and concretely.

- C

On Aug 27, 2007, at 3:36 PM, Jodok Batlogg wrote:

> hi christian,
> On 09.08.2007, at 19:46, Christian Theune wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've drafted my thoughts that I discussed with Zagy this afternoon  
>> into
>> a hopefully coherent document. Please notice the
>> small-and-independent-steps approach.
>> http://svn.zope.org/Sandbox/ctheune/foundation/process.txt? 
>> rev=78735&view=markup
> i totally support this effort and like the approach as well
> jodok
>> Christian
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> Jodok Batlogg, Lovely Systems
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