[ZF] Proposal: Launchpad code hosting for ZF projects; free commercial support for migration

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Fri Feb 27 10:28:13 EST 2009

Gary Poster wrote:
> Launchpad would really like to provide code hosting for the Zope  
> Foundation.

This, unfortunately, means using bzr.

Other people may disagree, but bzr is not mature yet, particularly when 
it comes to GUI tools, particularly on Windows.

I would be really upset to lose all that is offered by TortoiseSVN in 
terms of introspection of the revision tree, visual diffing over periods 
of time, etc.

I reckognise that I'm probably in the minority on that front, but where 
I may not be in the minority is in needing to learn a new source control 
system, which seems like a needless barrier to entry. I'm also generally 
wary of distributed source control systems and would certainly prefer to 
see "one master repository" whatever the decision is.

We could just as easilly shove the source tree somewhere that hosts svn 
for free (SourceForge/Google) and keep using Launchpad for project 

Just my few coins,


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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