[ZF] BoD meeting minutes 2011-11-07

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Sun Nov 13 21:53:22 UTC 2011

The following minutes are published online at:


Jens Vagelpohl
Secretary, Zope Foundation Board of Directors


Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Directors

Date and Time: Monday, November 7, 2011 20:00 UTC
Location: IRC meeting, irc://irc.freenode.net/#zope-foundation
Directors Present:
- Jung, Andreas
- Rush, Jeff (treasurer)
- Seaver, Tres (chair)
- Smith, Jan (vice chair)
- Vagelpohl, Jens (secretary)

Guests present:
- da Silva, Sidnei

- Call to Order
- Treasurer's report
  - treasurer turnover process
- Membership committee
  - new members since last meeting
- Repository committee
  - new committers since the last meeting
- Tabled items
  - domain name transfer Zope Corporation to Zope Foundation
  - migrating the SVN repository to a ZF-controlled host
- New Business
  - New/revived nonprofit application status
  - International wire transfer options for invoice payment
  - ERP5 as alternative to QuickBooks Online
  - Purchasing QuickBooks online
  - Status update server upgrade
  - Sprint branches on GitHub:  https://github.com/zopefoundation
- Arranging the next meeting date
- Adjournment

Call to Order
The chairman calls the meeting to order at 20:03 UTC and 
welcomes Sidnei da Silva as guest.

Treasurer's report
The treasurer is still in touch with the bank in order to 
become a co-signer on the account. He has to deal with two 
different regional branches which are providing conflicting
information. Bank statements are still going to Gary Poster 
and the electronic mailbox on the bank website. Redirecting
these and getting access to the website requires co-signer 
status and a debit card for the account. Since the treasurer
is thus unable to pay invoices at this moment he will ask Gary 
Poster to pay outstanding invoices.

Membership committee
No new members have joined since the last meeting.

Repository committee
No new contributors have applied since the last meeting.

Tabled business
The domain name transfer and Subversion repository move 
items remain tabled.

New Business
The chairman has not managed to reach the foundation accountant 
Sean O'Connell by phone.

The treasurer has studied the different options for QuickBooks 
Online and is ready to purchase it as soon as he has a debit card
for the foundation bank account. He likes QuickBooks but wonders 
if we really need its power and features.

The chairman asks if anyone knows how ERP5 can iterface with the 
accountant but no one knows. After Jean-Paul Smets' initial request
to consider ERP5 and the secretary's description of our requirements
we have not heard back from Jean-Paul or any other ERP5 expert.

The last items on the server upgrade task list, moving 
download.zope.org and the mailing lists, are on hold until the 
secretary finds the time. He wants to make time at the end of 

The chairman has added a new agenda item pertaining to code from
"Zope 4 sprint" being put into GitHub instead of svn.zope.org. He 
has spoken with Hanno Schlichting, the sprint coordinator, that 
unilaterally moving the code to GitHub is not acceptable as GitHub 
is independent from the svn.zope.org logins and scrutiny which 
ensures only signed contributors can add code. Hanno is now aware
of the issue. As long as the GitHub area remains something like a 
scratch pad and the corresponding contributor checks these changes 
into svn.zope.org to retain contributor and change history there 
should not be any issues.

Arranging the next meeting date
The vice chair will set up a Doodle for the next meeting date.

The chairman adjourns the meeting at 20:30 UTC.

These minutes were written by the secretary, Jens Vagelpohl, 
according to the notes taken during the meeting.

These minutes were posted to the foundation-board at zope.org mailing
list and approved by all participating directors on November 13, 2011.

The chairman bid the secretary keep these minutes on file.

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