[ZF] BoD meeting minutes 2011-04-06
Jens Vagelpohl
jens at dataflake.org
Sat Apr 9 09:02:46 EDT 2011
The following minutes are published online at:
Jens Vagelpohl
Secretary, Zope Foundation Board of Directors
Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Directors
Date and Time: Wednesday, April 6, 2011 20:00 UTC
Location: IRC meeting, irc://irc.freenode.net/#zope-foundation
Directors Present:
- Jung, Andreas
- Rush, Jeff
- Seaver, Tres
- Smith, Jan
- Vagelpohl, Jens
Guests present:
- None
- Call to Order
- Election of officers
- chair and president
- vice chair and vice president
- secretary
- treasurer
- Treasurer's report
- treasurer turnover process
- Membership committee
- new members since last meeting
- Repository committee
- new committers since the last meeting
- repository policy monitoring and community communication
- Message/communications
- Projects
- website progress
- Tabled items
- domain name transfer Zope Corporation to Zope Foundation
- migrating the SVN repository to a ZF-controlled host
- New Business
- New/revived nonprofit application status
- 2010 tax preparation/interfacing with the accountant
- Purchasing QuickBooks online
- Arranging the next meeting date
- Adjournment
Call to Order
As the previous board's chair, Tres Seaver assumes the position
of temporary chair and calls the meeting to order at 20:04 UTC.
Election of officers
Andreas Jung nominates Tres Seaver as chairman and president. The
nomination is seconded by Jens Vagelpohl. No further nominations
are put forward. Tres Seaver accepts and is thereby elected as
new chairman and president of the Zope Foundation.
Jens Vagelpohl nominates Jan Smith as vice chair and vice president.
Andreas Jung seconds the nomination. Jan Smith accepts the
nomination and after receiving no further nominations the chairman
rules Jan Smith elected as vice chair and vice president of the
Zope Foundation.
Jens Vagelpohl nominates himself for the position of board
secretary, seconded by Jan Smith. With no further nominations
received the chairman rules Jens Vagelpohl elected as new
secretary of the Zope Foundation Board of Directors.
The former treasurer Gary Poster is absent, and since his input is
desired for the treasurer election the board agrees to postpone
filling the post of Zope Foundation treasurer. The chairman asks
the secretary to kick off a discussion about potential treasurer
candidates on the board mailing list.
In summary, the following officers are now elected:
- Chairman and president: Tres Seaver
- Vice chair and vice president: Jan Smith
- Secretary: Jens Vagelpohl
Treasurer's report
Since the previous treasurer is absent and no new treasurer has
been elected this report is skipped.
Membership committee
No new foundation members have been signed up since the last
Repository committee
Andreas Jung reports two new contributors who have signed up
since the last meeting, Érico Andrei and V. V. Suresh.
Message/communications and projects
The new zope.org website is slowly moving towards completion,
according to Andreas Jung. The demo site is available at
http://zopeorg.d2m.at. Last visual fixes are pending and
some content needs to be updated. A beta release is scheduled
for early May under a new hostname beta.zope.org. Last fixes
to content and design are scheduled until the end of May/early
June. Preparation of old.zope.org (the current zope.org site)
will happen during the beta phase mid-May. Andreas Jung will
announce the beta site on the various community mailing lists
once it's ready.
The chairman asks if there is a way other people can participate
in converting content from the old zope.org site as well as
the Zope Foundation website at foundation.zope.org. Jeff Rush
volunteers to help, he will get access through the zope.org
webmaster Michael Haubenwallner.
Tabled business
The domain name transfer and Subversion repository move
items remain tabled.
New Business
Since all items under New Business require participation by the
previous treasurer they are skipped.
Arranging the next meeting date
The vice chair will set up a Doodle to plan the next meeting date.
The chairman adjourns the meeting at 20:24 UTC.
These minutes were written by the secretary, Jens Vagelpohl,
according to the notes taken during the meeting.
These minutes were posted to the foundation-board at zope.org mailing
list and approved by all participating directors on April 08, 2011.
The chairman bid the secretary keep these minutes on file.
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