[ZF] Promoting Zope
sathya at zeomega.com
Sat Jan 6 12:28:19 EST 2007
Hello friends,
This is an event to take place in Mumbai, India. The
conference organizer is an avid user of Zope and will be talking about
Zope. It will help promote Zope in India.
Can the Zope foundation be involved in sponsoring such events ?
Does the Zope foundation consider such sponsorships to be within its
scope ?
This is an invitation to participate in the international conference at
Homi Bhabha Auditorium, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
on 2nd February 2007. I do hope that you will be able to block 2nd Feb
2007 from your busy schedule and also witness the launch of the
gnowledge.org, a multilingual community portal of free knowledge for
education. Please also explore in what way sponosrs can support the
event (please see the specific request below), the gnowledge.org portal
and the selfproject.eu, in any way possible. HBCSE, TIFR, is one of the
seven partners of an European Commission supported project, Science,
Education and Learning in Freedom (http://selfproject.eu/).
****** Incidentally both the platforms, gnowledge.org and
selfplatform.eu will be using Python and Zope extensively. The success
of these platforms might also help indirectly the promoton of Zope in
the country. *******
The following is the draft of the program details. (final version will
be posted later)
International Conference on
Science, Education and Learning in Freedom
organized by
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR
on 2nd February 2007, in Mumbai, India.
Speakers: (* mark not yet confirmed.)
Richard M. Stallman (Video Conference)
Wouter Tebbens, Internet Society Netherlands & SELF project coordinator
Megias, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
Phatak D.B. KRESIT, IIT Mumbai
Pefeva Dragoslava Pefeva, Internet Society, Bulgaria
Federico Heinz, Fundacion Via Libre, Argentina
Georg Greve, President, Free Software Foundation Europe
Hinde Berge, Internet Society Netherlands
Jimmy Wales Wikipedia.org *
MS Vijaya Kumar, Open Course Ware *
An advocate of Public Library of Science (PLOS) *
Pushpak Bhargava, Knowledge Commission *
S. Arunachalam, MS Swaminadhan Research Foundation, Chennai *
Krishnan C.N. NRC, FOSS, Anna University
Jonas Oberg, Free Software Foundation Europe
S. Ramkrishnan, CDAC India.
Siva Kumar, Head, Computer Science, IIT Mumbai, OSSRC
Sasikumar M. CDAC India
Lawrence Liang, Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore *
Venkatesh Hariharan, Redhat India
Mathais Klang, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Venue: Homi Bhabha Auditorium, TIFR, Mumbai
Day: 2nd February 2007
Time: 9am - 6pm
Program Includes four Main tracks:
Inauguration and Launching of the community portal: http://gnowledge.org
Introduction to "SELF: Science, Education and Learning in Freedom"
European Commission Project, http://selfproject.eu
CopyLeft in Science, Education and Culture
Protecting Knowledge: Open Standards and Copyleft
Shobo Bhattacharya, Director TIFR
Arvind Kumar, Centre Director, HBCSE, TIFR
Nagarjuna G. Coordinator, gnowledge.org project, HBCSE, TIFR
We are expecting around 500+ participants and a galaxy of eminent
speakers. European Commission and HBCSE (TIFR) are already covering the
infrastructure, travel, lodging and boarding of all the International
guests who are coming for the event, apart from supporting the
gnowledge.org and selfproject.eu. Due to the size of the event we are
looking forward to get additional support to make this event a success.
We hereby request you to support the event by sponsorship, which may
enable us to do one of the following:
* bear the expenses to distribute the snapshot of educationally
useful free software applications and Wikipedia on a DVD to the
participants (~ Rs.60,000)
* Lunch and Tea/Coffee expenses (~ Rs.120,000/-)
* erecting a temporary Boarding Space (~ Rs. 60,000/-)
* Travel expenses of speakers and other distinguished guests from
other par
ts of India (~ Rs.120,000)
* Printing and Advertising (~ Rs.60,000)
I do hope you will explore the possibility of supporting this event.
Please inform us as early as possible so that we could also acknowledge
the support in the conference poster, and the website to be publicized
very soon. If you need any further information, we will be glad to
Thanking you,
best regards
Dr. Nagarjuna G.
Coordinator, gnowledge.org project, HBCSE, TIFR (
Board Member, and Technical Expert Group, SELF project
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