[ZF] hosting sphinx sites for zope projects?

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Wed Jun 24 09:50:31 EDT 2009

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Jim Fulton wrote:
> On Jun 24, 2009, at 6:07 AM, Christian Theune wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Tue, 2009-06-23 at 19:43 +0200, Martijn Faassen wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Jim Fulton<jim at zope.com> wrote:
>>>> Are there any plans to provide a place that zope developers can post
>>>> sphinx sites for zope projects?
>>> We effectively have such a place in docs.zope.org, though mostly for
>>> more meta-project material. I'd also like this to be a place to
>>> publish project-specific documentation.
>>> I also think there is value in providing top-level *.zope.org names
>>> for projects that really want to present their own identity; I think
>>> this has helped Grok with grok.zope.org, for instance. For selected
>>> projects we could consider making this possible.
>>> The important thing we want to prevent is overloading Jens with
>>> requests. :) Jens, do you have any suggestions as to how we might
>>> develop a procedure for this?
>> PyPI grew the ability to host package-specific documentation lately.
>> Maybe we want to leverage that?
> That was proposed but shot down for security reasons AFAICT.

Nope -- it is just hard to find the knobs.  I have docs for a couple of
packages up:



A package owner / maintainer can upload the zipfile via the "files" page.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at palladion.com
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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