[ZF] BoD meeting minutes 2010-01-14

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Tue Oct 5 05:56:29 EDT 2010

The following minutes are published online at:


Jens Vagelpohl
Secretary, Zope Foundation Board of Directors


Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Directors

Date and Time: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 13:00 UTC
Location: IRC meeting, irc://irc.freenode.net/#zope-foundation
Directors Present:
- Richter, Stephan
- Seaver, Tres (Chairman)
- Smith, Jan (Vice chairman)
- Theune, Christian
- Vagelpohl, Jens (Secretary)

Guests present:
- none

- Call to Order
- Treasurer's report
  - treasurer turnover process
- Membership committee
  - new members since last meeting
- Repository committee
  - new committers since the last meeting
  - repository policy monitoring and community communication
- Message/communications
  - Zope Summit update
  - calendar packahes for calendar.zope.org
  - support for Windows builds
- Projects
  - website progress
- Tabled items
  - domain name transfer Zope Corporation to Zope Foundation
  - migrating the SVN repository to a ZF-controlled host
- New Business
  - revive the non-profit application process
  - events calendar changes to fix date ordering
  - funding policy
  - cross-linking request in exchange for a donation from
- Arranging the next meeting date
- Adjournment

Call to Order
The chairman calls the meeting to order at 13:05 UTC.

Treasurer's report
The treasurer is absent so his report is skipped.

Membership committee
No members have joined since the last meeting.

Repository committee
Alex Clark has been signed up as as contributor.

The chairman brings up the number of projects on svn.zope.org
still not conforming to the new guidelines. Charlie Clark is
working on a report format to warn project authors more
directly. Once that report is finished and authors contacted
directly other measures can be considered, such as moving
projects presumed abandoned off into a separate space.

Christian Theune reports that there are no actionable
items for the board as a result of the Zope Summit at the
gocept office in Halle/Saale. While several developers
have agreed to pick up small specific tasks there was no
general agreement on a vision for the future. Issues
preventing progress are, among others, a leadership vacuum
and disagreements between people concentrating on
maintenance and backwards-compatibility as opposed to
those favoring innovation and creativity.

After some discussion the board agrees that well-prepared
sprints with clear goals may help move the platform
forward in a coordinated way. Those sprints can coincide
with other events already frequented by developers, such
as PyCon, and they should be based on community suggestions
gathered in advance.

The calendar packages issue is put aside for the moment as
Andreas Jung is not present.

The Windows build support project item was a leftover from
previous agendas and can be dropped, it's done.

There is no website update as Andreas Jung is absent.

Tabled business
The domain name transfer and Subversion repository move
items remain tabled.

New Business
The chairman is trying to see the accountant who has handled
the non-profit application this month in conjunction with other
business at the accountant's office.

The vice chair has revamped the events calendar at
calendar.zope.org to use the Plone event content type. One
issue remains with the presentation, Jan will ask Andreas Jung
for help.

The vice chair has developed a simple policy to handle requests
for funding:

    "The Zope Foundation is in favor of encouraging Zope
    development by funding events. Currently the Zope Foundation
    does not have the resources to fund any events."

The secretary moves to accept this wording, seconded by the vice
chair. The motion is accepted unanimously.

The foundation has received a request for a link from the
zope2.zope.org homepage to a company named singaporereizen.nl
in exchange for an unspecified donation. The secretary argues
that the foundation is not in the business of cross-linking
to unrelated businesses and moves to reject the request. The
motion is seconded by the vice chair and passed unanimously.
The chairman instructs the secretary to forward the decision
to the mail sender and thank her for the offer.

Arranging the next meeting date
The vice chair will set up a Doodle to plan the next meeting date.

The chairman adjourns the meeting at 14:02 UTC.

These minutes were written by the secretary, Jens Vagelpohl,
according to the notes taken during the meeting.

These minutes were posted to the foundation-board at zope.org mailing
list and approved by all participating directors on October 4, 2010.

The chairman bid the secretary keep these minutes on file.

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