[ZF] Proposal: Launchpad code hosting for ZF projects; free commercial support for migration

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Fri Feb 27 11:22:14 EST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Gary Poster wrote:
> Hi, Chris.
> On Feb 27, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
>> Gary Poster wrote:
>>> Launchpad would really like to provide code hosting for the Zope
>>> Foundation.
>> This, unfortunately, means using bzr.
>> Other people may disagree, but bzr is not mature yet, particularly  
>> when
>> it comes to GUI tools, particularly on Windows.
>> I would be really upset to lose all that is offered by TortoiseSVN in
>> terms of introspection of the revision tree, visual diffing over  
>> periods
>> of time, etc.
> I take it that http://bazaar-vcs.org/TortoiseBzr is insufficient in  
> some way?  I'm not familiar with it, but it sounds like what you  
> describe.

I know that bzr has some issues on Windows which are an ongoing sore
point for the Squid development team (line endings get hosed, I think?)
 Since Squid switched to using bzr (for the 3.x lines), the chief
developer supporting the Windows port has basically quit working on
Squid3 Windows support:


I'm definitely -1 on even considering a move until this issue is
resolved, and the fix widely deployed:


Note that it should be possible for folks to use bzr-svn, just as with
git-svn and the hg equivalent, to work with the DVCS tools while keeping
 the SVN repository as the centralized store.  See Philipp's post on
git, for instance:


- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at palladion.com
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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