[ZF] Mailman installation

Steve Alexander steve at canonical.com
Wed Feb 28 12:28:13 EST 2007

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> On 28 Feb 2007, at 10:24 , Chris Withers wrote:
>> Christian Theune wrote:
>>> I think we should stop the current approach to get the lists
>>> managed/hosted by volunteers but make use of Launchpad's resources.
>>> Also, Barry Warsaw is doing the Mailman setup for them, so I guess we
>>> can't ask for more credibility.
>>> What do you think?
>> Any reason not to just use google or yahoo groups?
> Would they support all of the old addresses @zope.org?

For sending mail, you'd just forward the mailing list address to the
address @lists.launchpad.net in the zope.org MTA.

Subscribers would still need to change their procmail or whatever rules,
of course.

> Would they import all of the old archives?

Yes.  And we've been talking about providing a rewrite-map so you can
rewrite pages in the archive to a new archive location.

Steve Alexander

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