[ZF] BoD meeting minutes 2010-06-02

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Fri Jun 4 03:26:43 EDT 2010

The following minutes are published online at:


Jens Vagelpohl
Secretary, Zope Foundation Board of Directors


Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Directors

Date and Time: Wednesday, June 2, 2010 12:30 UTC
Location: IRC meeting, irc://irc.freenode.net/#zope-foundation
Directors Present:
- Jung, Andreas
- Poster, Gary (Treasurer)
- Seaver, Tres (Chairman)
- Smith, Jan (Vice chairman)
- Theune, Christian
- Vagelpohl, Jens (Secretary)

Guests present:
- Regebro, Lennart (Invited guest)
- Groszer, Adam

- Call to Order
- Treasurer's report
  - treasurer turnover process
  - non-profit status update
- Membership committee
  - new members since last meeting
- Repository committee
  - new committers since the last meeting
  - repository policy monitoring and community communication
- Message/communications
  - Zope Summit update
  - website progress
  - shared community calendar of events
  - domain name transfer Zope Corporation to Zope Foundation
  - support for Windows builds
  - Zope Foundation website
- Projects
  - release manager selection process for Zope2 and others
  - Zope Toolkit governance issues
- New Business
  - migrating the SVN repository to a ZF-controlled host
- Arranging the next meeting date
- Adjournment

Call to Order
In absence of the chairman the vice chair calls the meeting to
order at 12:40 UTC and welcomes all guests.

Treasurer's report
The treasurer has applied for a debit card to go with the ZF
bank account, which should be arriving shortly. A second debit
card for the secretary will be handled later, the secretary
will need to contact the bank himself.

In response to last month's board resolution the treasurer
investigated check imaging. However, the fees were deemed too
high so the issue is dropped.

The banker advised the treasurer that there is no reason to
stick with the current kind of account, a non-profit checking
account. A standard business account would yield interest,
and the switch itself is free. The secretary moves the board
instruct the treasurer to switch the foundation bank account
to a business account, which is seconded by the treasurer and
accepted unanimously.

There has not been any change in the non-profit application.

Membership committee
The secretary reports no new members joining since the last
board meeting.

Repository committee
No new contributors have joined since the last board meeting.

Christian Theune explains the current repository policy checks.
There is a nightly check in place that highlights non-conforming
projects. The resulting daily emails have not spurred the
desired level of activity to fix non-conforming packages, though.
He suggests actively recruiting helpers who agree to fixed
package conversion number goals. Christian volunteers to send
email to the zope-dev list soliciting volunteers, and to
coordinate those volunteers to prevent conflicts.

There are no updates on the Zope Summit. Christian Theune
reports that they have yet to send out the invites. He is
aiming for about 30 participants, 15 of which are selected
in advance and contacted personally, and another 15 slots
for others who would like to attend.

There is progress on the new website design. According to
Andreas Jung the last remaining issues between the designer
and DZUG e.V. have been resolved. The design will be
licensed under the ZPL, and in accordance with a decision
by the last board Andreas will coordinate with the
designer to implement any changes that are needed to
deploy the design for zope.org, up to a limit of US $2500.
(UPDATE: Seeking further clarification after the meeting
revealed that the license will not be the ZPL, but the
"Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial-Share
Alike 3.0"[2])

The vice chairman has spent some time moving the shared
community calendar data into the Plone instance running
zope2.zope.org. The secretary is asked to create a specific
host entry calendar.zope.org and point it to the calendar
data. The current calendar does not offer special features
like caldav feeds, Andreas Jung offers to investigate
additional calendaring packages.

The domain transfer is still going in the background, but
communication with Rob Page has stalled. The chairman has
not managed to get in touch with Rob Page, either, but
he will continue trying.

Adam Groszer has investigated virtual machine solutions for
Windows build and test slaves. Christian Theune has sent
a proposal to the board list, due to technical and
pricing reasons a virtual server at Rackspace is deemed
to fit our needs best. The proposal calls for a 2-3 month
trial period and, if successful, continued funding. Christian
Theune moves to accept the proposal and fund the trial run,
which is seconded by the secretary and accepted unanimously.
The chairman directs the treasurer to work with Adam Groszer
and handle payment issues.

The vice chair has spent some time updating the foundation
website front page.

The release manager selection process work is done. It
is now listed as a service offered by the foundation on our
website[1]. Requests for ideas how to promote it further
have not yielded any results yet.

As far as ZTK governance issues are concerned, there are
regular meetings between Hanno Schlichting, Jan-Wijbrand Kolman
and Christophe Combelles as representatives of all major
stakeholders. They now handle ZTK governance issues.

New Business
The chairman tables the svn.zope.org migration topic.

Arranging the next meeting date
The vice chairman will set up a Doodle to plan the next meeting date.

The chairman moves to adjourn the meeting, which is seconded by
the secretary and passed unanimously. The chairman adjourns the
meeting at 13:26 UTC.

These minutes were written by the secretary, Jens Vagelpohl,
according to the notes taken during the meeting.

These minutes were posted to the foundation-board at zope.org mailing
list and approved by all directors on June 04, 2010.

The chairman bid the secretary keep these minutes on file.

[1] http://foundation.zope.org/about

[2] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/

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